Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1169: World's immune system

"What is your Majesty doing?"

The dazzling light of the elements shines in the sky, stretching for tens of thousands of meters. The ghost ship is not a pure undead. It is difficult thinking in the coercion exuded by the existence of no difference between the gods, and full of curiosity.

"Who knows, we just look at it. It's normal that we can't understand what this existence wants to do."

He whispered involuntarily to the exorcist Niach, who was kneeling on the ground, exhaling a strong breath, and replied, at this time he was already full of awe of the existence of the elevated scepter.

Not only because of the awe of this god-like existence, but also because of the worship of his power, yes, worship, the exorcist Niach, who is strongly hostile to all non-human beings, never thought about it, One day I actually wanted to worship a powerful inhuman being.

But the fact is this. Not long ago, he and his friends dragged a body between life and death. After all, it was probably the greatest existence in the world, and he was convinced by this existence.

He controlled the master of death, the protector of all the dead. This was the realization that when Nyaki saw Muria's incarnation, and his heart rose, he directly regarded Muria's incarnation as God.

Such an idea cannot be said to be wrong. In fact, with the power of Muria's incarnation, he can easily seal God in this world in one thought. After all, the world is invincible to all. A strong future exists and always has a considerable tolerance.

Of course, this can only be done after the integration of the two realms is completed. Now the laws of the world are violent. No matter how talented it is, it is impossible to sacrifice God at this stage, unless he has a powerful force that can calm the laws of the world. But such existence is not necessary at all.

"Although this is what I said, I feel very bad. Before fighting the Lord of the Evil Spirits, my Majesty didn't take any action, but now he is working hard. Why do you think something bad happened?"

Wu Yingjiaer whispered to his friends. At this time, he did not dare to talk loudly, because he found that there seemed to be a powerful undead next to him, and as they exchanged, they cast a dissatisfied "eye" on them.

咳 "Ah, let's talk again!" It was found that more and more bad eyes were betting on themselves, and the two exorcists soon became honest.

When he accidentally landed on a desert island, his body was changed for inexplicable reasons, leaving the two exorcists full of despair for their future. They could only comfort each other and drink the chicken soup of the soul to persist.

But now they are all different. They now see the hope that they will become humans and return to their homeland, and when there is hope, everything will be different.

The exorcist, who had been constantly trying to find ways to commit suicide, became rather desperate and persuaded.

Alas, the two exorcists knelt down on the deck, then secretly watched the mighty **** of Wei An showing his power.

Elemental runes are condensed in the light of the elements emitted by the staff, mysterious and cumbersome. The small elemental runes are like a bright galaxy, fluttering in front of the **** of darkness, and then construct a square Portal.

Extremely surprising spatial fluctuations appeared. When the diffusion was about to spread, the Ning Shen stretched out a palm wrapped in black armor, and pressed it gently. All the fluctuations were flattened, only limited to within 100 meters of his body. .

When the spatial fluctuations became more and more intense, it had been constructed into a complete circular portal, rolling mountains, clear and vast lakes, lush forests ... all kinds of scenes flashed away,

What finally appeared in the portal was the neatly organized giant army and the giant army. The five-colored dragons, who could not wait, were eager to vent their power and release their destructive nature.

Then, a foot completely wrapped in armour protruded out of the door of space. Just then, a giant whose body was wrapped in armour without any inch of skin exposed crossed the space gate to the deadly ghost ship deck on.

The vast vitality of the giant's body and the surrounding enchantment of death seemed out of place, and immediately after its appearance, it showed a very obvious rejection reaction, so the fire of life in the giant's body was on his surface. Revealed, resisting all the dead air that wants to erode.

The Giant Puppet didn't care about these abnormalities on his body. He respectfully respected the incarnation of the Lord in front of him and saluted, then backed away and let the door behind him.

Alas ... When the giant army of 100,000 soldiers crossed the gate of space and appeared above the ghost fleet, it was always sleeping in the half plane of Muria, and it had never been awakened before.

These war beasts, originally obtained from their grandfather Archimonde, were dedicated to war. At this moment, the murderous intentions in Muria's heart have awakened a million, and they also crossed the door of space and came to the fusion of the two realms. Special zone.

When the two main legions appeared, the average individual combat power was the highest, but the discipline was the worst. Of course, this so-called disciplinary difference is still within the tolerance range.

After all, they are compared with giants who are born in orderly camps and war beasts created specifically for war. Through acquired education, it is already very good for the five-colored dragon to be able to ban.

"Almost okay."

感觉 When he felt that the number of legions he had released was enough, Muria revoked the support for the gate of space. At this time, the light of the element of the scepter in his hand had dimmed a lot.

"The whereabouts of the relatives of the evil gods should be biased towards the human world, and those big eyes will definitely take the opportunity to slaughter humans."

Uh ...

"Do you, who have been transformed into inhuman bodies, still insist that you are human? Are you still willing to protect humans and fight for the future of humans?"

When the exorcist Niach and Ingar saw a great existence here in awe and embarrassment, they heard this question without any emotion.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, although I am already a non-human body, I am still willing to fight for humanity with this body."

Hearing this inquiry, knowing that Niach, who could not have any deception to this existence, simply conformed to his own heart and answered without thinking.

"Well, yes, since that's the case, let me tell you something about human survival!"

Muriya nodded, he had already thought about it, his ghost fleet incarnate as the commander of the ghost, disguised as a native of the evil spirit realm, waiting for the opportunity to attack all epic legions, focusing on the evil **** of a hundred eyes, hit and see.

Then, the true family legion he summoned, did what an epic family legion should do, searched for the fusion of the two realms, and contained the fetish of laws. But this is the first goal, and the second goal is to give priority to killing all the relatives of the evil gods.

"Human existence?" When Muria heard what he said, the two exorcists panicked. Before seeing the existence of Muria, they always thought that evil populations such as evil spirits could not affect the entire human race at all. Ethnic groups pose too great a threat.

But when they saw the power that Muria had, they clearly realized that the existence of Muria had the vast power to wipe out the entire human civilization.

穆 And when Muria mentioned the word survival, the two exorcists thought that this being wanted to act on human civilization, how could it not panic.

不要 "Don't think too much. I'm not interested in your human civilization. If it weren't for a sudden accident, I wouldn't intend to intervene in anything related to your humans."

He clearly captured the soul fluctuations emanating from the two exorcists, and Muria immediately understood their thoughts. When the difference in life levels was too great, there was no secret in the presence of a weak existence and a strong existence.

"I can tell you very clearly that there is a person whose strength is no less than mine, and with a force that is not inferior to the fleet that I now command, to peek into your human civilization, your human civilization has a crisis of extinction at any time. . "

"This ..." The sudden news made the two exorcists look aggressive ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although I heard that this being has no interest in their human beings, it seems that they do not even intend to ignore them. Look like.

But they ca n’t be happy because of this, because this existence tells them that there is an existence like him, who is fighting human ideas, who can stand it?

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, you humans are not alone. I will help you fight against this powerful evil, because I am absolutely hostile to that being."

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, what can we do?" The exorcist Niac, who had been disturbed by the sudden news, was slightly calmed down and asked very critical questions.

I have been involved in events at the level of racial civilization, which is really shocking, but what do you say to these two exorcists? What can they do?

"You can do a lot." Muria stared at the special existence of the two half-human half-deads. In them, Muria saw a special light shining, which was just emerging.

At a specific time, Muria calculated it, roughly in line with the time when the army of the evil gods entered the world. In other words, although the entry of the relatives of the evil gods went smoothly, it has inspired the world's immune system.

The two exorcists in front of You have been selected by the world to fight against the "braves" of the demon king. They are now destined to rise up, but they do not know it.

It is not simply fortunate to get the favor of the world ’s destiny, or they have a good foundation, after all, they survived the conflict between the laws of the two realms.

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