Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1168: The evil **** must die

In the end, Muria, the pacifist, and the **** of the whale, the **** of weaponry, and the **** of a hundred eyes set aside all the disputes and decided to jointly develop the miracle of the two worlds.

"Let's come, the rules of the two worlds have been weakened too much to stop us." The evil **** who ignored all life except himself proposed it.

"Absolutely not." Before Muria had spoken, the weapon warrior immediately opposed, and the indifferent soul wave came from the mechanical planet that was gradually repairing,

"Four heaven gods came to the world, and a little carelessness would lead to the collapse of the world. I don't want to be infected with the world's resentment because of this, I'm different from you!"

Nothing about goodness, nor about justice, just for self-interest. The epic of the planet of the ruling planet refuses to come. If he only comes by himself, then he may try, but there are four full deities. In such a small world, who knows what will happen then.

"Incarnation is enough. Even if there is a conflict, it will not have a big impact on the world."

The **** of the whale stands firmly against the advent of the real body, and its reason is similar to that of the weapon and warrior. It does not want to entangle the resentment of the world and sacrifice the future.

"You are all promising people, unlike me."

I saw that his proposal was rejected, and the strange shape of the evil **** sent out a cold laugh, he was not surprised, after all, there are no his peers here.

Those who destroy the world must be resentful by the world. This is a matter of course. If you enjoy the pleasure brought by devouring the world, you must bear the corresponding evil consequences.

Just like most epic poems can only emerge from the big world, more powerful epics must also obtain resources from the big world to grow stronger. The best and best resources must be produced in the big world. in.

The evil gods are not welcomed by the world, including the great world. Of course, this does not mean that the evil gods cannot become stronger. They can only say that they chose the path of extinction, but they narrowed the epic path and achieved eternal probability. Much smaller than other epics, this doesn't matter for most epics.

"Don't look at me, I've already lowered my incarnation." When the three epic eyes shot at him, Muria spread his hands to show his position.

When the evil **** began to mumble "I know", the three epics all condensed their incarnations.

The three-headed, eight-armed steel humanoid incarnation sent by the Wujian Wushen, and the Hundred-Eyed Evil God is an amalgamated monster with eyes. If it is not unexpected, it should be the same style as its body.

For the epic that represents the highest combat power of the deity, the avatars they sent out will not differ much from the deity, basically a weakened version.

He should have done this, but until Muria saw the incarnation of the whale **** decomposed, he could not help his eyes slightly, and then there was an urge to grill the fish.

Because the split of this big blue fish is a huge mermaid, there are countless life forms in half-human form. Muria should not be moved because of this, but what do you think of the fused goddess of the whale? Against him.

The **** of water, with its mermaid tail, stands in the void, holding a spear condensed by water in its hands, instead of being slender, it seems that its plump tail flutters in the void.

"What do you imitate?"

Muriya looked at the epic incarnation that can be dominated by the king by virtue of her pure power, and then looked at the **** of the whale with some inexplicable eyes. The two epics beside him had already bet on her eyes.

The incarnation of the **** of the whale, although the lower body is a huge fish tail, or the whale tail, the upper body is similar to Muria's Ji Ji, which is a heroic giant in armor.

"I'm trying to create a new kind of family, this is my first attempt."

The **** of the whale did not deny that the incarnation created was imitating Muria, because it is indeed so, it has been in trouble in this regard.

So far, it has created hundreds of dependents through its own power, but none of them make it feel happy, so it wants to find inspiration in its peer existence.

"You're just imitating my appearance. What's the use of this?" Muria shook her head helplessly. The fish imitated him, imitating the shape of an upper body. What's the use of this, humanoid creatures are in this void. There are more facades in the world, meaningless.

Although the appearance of the Titan is also human, the internal structure of the body is among the humanoid creatures, at the top of the sequence. The perfection of its body structure is so powerful that Muria cannot optimize it.

The Titans originally born in chaos may not be perfect, but they are close to the powerful creatures of the ancient gods. But when the Titans are passed down to this day, the Titan ancestors who pursued the path of the ancient gods of Titans have optimized the blood of the Titans to The most perfect point has risen.

If Muria wants to enhance and further strengthen the blood of the Titans, then he must have the vision and strength beyond the epic Titans of previous generations. This is almost impossible for him now. Muria has never been to this place. Think about it.

And even with this kind of body structure, even if the epic Titan of the same level relies on his short shots to completely plagiarize it, that is not to think about it, it is impossible to copy the essence.

"Appearance is also important." The **** of the whale responded, it did not conceal its desire for Muria's blood, and it had seen that Muria's origin was somewhat special.

Muria no longer speaks, but silently looks at the three epics. After consolidating their incarnations, they start to release their dependents.

He watched as these three huge monster clusters converged in the void, then rushed into the two worlds below where they were merging.

When the Legion of Warriors and Whale's relatives entered the already almost invisible barrier where the two places of the world blended, the defense of the world did not respond, just as he did at the beginning.

But when it was the turn of a hundred-eye evil god-like family members to rush into the world, a thunder broke out of the barriers of the world and bombarded his family of legions, immediately slashing many weak ones. Dependents.

However, this level of loss is not much for the flood of eyeballs that the evil gods poured into the world. Although the white-eyed evil **** watching the eyes twitched in the void, he finally calmed down because the result did not change. It is just that there are too many dependents who die.

Uh ...

Above the ocean shrouded in faint fog, a whole body is shrouded in faint blue light, and the weird ship appears to break through the mist, chopping the wind and waves on the undulating ocean, like a steady steel Mountains.

After this ship sailed, one after another, larger steel ships, followed closely, completely dispersing the fog covering the sea surface. Compared with these ships, the forefront Exploring the road, the ghost-like ship seemed a little small and exquisite.

At this time, even on the vast expanse, even if it rises to a height of 1,000 kilometers and looks down, the field of vision will be occupied by these large and small ghost ships without any trace of vitality.

At this time, among the largest ghost-like flagships like Ludao, a body with a height of 100 meters and a large black cormorant walked out, holding in his hand a scepter surrounded by gorgeous elements, letting everything around Stillness, the majesty that hundreds of millions of undead have ravaged.

"The family of the **** of the whale and the weapon of the warrior is okay, but the family of the evil **** must die!"

Like the embodiment of death, just the breath that suffices is enough to make the existence of withering things raise their heads, looking up at the empty sky, and sending out a firm soul wave.

Although it is to enter the world to compete for the fetish that can be second only to the source, but what evil **** relatives who have become accustomed to destroying the world and upgrading themselves will enter the world without thinking.

The change in quantity is sufficient to produce qualitative change. An ordinary mortal is nothing to the evil god, but a large-scale blood sacrifice in the city unit ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the gods will be attracted, as is the epic.

A single mortal thing, even hundreds of mortal things, is nothing, but when the number is in units of 100 million, everything is different. The flesh and soul of a 100 million mortal is enough to change the world, that is, This can also enhance the power of evil gods.

Muriya dominates the ghost fleet to capture the legendary evil spirits. The same reason, whether quantitative or qualitative, can reach epic power when it reaches a certain level.

庞大 A large number of mortal things, or sufficiently powerful extraordinary individuals, can be regarded as "strange things" in a sense, and the former is found in every life world.

"My current strength attributes are enough to pretend to be an indigenous of the evil spirit world, although it is a bit far-fetched, but it still makes sense."

Thinking and the incarnation of the deities in common with Muria's deity quietly thought, "But I also need a family of legions with the characteristics of my deity's strength to protect me against evil gods."

Without alarming the other three epics, it is not very difficult to summon a family of dependents. The legendary peak incarnation has arrived here, and the deity is outside the world. As long as a semi-permanent is built, it is enough for the army to pass. The door of space is enough.

"When the monsters that slaughtered the world ’s living creatures, when you were slaughtered, I wonder if your corpses can make my world expand further?"

The Titan's avatar held up the scepter in his hand, linking the world with its incomplete body, and the bright light of the elements bloomed on the ocean dominated by dark colors.

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