Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1144: The Shocked Gods and Epic

"Are you crazy?" Arudibba looked at the Dragon King Moss with an incredible look. Although he didn't say it specifically, to this extent, he also understood what this greedy Dragon King wanted to do.

Not only was Arudiba surprised, but Muria was also stunned and looked at his grandfather, while in contrast, Michelangela, who had been silent by the side, seemed extremely calm, because she was used to it .

Somehow she didn't understand why her husband should be surprised by this. Isn't that the same way you deal with enemies in a wild way? Since you often think of crooked ways, don't you need to be surprised by it?

不是 "It's not that I'm crazy. It's because your mind is too conservative and you have no consciousness as an epic. Since we have the power to advance the world, we need to be flexible in handling things."

Seeing Arudiba's surprised expression, Timothy sneered and thought that this guy was too fussy, just to say that he was crazy.

"Demo, you guys don't understand. We are not in our own world community now, even if we can promote this world? We ca n’t take it back."

"Dead mind, who said you can't take it back?" Timothy looked at Arudibba with disdainful eyes. "Where we come from, just go back."

"Are you sure? This is a world. Do you know how much pressure the World Realm will bear if we bring this world back by teleportation?"

"No matter how great the pressure is, all the halls of teleportation can be teleported back. All the halls of teleportation can send multiple epics to different places in the void at the same time. Can't they bring back a world?"

"The epic is different from the world." Arudibba was speechless. He felt that Timos was just a self-interest, and then he was very confused.

Sending an epic with autonomy that can travel in the void is the same as sending an unconscious world? In the process of transmission, the epic can also cooperate, and the world can only bring consumption.

Moreover, when the three clans united to build the teleportation hall, they could transmit the legend that wanted to set foot on the epic road, or for the purpose of epic, but never thought of transmitting a world.

"It doesn't make much difference, don't think too much, don't you forget where the teleportation hall is? Even if the gadget can't bear it, there will naturally be other old guys busy. Rest assured, I have already considered it, and absolutely foolproof , The feasibility is very high. "

Emperor Moss showed an extremely confident attitude. He felt that although his plan was a little bolder, the success rate was still very high.

"I still think you are too crazy, moving a world with evil gods next to Elasia, the impact is incalculable." Arudiba frowned.

"What effect can it have, but it's just a medium-sized world. Even if the whole smashes down, someone will carry it." Timothy dismissed it.

He doesn't think that a small medium-sized world, coupled with an evil god, can have any effect on Elasia. It really is a display of hundreds of gods in the world.

"I think my grandfather's idea is very feasible and can be considered."

在 At this moment, Muria also made a voice and stood directly on the side of his grandfather. After the initial surprise, he thought a little and thought that his grandfather's idea was a genius, so he gave his support.

"Mike, what do you think?" Arudiba, expressionless, turned his head to look at his granddaughter, trying to get the support of his granddaughter.

But to his surprise, his granddaughter did not generally support him with the grandson of the Dragon King on the opposite side, but stood directly on the opposite side of him.

"I think you can try it once." Having witnessed the results of Muria's two bold attempts, Michelangela was unconvinced by Timothy's bold ideas at this time.

"..." Arudiba looked at his granddaughter and Muria, who was expressionless on the side, and then looked at Timos with a slightly raised corner in front of him, venting generally towards the lower one. The world cuts a sword.

Only in the void around him was this place suitable for him to vent, and a crimson radiant sword energy fell to the barriers of the evil **** world below.


The world barriers where the sword gas fell fell trembled, the light was dim, and even a clearly visible cut mark appeared, but in an instant, on the barriers of the world that glowed with dim light, a light source of laws was continuously gathered And come to consolidate where the sword was cut.

At the same time, under the world barrier, a huge lame foot pricked up, pulling the light of the law of the world, a roar, and the sword gas collapsed. This world barrier shook and shattered several times before it returned to stability.

"There is no need for an attack, this world is not something we can forcibly break through with force now." Looking at the results of this sword, Timothy whispered aside.

"Hum! Let's get started!" Arudib didn't respond to the attention of Timothy, humming.

The four people present did not even support his granddaughter, which resulted in an absolute disadvantage of three to one, so his opposition was useless. Even if he does not participate, they are enough to shake the world.

"Hey." Timothy laughed proudly when seeing Arrudiba succumbing. "Now that you agree, let's start. The four of us are united enough to shake the world away from its original coordinates. "

"You lunatic, look at it. At that time, Her Majesty the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut will definitely train you." Arudiba thought for a while, and then found a barely able to suppress the existence of the Dragon King in front of him. .

"You think too much, this old ancestor won't criticize me, and I have a good relationship with him." Timothy smiled proudly, the dragon king was on an equal footing with the dragon god, and the platinum dragon **** was to him It's just that the seniority is relatively high.

Uh ...

In the void, a huge metal-like creation suspended on a vast and vast world barrier, pulling a flood of energy from all parts of the void, from time to time, it sends out some space-time fluctuations that return.

This is the void spectacle jointly built by the three strong tribes, the Titans, the Blazing Gods, and the Dragons in the Erasian world, and the Temple of All Realms, for those who want to become epics and those who have just embarked on the epic road.

However, because its service target is too high-end, this huge void wonder was decided to be silent most of the time.

After all, although there are many legends in the Erasian world, there are still few who can be promoted to the peak of the legend. Even if they are promoted to the peak, only a small part has the courage to become an epic. Most of them still choose to promote their faith and hold the seat of God. Within the world, gain eternal life.

At this moment, this void spectacle sent waves of time and space. At first, when the Realm of Teleportation was launched, only a few big men set their sights on it.

And even if it ’s gambling, it ’s a kind of arbitrarily abandoning, because compared to their long life, this void spectacle is activated too often. At first, it ’s okay, and now there is nothing worthwhile. Good attention.

But gradually, more and more epics and oracles still set their sights on the Temple of Realms, because with the passage of time, the spatial and temporal fluctuations of this void spectacle become more and more intense.

In the end, the entire hall of teleportation began to shake. The magnitude of its vibrations makes people wonder if it is going to fall from the void into the world in an unprecedented spectacle.

"what happened?"

In the main material plane of Elasia, a pair of golden eyes and pupils opened to look at the hall of teleportation to all realms, and in the borderless heaven, there was also the existence of a magnificent shore, opening their eyes burning with holy flames.

"This big metal 疙瘩 has finally gone wrong?" In Haiyuan, a dragon king awakened by the fluctuations of time and space stared up, and the blue dragon pupil murmured in a reflection of the spectacle creation in the void.

"Familiar atmosphere! It is Arudiba, and Timothy, it is them, that's right!"

"I feel the breath of my heavenly pride girl."

"It's Muria kid!"

Soon, as space-time fluctuations became more and more intense, the overflowing breath was quickly recognized by some beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ Immediately, in this vast space-time fluctuations, an unprecedentedly large void The vortex was formed on the portal of the Realm of Transcendence, and as soon as it was formed, the vortex absorbed the free energy of the surrounding void through the Transit of the Realm of Continent, and constantly expanded its scale.

In this expanding void vortex, the behemoth that occupies most of the space is exposed in the eyes of the existence of the great shore that bet attention on the hall of transmission of the universe.

As a result, the Erasian world was stunned when they saw the existence of this scene, and at the same time, after seeing the behemoth that has protruded a corner from the vortex of void, they also understand the cause of this unprecedented time-space fluctuation. .

"What are these guys doing? Are they crazy? How to move the world of other world communities back?"

After having a panic, Yun You epic suddenly scolded and burst into tears.

"Maybe there is something special about the world they moved back to, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome."

"Walk, go and see, if you don't help, Wanjie Teleportation Hall will be collapsed by them."

"I haven't been active for a long time. I didn't expect to be shocked by these guys. I'd like to see them because they pulled a world back from that far away."

"I smelled the evil god's breath. It's interesting. Did these guys catch a living evil **** from other world communities, and dragged it back with his motherland?"

:. :

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