Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1129: Leave your own trace


Muria, who is standing on the highest part of the sky, talks with Michelangela, but he controls all the movements on the battlefield. No matter what happens below, he cannot escape his perception.

Each giant died, and each dragon fell from the sky. Muria all looked at him, but he did not intervene.

This is his first clash with an epic outside of the Erasian world, the first family war, and fortunately this epic is not present.

So his family members received a very good training opportunity, they can adapt to the battle with the epic family members outside the Erasian world in advance.

If Muria intervenes, he can make his army not to have any casualties in this war, and even the most eye-catching zero battle loss to win this war, but what does this mean?

The purpose of forming a dependent army is to help him in conflict with evil gods and start a war instead of finding a burden for himself.

He can intervene now, but can he intervene when he really fights another epic? I'm afraid not. At that time, what he needed was the assistance of his family's legion instead of hindering him. He needed his help.

So, in his perception, those giants and dragons that he had a complete opportunity to change the results of their fall, their death is necessary.

If a legion wants to become stronger, it must sharpen itself through war, and build the road under its feet with blood and bones. These blood and bones have enemies, but they also have their own.

For the death of his family members, Muria's attitude is very indifferent. But his indifference was not complete, because Muria always kept martial stars together through martial arts.

这些 And these condensed out, from time to time, the stars appearing around him will fall, and suddenly fall into the body of a dragon or giant, greatly improving their quality in all aspects.

Some of these dragons or giants fell into a slump. When they were about to die, a golden star fell, and after they suddenly received the power given by the martial stars, they immediately turned the game over.

But not all relatives who are about to die can get the stars. Some of them are not in danger at all, and the relatives who have the upper hand in battle will also be given stars.

Because Muria didn't care, or forcefully demanded that he didn't care about the war damage of his family members, the standard he gave the stars was not to see who was in crisis, so he gave one.

The standard for martial arts stars is based on military achievements.

Whoever kills the most enemies in the same level, the more likely he is to get Wu Zhixing.

This is a fairly fair and equitable way, and capable individuals will get more resources after proving themselves. This is true of any vigorously developing force.

怎么 "Why? What's going on below?" Michelangela, who spoke to Muria, suddenly noticed that her husband's attention had suddenly shifted, and she asked curiously.

She knows that most of Muria ’s perception is concentrated on the battlefield. To put it plainly, her husband lived while chatting with her, but he was simply foolish, but only a little inattentive talking to her, or rather Deal with her.

"A very special machine appeared below." Muria's face showed a playful smile.

"Divine machine? How special?" Of course, Michelangela knew about this biological weapon that was originally made from the flesh and blood of the relatives of evil gods.

When Muria found her, she was also in a base city, disguised herself as an ordinary **** machine, and understood the information around her.

"Specially, this is a weapon that should not be born under normal circumstances."

Muria reached out and held Miguelella's palm, and then pulled it gently. The two bodies were calmly moving in the air, but in front of their respective bodies, two unrealities that were exactly the same as theirs were separated. Shadow.

走 "Go, I'll show you down."

"Your research on avatars is not bad!" Seeing that Muria could build a avatar based on her consciousness without her own consent, Michelle said suddenly a little.

"Of course, I have also observed the laws of operation of several worlds. This pediatric thing can still be done." Muria, who separated his incarnation with his wife, said with a smile.

Uh ...

"This magic machine!"

The man looked at the God machine that was constantly devouring the blood of the giant. The expression on his face gradually changed from the initial surprise to panic, because he felt that the God machine in his hand was about to surpass his control.

The original magic machine only swallowed the blood flowing from the giant to the ground. Of course, it was still unsatisfied when it swallowed up the blood on the ground, and it even actively pulled the blood that remained in the giant's body.

At this time, the man also found that he completely lost his ability to control the magic machine. Therefore, the surprise that the God machine was gradually strengthened by devouring the blood of the giant was first turned into a panic.

Once the God Machine is out of control, what can happen to a man cannot be clearer. Before the God Machine was updated, the God Machine cast from the flesh of the evil God ’s family had clearly told the posterity that after the God Machine went away, the God Machine ’s end would How miserable.

After the horror, the man's mood gradually calmed down, because he found that this magic machine just didn't obey his will, and did not have the tendency to backfire on him.

Or rather than counterattacking his own master, this magic machine feels that it is a better choice to swallow the blood of the giant and the essence left in the body.

Of course, this is a man's conjecture. With his son in the wilderness to survive, he has faced the darkness of humanity, so he will subconsciously develop everything he encounters to the worst possible. Think on it.

In this way, even after the worst is likely to happen, he can deal with it with the most calm mindset. If it does not happen, then he can take it as a surprise, even if the outcome of this event is bad.

And just as the man started to think wildly, the magic machine in his hand further changed, and several translucent jade tendons like the topaz carved spread out of the magic machine, and then pierced his wrist fiercely. In.


The man screamed a painful scream, but he closed his mouth just after opening his mouth, and screamed the scream into his mouth.

Immediately he reacted, and at the same time when he released the **** level, the other hand also grasped Yujin fiercely, trying to pull it off his own wrist, and then just a moment, the man's forehead leaked. Sweat came out.


This is the only feeling that a man pulls Yujin, because he feels that these things seem to grow in his own hands. He pulls them as if he is tearing his own flesh and blood, but also his own fatal vitality.

Hm (? ′ Ω`?) ~

男人 The man who had just been tossed aloud made a comfortable cry. Because he felt that power was gradually filling his whole body, such a sense of pleasure he had never experienced before.

"What the **** is going on?" The man who felt the continuous flow of power from the divine machine was somewhat hoodwinked. He could feel his power growing, but he didn't understand how it all happened.

At the same time, when the man drew the power remaining in the giant's corpse through the **** machine, and gradually mutated, the existence of the two hidden in the space gap was discussed.

"Micah, what do you think?" Muria looked at the slightly weird scene in front of him, and asked Michalella.

"If I read correctly, all the remnants left after the giant's death will be incorporated into this **** machine, which is the main reason for the mutation of the **** machine."

Migallera looked at the light that continued to flow from the giant's corpse into the magic machine. She saw at a glance what the essence of this light was. This was the soul of the giant.


但是 "How can such a thing happen, even if the giant's soul is damaged because of fighting, how can it live on a weapon?"

"It's really unreasonable ~ www.readwn.com ~ I remember you just said, the last stubbornness in the world, right, so the birth of this magic machine is the reason for this world?"

"Stop leaking. I should just hold on. This should make you guess for a while." Muria patted her forehead pretending to be annoyed, and then admitted Miguelella's guess. .

"The seemingly unreasonable weapon in front of it is born with a very low probability, but driven by a very reasonable coincidence."

"What's the point of this?" Michelangela was a little lost, "Isn't this just for you?"

"Maybe it is the last stubbornness. The world already knows the fate it is about to face, so it wants to leave its last trace of its own."

"Do you want to arm this kind of **** machine into your dependent army on a large scale? You ca n’t make up the soul of giants alone! Or are you going to slaughter half of your giants and use their souls? Go and arm the other half of the giant? "Michelia joked with Muria in a ridiculous tone.

"The range of material choices for the God Machine is actually quite huge. The soul of the giant can be replaced by the soul of a creature of the same level." Muria touched his chin. He already planned to call immediately after the war ended Your own half plane, and then make your own crazy attempt.

As a result of this war, the world actually gave him such a show, it was really stubborn and cute.

:. :

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