Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1132: Looks like I can't afford it

In the dark, cold and dead void, the small world is faintly faint, but although the light is dim, it is exceptionally stable, and it even has a sense of strength.

绽放 The light that blooms in the world, after passing through the long dark void, is reflected on the other world sky, which is a humble little star.

However, this light reflected in the stars of other worlds is also reflected in the eyes of an existence lingering with an unknown twist, and in his eyes, this light is far stronger than the light of stars in other worlds.

Because this existence is too close to this small world, it is so close that it only takes one thought to reach this world and explore the mysteries.

However, this existence did not do so, he just stared at this tiny little world in the void, silently thinking about what to do next.

存在 And this being is the evil deity who wandered from the distant void to the shore with his family members. He is now observing the world that should be reduced to his own food but taken away.

He can perceive the breath in this world that can only be emitted by his existence at this level, but this breath makes him a little uncertain.

Because it is so weak, it is so weak that it seems that the same existence as him only stays here for a moment, but does not act like it.

"Would you like to try it out?" The evil **** of the desert hesitated. For him, the world in front of which he had chosen as food was full of unknowns, and he was not sure what was in it.

He may just be some lucky indigenous people who fortunately got the epic relics, clearing out the family members he sowed in the world for erosion. But it's more likely that he happened to be passing by and then shamelessly stole all his achievements.

But, just as he hesitated to take action, a dazzling light rose from the world not far away from him, surged out, and shot straight at his location.

That is an inner infrared white, and there is a small golden arc shining at the edges. Wherever this light passes, the void trembles, and everything that comes into contact with it is gasified.

In a very short period of time, this light rainbow quickly expanded in the eyes of the evil **** of the wilderness. The power contained in this light made the evil **** of the desert feel a serious threat. He twisted his huge body, This path contained the light that seemed to shatter everything before it fell on him, avoiding it with the least amount of effort.

But the action of the evil **** of the wild was a devastating blow to the family of soldiers that surrounded him. Blood flowers exploded in the dark void, and then fell on the spur-like body of the evil god.

躯 The body of all souls in the epic is irresistible and indestructible to the creatures under the epic. Therefore, the action of the evil demon God has crushed his tens of thousands of family members, and all the family members who touched his body exploded without exception.

But for the Legion of the Wild Devil's dependents, the damage they dominated to avoid was only the first wave. After the Light of the Devil just avoided the attack path of this light, the flood of light wiped his body. On the edge, the array of the Legion's dependent legion runs through.

This light has passed, all the evil **** relatives who come into contact with it have directly vaporized, and there is no chance to send out mourning. Of course, there are some evil **** relatives with better luck. They only touched this part of the body.

Then they screamed screams, because the moment they touched the light, the golden thunder arc lingering around the light spread to them, destroying the vitality in them.

In a few short breaths, the family members who were only touched by the light turned into ashes under the shroud of golden thunder arcs and drifted in the void.

So after this light disappeared, an extremely dazzling blank space appeared in the array of dependent legions carried by the evil deities of God, and around this blank space was surrounded by a circle of dark gray embers on these embers, From time to time, some golden arcs flickered.

Unless there was no preparation, the evil spirit God who was suddenly attacked did not look at the casualties of his family members, but looked in the direction of the attack, because the existence of this attack had already appeared.

In the small world emitting a faint light, the bright and dazzling golden light appeared and spread rapidly. In this golden light, the existence of a war armor appeared, and on his head, it seemed to wear a crown . Behind him, the slender tail circle, the wide dragon wings unfolded ...

But the specific is not real, because under the background of golden light, the figure of this existence seems extremely vague. But all the power of that epic was revealed.

And this kind of power has also made the angry evil **** in the heart anger, presses the anger in his heart, instead of shooting under the drive of emotion, he keeps himself in the most indifferent mentality.

The "food" that originally belonged to him was taken away, and even completely occupied by the other party. As a result, the epic had to be really angry about it.

And this is just one of them. Just when he just arrived here for observation, he was actually attacked by the other party. Although this attack did not harm him, it caused a large number of casualties to his family.

Although this number of family casualties is not much to the torrent of the legion engulfed by the evil **** of the wild, some of the casualties are too bad.

The evil **** of the wild is very angry. This is an unquestionable fact. His belongings were robbed, and he just came to see the situation and decided to make a decision based on the situation. But when he observed, he robbed him. The thing's villain, after he found him, said nothing and blasted at him. This is simply shameless robber behavior.

But even after encountering these situations that made the evil **** angry, the evil **** of the wild still decided to talk to the opponent first, rather than fight with the opponent.

He is not a low-level beast with no brains. The food that originally belonged to him was taken away, and the large number of casualties of his family members really made him angry, but in his opinion, it was not worth it because these were fighting with a peer. .

Because fighting with the same level of existence may make his infinite life step into the end, and the benefits that the battle can gain, he can take some time to get it again. The risks to such a comparison of benefits are not worth it at all.

"What is your existence?" The evil **** shrouded by the cursed black mist formed by the world's demise took the lead.

This sound made Muria, who appeared in the original form and holding the Emperor Osiris with a demon as a target, stared at the Star Destroyer Cannon, but his movement was not slow, and he continued to charge the Star Destroyer Cannon. Ready to do it again.

He had already seen the power of the annihilation star cannon, and Murcia was not surprised by the results of the recent blow. It was normal to miss.

The Emperor of the Armed Forces was able to take out the Star Cannon and madly output to an old dominator, because the elder directly imprisoned him in the city of the eternal sky with his strongest control.

虽然 Although the city of the eternal sky carries a city word, its scale is so large that it can't match the city, that is, a world constructed of metal, or a world-wide war fortress.

In such a place, the Emperor Emperor can do whatever he wants with an evil **** and use him as a target to conduct various weapon experiments.

In a vast place like the void, Muria fired a shot from such a long distance. If he can still hit the evil god, then this evil **** should not be confused, and he will do it himself.

Although he had expected the results of his attack, Muria did not expect that he would treat the evil **** this way. This evil **** did not fight back and planned to communicate with him. Such behavior made him a little bit big. Fall into glasses.

If he did such a thing to any Titan, there would be no language communication between the two at all, just copy the guys and just talk to each other.

"Titan and Dragon Son, Muria!"

I just had a shot, and Muria, who was still a bit unwilling, recharged at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ and gave this evil temper that seemed completely out of touch with the evil god.

The senses that the evil **** gave him were a little different from those of the twisted and weird old dominators he saw. At least, this evil **** didn't have the disgusting tentacles and fangs all over his body, which looked slightly pleasing to the eye.

But he still has the breath of those epics who chose to take the world as the path of extinction. The end of all things, the death of souls, the fall of the earth, and the mourning of all beings ... this is what the evil gods can associate with the existence they see. vocabulary.

Epic, who chose to destroy the world to gain the source of power to comprehend the laws of the world, has a common name: the destroyer. They are the enemies of beings, the enemies of the world.

No world will welcome them, except for their own motherland, and when these annihilators with the cursed mist generated after the destruction of the world approach the big world, they have a great chance of being met by the world. attack.

的 The big world, long enough to give birth, can basically produce a variety of epics, or gods who can fight with epics, these are the powers that the world can use to defend itself.

"Titan and the Son of the Dragon!" Just a self-proclaimed, the anger in the evil spirit of the desolate God was mostly wiped out by himself, because as soon as this title was heard, the existence in front of him was different from him, and there was still behind him A race that can support, this is an existence with a large background.

However, the evil **** of the wild is not ready to conflict with Muria, but Muria does not intend to let him go ...

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