Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1135: Evil God of Explosion

| | |->-> To Muria's taunting words, the evil **** of the wild did not respond. Since it has been determined to be the enemy, there is no need to continue communication.

I'm trying to defeat it ... well, it's a bit unrealistic. So I still tangled with him for a while, then looked for opportunities to find a way to retreat.

Although the hostile identities of the two sides have been thoroughly determined, the evil **** of the desert still did not have the idea of ​​fighting Muria to the end. Still, if he wins, there is no benefit and he loses even more.

"Dang the magic sword, come!"

Muriya made a move towards the world behind him, and a bright golden sword Hong suddenly burst out of the world, falling into his hands with the sound of the crisp sword echoing in the void.

"Just done a good job!"

Holding the sword connected to his blood in his hand, Muria praised him, and when his voice fell, the golden light on the sword's body shrank, and the golden light flickered. The sword shone, and the sword was excited.

As Muria's strength continued to increase, the exclusive weapons bred in his body also increased spiritually. But unfortunately, the exclusive weapons that have become more spiritual have not increased the increase for Muria as much as before.

Compared to the increase in attacks brought by Muria, it is not as hard as the exclusive weapon itself, but it is still useful.

After praising Muria, he didn't say anything more to the evil **** of the desert. He held the sword in his hand and cut it down towards the evil god. It was more horrifying than the sword that just rose in the world. Appeared in the void.

This golden sword-mang divides everything in the perception of the evil **** of the wild into two. Under this sword-man, a stinging sensation directly into the soul appears, reminding the evil **** of the wild, if he bears How miserable this blow will be.

However, as an evil **** who is in the void and destroying many worlds in succession, the evil **** of the desert still has a deep foundation. The behavior that just seemed to be weak is just his appearance after weighing the advantages and disadvantages.


The roar of the evil **** sounded in the void. Before Muria's sword awn fell on him, he stretched out a sickle foot that was completely different from the claws he had just explored, and greeted a body that seemed to be able to hold his body together. Divided Jianmang.


The sound of metal collision sounded. At the moment when this sound sounded, thousands of heads ran fastest, and the relatives of the evil gods who were preparing to participate in the battle between their master and Muria exploded, as if blossoming in a row. A rose blooming in the darkness.

Then the finely divided sword gas scattered and completely wiped out these freshly bloomed flowers from the void. This was an extremely overbearing power even if he had been defeated.

"I really have an idea, it is indeed an evil god." Muria looked at the sickle feet of the evil **** of the desert and raised an eyebrow. On this sickle foot, there was only a very shallow sword mark, which was the result of the sword he had just created.

It seems that it only caused some insignificant damage to the evil **** of the desert, and did not even cut the skin of the opponent, but in fact, if this sword fell on the paw just born of the evil **** of the desert, it would be enough to completely Cut off.

The reason why this happens is because the sickle foot of the evil **** of the wild is different. If there is no accident, the sickle foot should be the hardest part of the whole body of this evil god.

Because this sickle foot is basically a mixture of countless legendary metal first-level materials. If Muria didn't guess wrong, the evil **** of the wild will integrate all the legendary metal it collected into this sickle foot. on.

As a result, this also made him a sickle that is indestructible and almost immortal, which is also the common attribute of legendary metal.

And Muria can leave traces on the legendary metal at this time, which also illustrates the horror of his power. After all, Muria wants to leave traces on this sickle, and his attack is not just beyond the legendary metal defense. Enough, we also need to break through the defense of the evil **** itself.

但是 "But how many can you have sickle feet like this?"

He is not Muria despising the evil **** of the desolation, but the material of legendary metal that can be used even in the first-level existence of epic deities, and the largest output is in the big world.

In most small worlds, even if you dig all the land, you can't find a piece, but in the medium-sized world, if you are lucky, you can find a small amount.

Of course, these quantities are not enough for an epic. God knows how many worlds were destroyed by the evil **** of the desert before collecting a legendary metal that can completely transform a sickle foot.

You must know that as the destroyer, he cannot approach any big world. No big world would welcome his existence, so he cut off the channels for evil gods to obtain resources from the big world.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

… Under the indifferent gaze of the evil **** of the wild, in the body of the Titan and the Son of the Dragon ~ www.readwn.com ~ a handful of weapons appearing and not weaker than the weapons in his hands appeared and appeared. Behind him, it seemed to be laughing at him.

The emergence of the Nine-Handed Weapon completely convinced the evil **** of the wild to think in his mind. The Titan and the Son of the Dragon are definitely his current incurable existence.

He is just the number of these legendary metals he now has, which shows that he is definitely from a big world, and behind him, I am afraid there is another ethnic group whose strength can be called terror.

This battle cannot be fought. Even if it is fought, it must end as soon as possible and get out. Compared to Muria, who became more war-fighting, the evil **** of the wild was calmer.

He knows the difference between having a background and not having a background. If he died in the war now, then death is dead, no existence will avenge him, because everything related to him will be erased.

存在 And the existence in front of him, if it falls by accident, there is a high probability that an ancient epic will appear and then avenge it.

"Hahaha, come and fight!" The natural blood of the Titans has been boiling on Muria's body. He is dressed in Shengyao Huangyuan, holding the halberd in one hand, and the magic sword in one hand, golden. A flurry of blood appeared behind him.

Then, just as Muria was preparing to fight against the evil **** of the wild, the sacred and vast crimson flame broke through the blood and fell to him.

Suddenly, when seeing such a scene, the mentality of the evil **** of the wild suddenly exploded, and it was not enough to pop out an epic second-generation ancestor, but another one came out ...

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