Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1157: What return are you going to use? mortal

A slightly cold wind blew across the alley, rolled up a patch of yellow leaves, and under the dark clouds, a young girl in a leather trench coat looked up at the apartment that looked extremely gloomy in front of her, her face full of indifference .

"The smell of evil spirits, it seems that the information is not wrong. Even if there are no monsters, there will be traces of them."

The girl raised her hand, looked at the jewelry that was tied to her wrist, and was glowing slightly. The expression on her indifferent face finally appeared, but it was a face full of evil spirits. There was no girl at this age at all. Due naive romance.

However, the girl obviously didn't care about her performance that was not consistent with this age group. She sorted out the equipment she was carrying, and then strode into the half-popular apartment building.

When she just walked into the door of the apartment, she stopped, because she smelled a disgusting rancid smell, which was not uncommon in her long exorcism career, and could even be called It is very familiar.

As a result, the evil spirit on the girl's face was even more severe. She took out the two guns that were not in her waist, strode up the stairs, and then within a short while, the inhuman roar sounded in the apartment, and then it was deafening The roar of firearms.

The moment the bullet inscribed with the exorcism spirit flew out of the barrel of the gun, the dazzling spiritual light illuminated the dark apartment, and then the painful but unusually weak hissing sounded again.

But with two gunshots, the dilapidated apartment completely restored its calmness, and the gloomy atmosphere haunting the apartment did not know when it had dispersed.

Then the young girl in a black trench coat walked out of the apartment indifferently. It didn't look much different from the previous one, and seemed to have done only a trivial thing.


The girl whispered a number that is not too large. For most people, this number can be called very small, but for the exorcist who is engaged in the exorcism industry, the meaning of this number is worthy. Called terror.

In fact, when the girl returned to the secret building dedicated to the exorcist, she did receive a look of awe after another.

Every exorcist who has taken over the task can come back intact, basically indicating that they have completed the task. The girls are regulars here, as long as the slightly exorcist exorcists know the girls.

Not only because of her too young appearance, but also because she takes the exorcism missions very frequently, and also has a very high completion rate.

"Is the evil spirit of the West Street Apartment already driven out?" The person in charge of the bartender's gathering point asked the girl. Such a dress is very common for the exorcist, because most of the exorcist points are Disguised as a shabby bar.

"Hmm!" The girl ordered a glass of boiling water, sitting on the bar looking indifferent and indifferent.

"I've made money on your account. How long are you going to take a break this time?" For the answer from the girl, the person in charge is not surprised. He knows the other person's ability and the other person's indifferent appearance. Crazy hatred.

"Without rest, this task didn't consume much of my energy, and I am ready to take another task."

"No, I don't have a task for you here." Upon hearing the girl's words, the responsible person shook his head decisively.

"In this case, I don't mind spending some time to go to other cities." Upon hearing the words of the person in charge, the girl looked up indifferently, a pair of bartenders looking at the uncle like eyes without any emotion.

"Why don't you take a rest? Isn't it good? You will hunt evil spirits so often, sooner or later, something will happen."

The person in charge repeated the words of exhortation he had no idea how many times he had said, and the girl's response was as usual, as if she had not heard it.

"Well, I know you want revenge, but the basis for your revenge success is that you have a strong strength, otherwise, what can you do if you find the evil spirit?"

"..." The girl was silent and didn't answer at all, but there seemed to be a flame burning in her eyes.

"I took into account your self-esteem before, so I didn't say something, but now I look at you like this, even if it's ugly, I will say it."

Seeing the girl not responding, the person in charge didn't care, "Although your talent is considered excellent among the exorcist group, compared to your parents, you are like picking it up. Such a talent, you want revenge is simply a foolish dream. "

"I will take revenge, absolutely." The girl's firm voice sounded, which contained an unquestionable will.

"What revenge do you take? Do you know how far you are now compared to your parents? According to the site survey of the land where your parents fell, the evil spirit was so powerful that it killed them Way to kill your parents, this is a monster you can't fight at this stage. "

"I'll get stronger." The girl's hand rested on her exorcist pistol pinned to her waist. She had clear, slender fingers, holding the handle tightly, and her knuckles were white.

"You work hard to become stronger, but those evil spirits will not stand still and wait for you to catch up. They will also devour human souls and continue to become stronger. The gap always exists."

"So, do you want me to give up revenge?"

"Giving up is sometimes an option. Not only do you hate that evil spirit, but there are other exorcists who are more talented than you want to kill it, so you just wait."

"Can't do it," the girl replied forcefully, "I'll bury it myself."

After speaking, the girl never meant to talk to the person in charge, regardless of his obstruction, and turned away.

However, in the following time, the girl did not become as active as before, and began to practice seriously. After all, if you want revenge, you have to have a certain strength base, otherwise, if she finds a monster that killed her family, she can only watch it.

However, the world is impermanent, and all accidents happen when you are caught off guard and there is no preparation at all. When the girl listens to the suggestions and starts to practice spiritually, the city where she lives is reduced to purgatory ...


A violent explosion sounded outside the window, accompanied by the scream of a woman, the cry of a child, and the roar of a man, but these sounds soon stopped, and it turned out to be panic. Frustrated cry for help,

"What monster is this? Help!"

"Mom! Whoo!"

"Run away!"

The girl with closed eyes meditated at the moment the explosion rang, opened her eyes, and then she saw her room as bright as day, and it was now night.

The girl looked down at the jewelry tied to her wrist. This is an exorcism that reacts when there are evil things around. At this time, the exorcism jewelry is emitting an unprecedented bright light.

Such a bright light, even apathy like a girl, can't help changing color, because she feels a deadly threat that she can't resist at all.

The evil thing that can make the jewelry react so strongly, whether it is one or more, is not something she can fight at this stage, it is just to die.

So, is it fighting or running away? Only if you can protect the useful body can you have a future, you can avenge the evil that killed your parents, and if you go to fight at this time, there is no future.

There is no need to think about it. The girl pinned the firearm next to her waist, then picked up a slender two-handed straight knife, carried it on her back, and then opened the door on the balcony. She jumped deep and just exploded. Place, which is where the crowd calls for help the most.

She is an exorcist to protect humans from monsters. When a human faces monster damage, a qualified exorcist should stand in front of ordinary humans, which her father told her.



He smashed through a shop's glass window, smashed a bunch of girls on the shelves, was buried by a group of dolls, coughed up thick blood, and then panted hard.

She felt the passage of her life, and she also felt that the end was about to come to an end. As she had envisaged, the end like most exorcists would end up in the battle of monsters to fight to death.

But the girl at this time was extremely unwilling. She was unwilling to report her vengeance. She was also unwilling to die in such a way of warfare.

Because her fatal wound did not appear in the frontal battle with the monster, it was just the evil spirit that led the evil spirit group to rag in the city.

She was struck by the evil spirits and dying. Even this attack was not directed at her at all, but against another powerful exorcist. She was only affected.

"Who can save me?" With extreme unwillingness and hatred ~ www.readwn.com ~ The girl pleaded, and she asked for help in nothingness, because she didn't know who else could save herself at this time.

"I can't die! I want revenge!"

"It is the instinct of life to want to continue to live. I can let you continue to live and even give you strength, but what are you going to use in return? Mortal!"

The near-unreal voice sounded like a nightmare in the ears of the girl who had begun to ghost.

"My everything, no matter what you want, as long as you can take it, you take it all!" Even in the puppet state of severe blood loss, the girl still responded to this almost hallucinating voice.

"Really? Is it worthy to say that it is a little girl who has no experience? You can even say such things, you should be glad that I am not a demon!"

The gentle voice sounded with a chuckle, and then the dying girl saw the golden sun, but it was only a moment, everything in front of it disappeared, the hot torrents centered on the heart, spreading around the body ...

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