Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1134: Epic battle

Facing the impact of a world, the evil **** of the wild persuaded each world to be the most perfect regular structure, and being hit by the world is not as simple as bearing a huge physical attack.

However, although the evil **** of the wild wanted to avoid it, he did not escape in the end. Because when the world was held in Muria's hands, it looked small, but after he threw it, it skyrocketed, and its volume was so large that he was not allowed to hide.

Not to mention that after the world was thrown over, all the void around him was blocked. Although this blockade was not strong enough, he could forcibly smash it, but he did not have this time, so there was no chance to avoid it.

As a result, under the attention of Muria, he felt that he was hitting the evil **** of the wild with a mad blow, and at the same time he included all his relatives.

The contact between the world and the evil **** of the desert was only a moment. Then, the body of the evil **** of the desert exploded, and it exploded without any resistance. His bones, minced meat, scale armor, blood ... With a stream of light, flying away in all directions.

These debris carry terrifying kinetic energy. Wherever they pass, they crush everything that is in front of them, almost nothing to stop. Therefore, the relatives of the demon evil gods were both stricken by the force majeure and suffered heavy injuries from their domination.

However, some of the relatives of the evil gods of the wild are more fortunate. They were not hurt by their masters, because they were gasified and turned into the most basic material units before their masters exploded.

That ’s right, these are "lucky" relatives of evil gods who feel the weight of the world with the evil gods of the wild. They experience an attack that is difficult to encounter in an epic. Under the world, they become nothing. This way of death can be said. It's very lined up and it's worth it.

At least Muria thinks these guys are worth it, because this attack, even if he can't come again, unless Muria doesn't want to annex the half-plane of the world by himself.

Each of the worlds that gave birth to life is a treasure in the void. Their existence keeps the empty and dark void from death. They are the source of life and the basis for the void to enter into the colorful and prosperous. Under normal circumstances, the world can never be used as a weapon.

Let me say that there are several epics that can shake the world and throw them out as weapons. Even if there are epics with this ability, they will never be regarded as weapons.

Because of the epic that has the power to shake the world, it can do more damage to the hostile existence than it does by throwing the world, and they have no need to launch such an inefficient attack.

And Muria was able to throw the world not because he had the power to truly shake the world, but because the world was eroded by the evil gods first, then he was merged into the half plane, and he had the authority of the Lord of the world, That's why he can do such incredible things.

And it wasn't Muria's whimsy. He wanted to smash the evil **** with the world wide open, but the remaining will of the world had a very strong desire for revenge, so Muria followed the trend and came here.

Muria merges the world with his own half plane, and then dominates it is equivalent to taking away the house. When he truly controls the world, his will will completely replace the consciousness of the world, and everything in the world will Run with his thoughts.

穆 Before Muria can truly control the world, he must erase or merge the original will of the world, and to do so, he must follow the will of the world and complete his obsession.

This world, eroded by the evil **** to the end of the world, naturally wants to avenge the culprit, but under normal circumstances, it simply cannot help a evil **** who can walk freely in the void.

But it happened that Muria came here, and after saving it, and tried to control it, the world will follow the trend, and then Muria has thrown it and attacked the evil **** of the wild.

的 The result of this attack looks extremely brilliant. The body of the evil **** was directly blown up, and the family members it carried were also destroyed.

But using the world as a weapon of attack is typical of killing an enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. The evil **** has been fundamentally damaged, and the world itself has been damaged by irreparable damage.

When the world hit the body of the evil god, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in the world. The ground was crushed as easily as a piece of tofu, and bottomless abyss spread wantonly on the barren land.

Countless mountains fell and shattered during this impact, and some basins and plains became crisscross mountains due to a large earthquake. The dead sea caused a tsunami of up to 100 meters. Push all obstacles.

This big earthquake that changed the topography of the entire world is just one of the natural disasters that happened after the impact of the world. The hurricane that shattered all the ground flattened. It seemed that the thunder that never stopped continued to split from the sky ...

There are horrific natural disasters that can destroy a surface civilization one after another, but unfortunately, there is no civilization in the world that has destroyed these natural disasters. There are only half-giants and forcibly transformed half-giants and dragons.

Barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, anyway, the world has been ruined by the relatives of the evil gods, there is nothing left, even if there are several more natural disasters will not be less than now.

This is why Muria wants the world to be thrown out as a weapon, because he only needs to protect a small area of ​​the world where his family and the human reproduction of the Great Wall are enough.

吼 "Roar! Titan and son of the dragon, you are too much."

A squeal of roar that was suppressed to the extreme and exploded exploded in the void. This was the voice of the evil **** of the wild. He did not die after he loved the world, although his body did explode.

But such damage is really serious for epic, but not fatal. As if the scene of the retrograde time appeared, it was just hit by the world, then exploded, and flew towards the fragments of the body of the evil **** in all directions, dragging back a stream of light and flying back.

At the position where the evil **** of the wild was just hit by the world, hundreds of millions of streamers reunited together, and the evil **** of the wild shrouded by the cursed road of the world appeared again, and it looked exactly like the perfect state before being attacked.

But Muria knew that the evil **** in front of him was absolutely traumatized. Otherwise, he would n’t have exploded if he had been counseled thoroughly.

As for the evil **** of the waste, what price did he pay in order to maintain his previous peak status. Muria is unknown, because he has never experienced the experience of being physically blown and then recovering.

However, he can roughly estimate that the epic spirit body has super activity, and its activity has been so strong that it can regenerate an epic blood.

Even if the uncle's body was beaten with only one drop of blood left, that epic can recover and regenerate the entire body with this last drop of blood.

But this regeneration will definitely consume, no matter where, the quality is always conserved. Therefore, an epic who was blown up and then resurrected with blood was definitely paying something, for example, Yuanli.

"Have you not responded yet? The world destroyer, whether you are willing to fight with me or not, I will treat you as an enemy, and I am going to do my best to let you fall here, so take all your power ! "

"Nosy guy." When he heard Muria calling him a World Destroyer, the evil **** of the desert understood what kind of existence he was, and then he quickly adjusted his mentality because he knew that Fighting is inevitable.

So, the evil spirit who adjusted his mentality put out a huge paw, and then grasped fiercely towards the world close to him.

From the perspective of the evil **** of wildness, of course, he can see that the world hit by him by the Titan and the son of the dragon as weapons has a very close relationship with him.

Alas, the world that had just destroyed his body became his first target of attack, but its claws had not yet fallen, and a bright golden swordman rose from the world and chopped on its claws.


A handful of black **** blood spewed out ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then fell into the world and turned into a black rainstorm. The black rainwater fell on the ground and smashed small pits. Into the earth.

Soon, in the place where the rainstorm came, small black puddles appeared. These puddles continued to expand after the rain fell, and then linked together to form a lake.

But this nascent lake no longer had the opportunity to continue to expand, a golden light fell straight from the sky, and then crashed into the lake, leaving a clear visible sword mark in the air.

The golden sword qi spread madly, forming a sword qi storm that swept the world, directly damaging this black rainstorm, and the black rain and sword qi annihilated each other.

At last, there was a clear sky between the heavens and the earth, leaving only a sword inserted in the crater, making an unwilling buzzing sound ...

"You are too timid, World Destroyer, was it the same when you destroyed the world?"

When the evil **** of the wild did not hesitate to start the world and was blocked by the backhand who stayed in the world in advance, Muria stepped out, and a golden avenue was formed at its feet, penetrated the void, and ran across the evil **** of the wild. And the world.

And when the evil **** of the wild fell the sword, Muria took a step and appeared in front of the evil **** of the wild, facing this demon experiencing destruction, death, mixed with the evil spirit of the savage spirit, and the actual warfare mixed. With his flesh, a golden ocean formed behind him, sweeping all directions.

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