Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1131: The choice of the evil god

"this is……"

The man opened his eyes wide and looked up at the wonders in the sky. It was a vast world that gradually changed from blur to clear. He could see the mountains, rivers, lakes, and the many monsters who slept in it.

But what strikes men most is the giant tree in this world, because even in the sky, so far apart, men can feel the hugeness of this tree.

カ 嚓 ~

The incident that once again impacted the three views of the man happened. The big tree in the sky stood up as the vast world that had taken root gradually descended into the earth, and became more and more clear, as if it were really necessary. Appears the same in this world.

The stingy man watched the thick tree roots pierce the sky in front of him. The dark space cracks were wrapped around these tree roots like black ribbons, but they could not hurt the roots of the trees.

Then these twisted like snakes in the sky, so the spiritual roots plunged into the clouds and towered above the corpse mountain piled up by the corpses of the relatives of the evil gods.

Visible to the naked eye, the corpses of the relatives of the evil gods who first came into contact with these tree roots became dry, and the remaining essence was swallowed and extracted by the tree roots.

随着 And as these tree roots learned what they needed, more tree roots pierced the space from the shadow of the world above them, and they took the lead in digging deep into the dead mountain.

Howling ~

The sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves sounded, a fresh and natural freshness of grass and trees permeated the battlefield where the corpse ran across the field, and instantly dilute the **** air covering the battlefield.

The man took a deep breath unconsciously, and immediately felt comfortable and his body was a little lighter, but then he felt his legs were a little soft.

Because he saw that the big tree standing on top of the sky has been realized on the sky, the roots of each tree broke through the last space obstacle, all of them fell on the corpse mountain below and took root directly.

Rumbling ~

The blue-and-white thunder shone in the sky, but no thunder struck this tree that couldn't see the whole picture.

随着 Because of the emergence of giant wood, the rule collapsed due to the erosion of evil gods, which caused the world covered by clouds all year round and a trace of clarity was restored.

In the dark clouds that have been lightened, a little white light is transmitted, and the sunlight seems to reappear in this world.

When the world lowers the thunder, it seems to be cheering for the appearance of the eternal life tree. This is the cheering voice of the world, because at this moment, it can be regarded as truly redeemed.

What Muria had done before was nothing more than helping him clean up the culprit that had caused it so much. If Muria goes away, for the world, collapse and destruction is the inevitable end.

In the thunder and lightning flashes in the sky, the man felt that the ground beneath his feet began to shake slightly. He saw that the ground bulged around the corpse mountain, one after another, sharp protrusions, these protrusions continued to extend upward, like To form a continuous mountain range directly.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Around the corpse mountain, there is really a continuous mountain range that is taking shape. It is like a tree guarding the center, which has taken root, is happily absorbing nutrients, and is beginning to grow again.

"What the **** is going on?" The shocking scene like the world before him is completely beyond the scope of men's cognition. He can no longer control his increasingly weak legs and kneels directly on the ground.

After he knelt on the ground, the change had not stopped. The blood-stained ground around him had collapsed and subsided with the sound of vibration, but the black mud rolled up immediately.

In a short moment, the blood-soaked dirt on this battlefield sank to the ground, some meters deep, waiting to be assimilated by the forces of the world.

规 After regularization, the terrain became extremely flat, and the world gradually fell into the sky and became more and more clear.

Then all the mountains, hills, canyons, rivers, lakes, etc. have all been realized, completely replacing the original barren and deadly battlefield, and the surrounding environment instantly becomes vibrant and full of breath of life.

"Is this the savior!" Watching the deserted land under his feet turned into a verdant grass covered with dew, and he has become a man kneeling on the ground by a giant. He couldn't help putting his head down deeply, almost greedy. Breathing the fresh smell of plants on the grass.

This change of scenes not only shocked the men who are now giants, but also shocked many family members of His Majesty Muria. They also saw for the first time the power that only gods and epics can have.

Humans rescued by Muria from the edge of the world, lingering and lingering, also saw the phantom of the half-plane when it first appeared, and also clearly felt the change in the world after the half-plane had merged with the world.

These humans do not understand any epic, nor do they understand the half plane. They only know that when those visions appear, their world seems to be better. Even the air they breathe has a fresh smell of plants. .

Compared to the shocked family members and human beings, the source of all these changes was also shocked by his own masterpiece at this time, and he was intoxicated by himself.

"It has been almost three hundred years since I broke through the epic. I knew that epic was on the side of God as a child, and now I finally experience the taste of being an epic. The power of the epic is really terrifying!"

"What are you doing? Muria." And just as Muria fell into self-intoxication and self-admiration, Michaelia's voice sounded. At this time she looked at Muria very delicately.

咳 "Oh, I just sighed involuntarily, don't mind." Muria noticed Michelle's eyes, coughed, and touched her nose, slightly covering up the awkwardness.

"I'm so big, it's the first time I've seen anyone praise their strength." Michelangela's mouth was slightly raised, and she was pleased by Muria's self-smelling posture just now.

"You don't understand how I feel now. By that time, you will, like me, integrate a world into your own half-plane. If you feel the changes after that level of rules, you will know how I feel now."

Muriya said with emotion. Creation is more difficult than destruction, and also creation is more fulfilling than destruction. At this time, Muria, who successfully integrated her half-plane into the world, felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Integration is the first step and also the most difficult step. As long as it succeeds, everything will come to pass. Muria feels that as long as she spends a little more time, she can take complete control of the world.

"Hum!" And when he heard Muria's words, the smile on Michelangela's face disappeared instantly, and he murmured dissatisfied.

额 "Um," Muria, who realized that she was a little bit frustrated, quickly remedied, "Micah, I will find you a world like this at the time, let you realize ..."

"This is not necessary, you are just lucky, so you have encountered this situation, it is too difficult to meet the second time. I'll promote to the imaginary boundary in the most traditional way."

"I will definitely give it to you when we encounter it. Although at our level, no foreign object can help us to forcibly improve our realm, but no matter what the direction is, a world can still give us some details and shorten us and those The gap between ancient epics. "

"Let's meet again. Now you should start preparing for the evil god."

"It's just a matter of waiting." Muria was helpless. "And that guy doesn't necessarily come. I cleared all his relatives in this world. It is very likely that he would scare him, and he won't come directly. . "

Epic and deities, these have acquired eternal existence in a certain sense, and most of them will try their best to avoid conflict with the existence of the same level.

Similar to the Titans, even if they are promoted to epic, the races that like to fight with their peers are extremely rare. After all, in the case of already having an infinite life, it is too foolish to go to work hard with others, it is not necessary at all.

"Your world is tantamount to forcibly snatching from the mouth of that evil **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ For such a great loss of profit, even the evil **** who cherishes his life will not give up."

"This is also true."

Uh ...

"All the dependents are dead." Feeling the faint fluctuations coming from the distant shore, murmured by the evil **** shrouded in the dark mist of curse formed after the world fell, under the blessing of the world curse, he The voice has the effect of making mortals crazy.

"My food was robbed." After calculating the time when his family members would be destroyed, the evil **** of the wild made a conclusion.

He can destroy his dependents in such a short time only if he exists with his peers. The instinctual resistance of the world cannot produce such a brilliant result.

"..." The evil spirit of the desert, with his family members, stayed in the dark void, thinking silently, and then he had two choices,

First of all, when the family members who died themselves did not exist, this thing has not happened, and then go back, and it is estimated that nothing will happen next.

Second, continue to move forward, reach the position where the food has been taken away by force, see what food has been stolen, and then decide whether to fight with him based on the strength of the enemy.

If the strength is not strong, you must fight with it, as a warning, also show your strength, and then get back some food, if it is too strong, ennn ...

Uh-huh, you guys, use it slowly. I just came to see it and left without sending it.

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