Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1158: You are too dishy, ​​let it go, I'll come

When the blazing warm current emerges from the chest and flows through the body, the pain that makes it difficult to breathe disappears from the body, and the breathing that was more and more difficult originally becomes smooth again.

And not only that, with the surge of warm current, the girl felt that her limbs were becoming more powerful, and she felt very clearly that she was becoming stronger.

But at this time, the girl suddenly noticed that there was a flame burning beside her, and the burning scent of the doll drifted into her nose, which made the girl slightly miserable, because she found that the flame was ignited by her.

"This is it?" The girl stood up from the ground, watching the vision on her body a little bit stupidly, the red and gold fire pattern spread on her body, the hot high temperature was emitted, and the dust in the air around her was ignited as a result. .

"No need to be surprised, this is a little insignificant power I give you." It seemed to sound in the ear of the girl with a slight smile, "Now I will pay the corresponding price."

She didn't wait for the girl to react at all. The warm current flowing in her body, one of which flowed directly to her right eye, and a faint warmth emerged. When the warmth dissipated, the young girl found that the world in front of her became Brighter.

She was able to "see" more things, such as the colorful light dots in the air, and the greyness mixed with the obscure and instinctual distaste.

Being able to see more did not surprise the young girl, because she realized that the eye that gave her real vision was not under her control, her right eye was under the manipulation of an existing person, and was turning around slightly, and She passively enjoyed everything she saw.

"You ..." The face of the girl who noticed this suddenly changed. She instinctively raised her hand and covered her right eye, which was no longer under her control.

"I feel angry." The ethereal and high-pitched voice was no longer majestic, but with a playful tone. "Why are you angry? One eye in exchange for your life, plus what you have now The power of possession.

How many people ca n’t ask for such a deal. You ca n’t find such a good thing even if you search the world. Besides, you have promised before that you are willing to give everything to me, but now I just took away one of your eyes. You can still use it without my interference. "

"Is that so?" After the initial consternation, the girl gradually calmed down, exchanging her life and the power of her today at the cost of one eye, and it was really worthless.

So the girl put her palm down and looked through the broken window to look at the outside world, the street scene like hell, and the evil spirits raging over the city. Then, in her eyes, a strong, undisguised killing was gradually revealed.

Although normally, she should ask what is the origin of this whisper in her ears to save her life and give her the power.

However, her current mind is completely out of this aspect, and she is only thinking whether she can wipe out the evil spirit group raging in the city with the power she now holds.

"Don't have any doubts about the power you have now. The power I give you is enough to accomplish everything you want to do." It seems to be aware of the questioning of the power given by the girl, and the existence of Wei An whispered softly.

The girl who got the exact answer crossed the window that she had broken and walked out of the shop. Then she took off the long knife she was carrying behind and pulled it out of the scabbard.

The bright blade reflects the ruins of the city as if it had fallen into hell, and then the red gold flame wrapped the bright blade like a mirror, and then the spirit pattern like a dragon and snake shone on the blade.

The girl looked slightly, and surprised to see that it became bigger, wider, and sharper in the flame. As long as it was not stupid, she knew that the knife had been strengthened by her power.

"That's what the power you gave me has?" The girl stepped forward, toward the location of the nearest evil spirit she saw.

"You mean strengthening weapons? It's just one of the effects. The power I give you is not just that."

The erect pupil that has been transformed into dragons and snakes by the power transferred from the void turns and looks around, especially the evil spirits raging in the city, and he finds a very interesting thing.

Of course, he needs to take a look again to be able to confirm that if she did not guess wrong, then the world is very interesting, and it is even worth his own visit.

Woo! !! !!

The roar of evil spirits that let mortals fear the power circulated in the air. So, the young girl who came to hunt for evil spirits saw half-collapsed houses and monsters who were devouring living blood.

It was a translucent spirit body with a slightly humanoid shape on the upper body, and its features were extremely distorted. Underneath it was a living person whose blood was mostly drawn into a corpse.

But it seemed to notice the arrival of the girl, the evil spirit slowly turned the translucent spirit body, and then looked at the girl, and her resentful eyes were full of malice that had a vibrant life.

Faced with this kind of food-seeking spirit, the girl had nothing to say, she took a long knife almost half her height and cut it off at this evil spirit.

铮 ~

In the crisp sound of the sword, the translucent flame was chopped out by the girl, and the fierce wind rolled over the flame, condensing into a light red blade.

The knife light swept across the street, and the hot high temperature spread, causing the air to distort it, and some cloth flammables scattered on the ground were even ignited.

Before the evil spirits could make a wailing sound, they were slain by this pale red blade, and the transparent spirit body shrank toward the center, then exploded and scattered into a rain of fire.

"That's it?" The young girl saw this mighty evil spirit so easily slain by her, a little stupefied, a little unresponsive, "Is this too easy?"

"Otherwise, what do you want to do? Hold my power and fight for three hundred rounds of this kind of undead battle without even the most basic wisdom? In this case, where do you leave my face?"

Muria, who came to this world with the help of the girl's full-minded call, asked that he realized that this world is different from the world he had come before. At least his will can stay here very easily, without dissipating Signs.

"In this case, then I can do more." The girl who hadn't realized how lucky she was, clenched the knife in her hand, looked in other directions, and locked again with the strong insight of the pupil of the dragon and snake An evil spirit.

Muria looked boringly at this human girl holding a little bit of insignificant power that he passed on, killing the Quartet in the city, and slaughtering evil spirits who held strong evil spirits one after another.

Although the power given by Muria was only insignificant to him, and was lost a lot in the process of transmission, when it was integrated into the girl's body, it still caused open-like consequences.

"Now you can be sure how powerful the power I gave you? Now you can try to kill the strongest evil spirit."

Gathering more and more information, Muria confirmed the speculation in his heart, and then he said to the girl with a seductive tone, leading the girl to further verify his guess.

"I know." A girl born with a strong hatred for this type of non-human monster, does not need Muria's guidance at all, and when she is convinced that she has enough power, she volunteers to go to this city disaster At the source, a twisted monster, like a huge evil spirit forced by several different creatures.

After a while


The girl lingering around the flames dragged a line of fire in the air, after smashing through more than ten walls, smashed into the ruins of a house, and then a painful cough sounded.

"Don't you say that the power you gave me is more than enough to defeat evil spirits, why am I defeated?"

Many bones in the chest of the arm were broken, and the girl with a lot of soft tissues on the body pushed away the slate pressed on her body, and then asked a little depressed.

Compared to the first time, who was seriously injured by the aftermath, she was seriously injured. Now she is indeed stronger in nature. After fighting several rounds with the strongest evil spirit, she will I was slapped with a slap.

Although she was also photographed and injured, but now she feels that her body is recovering quickly and she still has the power to fight again, but this result is different from what she expected.

"I also want to ask ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why do you lose my power?" Muria is also a bit speechless, just as he never thought that in the previous game, the teammates of the six gods would be in Longkeng. The single dragon was singled out and was shot dead by the dragon.

"It's your fault, you're deceiving me." The girl replied decisively. She didn't think the problem was with herself. It was definitely an inexplicable existence that didn't give her enough strength.

"Nonsense. It is clear that your fighting consciousness is too weak. Without the slightest melee awareness and skills, my only mistake is to overestimate you."

Seeing the unconscious girl, Muria yelled at him, then he changed to a seductive tone, "mortal, do you want to save your city?"

"Thinking," the girl replied without hesitation, and her eyes looked expectant. "Are you going to give me more strength?"

"I have enough power for you." Muria's tone became somber, "It's too much of you, so hand over your body and let me take control of it for a while, and let me lead the battle . "

Muria, who has determined what is special about this world, said to the girl that his deity has begun to deduced the coordinates of this world.

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