Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1145: I'm too difficult

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Latest website: Wanjie Teleportation Hall is huge in size. The reason why it is considered as a spectacle of void is because of its vast area. If it has a complete ecological cycle, it can be used as a place where the wisdom and ethnicity thrive.

But even when it is vast, when a complete world comes, it still looks extremely small compared to it.

Hmm, the teleportation point of World Realm can compare the body shape with this coming medium-sized world, but it has no meaning at all with the nearby Erasian world.

Because standing at the Hall of Realms of the Realm and looking down at Erassia, he can only see the endless world barriers.

"Don't look at it and help!" When the fifth epic descended on the Hall of Transcendence of Realms, he watched the existence of several people who came before him, and hurriedly greeted them to work together.

After all, the World Realm Teleportation Hall is a void artifact cast by the three epics of their tribe. There are some of their hard work in it. If they are damaged by the teleportation of a medium-sized world, they will be distressed.

I have this epic who has the courage to take responsibility to take the lead. Those who first came and were watching the lively epic will slowly take the shot, after all, they will also do their job.

The space-time vortex has been formed with the assistance of the Realm of Teleportation, and is drawing the free energy around the void. They only need to help stabilize and expand the vortex.

When the rest of the epic rushed over to see what happened because of the change of the portal of the realm of the universe, because these epics played a very good role in leading the way

Therefore, the subsequent epics have also consciously joined in, helping to stabilize the vortex of emptiness and towing this medium-sized world that is about to cross over from other world communities.

Of course, this change also attracted many onlookers, including a few human epics, interracial epics other than the three races, but the number of these epics does not add up enough, Titans, Chitians, Dragons Played by any race.

Well, if these epics outside the three races are combined, they can still compete with the dragons. After all, the epics of the dragons are still in a split state, just because they are in an alliance with the Titans after the Titans, so those dragon kings are all Reluctantly united.

Because of no union, any Dragon King alone is not qualified to sit on an equal footing with the Titans and the Blazing Protoss, and the powerful right to speak comes from his own strength.

If you are not strong enough, you cannot be at the same level as the rest of your allies. If it is not the same level, do n’t expect others to show kindness and bring you to play with.

It ’s not just the epic poems outside these rare tribal groups, but there are also more gods than epic poems, but most of the gods just use the divine power to bet their gazes. nothing.

Only a small part of his consciousness of his relationship with the three deities of the three gods cast their divine incarnations and came to watch this unprecedented change in person.

And such a scene completely frightened the evil **** who was imprisoned in his motherland and could not go back or retreat.

In fact, the evil **** of the wild was scared when Timothy took Muria and others to seal him and move his motherland.

Because these guys are confident and can completely crush him in terms of strength, their discussions are completely uncovered, and they are all clearly heard by the demon **** who peeped at the screen.

I said to myself, when I heard a few guys talking about how to bring myself back to the package, no matter who it was, I felt very unhappy and unhappy. But after this furious mood, it was an extreme fear.

The demon of desolation is extremely fearful, because these guys who said they would pack him back with his motherland really have the ability to implement their crazy plan that day.

It's not scary to be crazy, the really scary are those who have the ability to realize the crazy ideas in their minds.

The scared evil **** who wants to resist has also tried to resist. Packing is useless. Even if he relies on his motherland, he can't turn the sky. The four epics are enough to suppress him.

There is no one who wants to take away this evil **** and his motherland and take away from Muria and others. No one wants to play against the evil **** of the desert. There is no need to talk about this evil **** who destroys the world.

决定 When you decide to do something with the evil god, everyone will go together. Therefore, the evil spirit of the wild can only watch with regret that the four epics laid a layer of temporary seal law outside his motherland to prevent him from disrupting it in the middle.

Suddenly, he was nestled in his motherland, watching these four epic poems of astonishing age, outside his world, communicating the power of distant endless unknowns, forming a huge space-time vortex.

At this time, the evil **** of the wild has basically given his fate, and he has begun to imagine what kind of treatment he will be subjected to next, and he is fully prepared for this.

It is not that he counsels, it is not that he does not have the courage to fight desperately, but that he has no chance to fight at all. Those who do not give him a chance to fight desperately, seeing that he is in his motherland, he intends to join him directly with his motherland He brought them back together.

What a domineering style, no one's behavior in the eyes, a medium-sized world actually said to move, completely ignored him who stayed inside, utterly crazy.

When the evil **** of the wild was thinking wildly and figuring out what kind of miserable encounter he would encounter, the vortex of the void took shape, communicating the world community in a distant and unknown direction, and then, everything that was reflected in the eyes of the evil **** of the desert, he was immediately His will was defeated, and the demon was frightened.

Hallucinations? This is the first thought of the evil **** of the wild, because he really does not want to admit that he sees this scene through the vortex of time and space is true.

If it is true, then the evil **** of the wild can imagine how dark its future is, because he can't see any possibility of escape after his imprisonment.

Or encountered a worse result than imprisonment-besieged, he has any possibility of survival. This dark and dull future makes the evil **** of the wild want to escape reality and not want to admit that what he sees is true.

But no matter what kind of observation method the wild evil **** uses, the observed results are telling him that all this scene before him is real, not an illusion.

And his reason is telling him that what he sees should be true, not vain. Because he was facing a terrorist force that could move his motherland from the current world community to the distant unknown world community.

Terrorist means like this, let alone say that he saw it for the first time. Before that, he had never heard of it.

"Why did I encounter these? Who the **** did I offend? Who did I provoke?"

There are nearly half a hundred epics, and there are several times more gods than epics, and the collective evil spirits of the barbaric screams in their own world.

To be honest, such a big scene is the first time he has seen it since he was born, but he would rather never see such a big scene, he really can't help it! Who can bear this?

Uh ...

"Yes, it is an evil god, I feel that there is an evil **** hiding in this world."

On the Wanjie Teleportation Hall, an epic Titan eagerly stared at the world that gradually appeared in the vortex of the void. He felt that the exclusive weapon in his body was cheering and jumping, and his weapon was eager to bathe in the blood of the evil **** again.

原来 "It turns out that there is an evil **** in this world. No wonder Timothy and Arudiba want to bring this world back. It is estimated that the two of them cannot break through this world."

I heard a Titan who dedicated himself to killing evil gods, and the rest of the epic nodded his head to understand that no one would cause Titan's professionalism in this area.

"But even if it is an evil god, they are too exaggerated to send a world directly back to it. After all, it is only an evil god. If you ca n’t kill it, what do you bring back?"

There is a blazing **** who disagrees with this kind of behavior. Although he didn't think what kind of harm this kind of behavior would cause to Eracia, he thought it was too reckless.

"Bring it back to solve slowly, this is not a big deal, but it is more expensive, I think it is good. UU 看书 www.uukanshu.com"

I do n’t know when the epic Titan appeared on the portal of the Realm of Transcendence. Archimonde, the barbaric Lord, had already put on his heavy armor, and also held the **** stain on his hand. Heavy axe.

To be honest, the evil **** is still hard to find in the void, and it is even rarer to encounter an evil **** that can be used as an opponent. Sometimes it is either too strong or too weak.

At this time, looking at this posture, shouldn't this evil **** who was arrested together with the motherland be too weak? Archimonde wasn't sure about this, and he didn't know until after the evil **** was strong or weak.

Even if he is too weak, as an evil god, let him cut two axes and have a little fun, it should be fine.

啵 ~

With the concerted efforts of all the epics, the medium-sized world from the distant world community smoothly descended beyond the Erasian world, suspended above the Hall of Transcendence of All Realms.

And when this world just came, Archimonde, the barbaric Lord, came over it, and regardless of Muria, he reached out his palm and shattered the temporary seal circle that surrounds the entire outer world. Then stared at the disturbing shadows in the world below, making a sound of indifference:

"Did you get out of it yourself, or did I split your world and drag you out?"

"..." The evil devil who was curled up in the world was silent. He felt that it was really difficult for him. He obviously hadn't done anything too much, but he has fallen to the point where he is now.

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