Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1181: Cluster world

"What opportunity?" After confirming that his relatives had nothing to do, Dragon King Yalista turned his attention to other places, such as the opportunity mentioned by the ten masters.

"Sufficient opportunity for me to go further." The Lord of the Ten Royals said words that made Arista stagnate.

"Let's take you one step further?" Muria, who was very well behaved, was startled.

The conservative estimate of the strength of the Ten Emperors is also located in the third stage of the epic, the creation, and this level of epic can already create a rule-complete world out of thin air.

For this level of epic, the small and medium-sized world has completely lost their appeal to them, and the source of power is also something that they can easily obtain.

This level of epic wants further resources, as well as the world, or some extremely special dangerous places in the void.

"Aren't only the big worlds capable of breeding resources for you to go further?"

"Yes, the source of opportunity this time is an extremely special world."

"The Lord of the Ten Royals, why is this related to the world?" Muria's expression was very puzzled at this time. The Lord of the Ten Royals was obviously trying to investigate the many epics that were lost because of his son. Big world, this is too fascinating.

"Muria, this matter arises because of your eldest son, Aerlos. Your eldest son can be said to be very lucky or very unfortunate. His first reincarnation was born in a large world."

"It's impossible!" Muria retorted subconsciously. With Aoros's current strength and entering the big world, it is certain that no benefit will be obtained, but also accompanied by a very high crisis.

In addition, the promotion epic is completed in the medium-sized world, how can it go to the big world. Teleporting Aerouss from the intended world to another medium-sized world can also be interpreted as a mistake.

But the transfer of Aeolos from a medium-sized world into a large world is not an explanation for mistakes. It is simply murder.

"Don't think too much, Muria, the world born of Aerouss looks like a medium-sized world, but its essence is part of a big world."

The Lord of the Ten Royals seemed to see what Muria was thinking, and gave an explanation that Muria had never thought of. It sounded like heaven and earth.

"Part of the big world?" Muria was really surprised, what kind of situation would it be to mistake a part of a big world as a medium-sized world.

"You should know the cluster life form!" Seeing that Muria was in shock and surprise, the Lord of the Ten Emperors naturally wouldn't make a fool of his descendants, but would make everything clear.

"Individuals are races, and races are individuals."

Muria naturally knows cluster lifeforms, which is terrible, but it can also be very weak.

When there is no threat from external enemies, the cluster life body may be billions of extremely weak insects, but once faced with threats, billions of weak individuals will merge, giving birth to an extremely powerful consciousness, coordinating everything.

"It is such a big world that comes to Aerous." The ten masters said amazing words.

"There's such a big world?" Having said that, Muria also understood what happened to his son.

His son came to the big world like a group of life, and the external expressions are big and small worlds that are simply inconspicuous, but the essence is the big world.

"It's really incredible. It's the first time I've encountered a big world that exists in this form, but the void is like that. It can always surprise people and give birth to something beyond your imagination." Shi Yuzhu laughed.

"If the world exists in such an incredible form, it means that both my grandson and I can enter." Dragon King Yalista quickly found the focus as before, his eyes brightened.

"That's why I came here to inform you that the Titans, Blazing Sky, and the Metal Dragons will all send epic numbers of varying numbers into this big world." The Ten Lords dominated the flat road.

"His Excellency, where are the coordinates? Give me the coordinates." Hearing here, Yalista couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, there are some things I want to make clear to you. Although the big world exists in the form of a cluster, its personality is a big world after all, so you cannot forcibly enter it directly with your deity."

"You can enter it by using the mystery of the demon, and after entering, I guess the tolerance of the epic in the great world should soon liberate the deity from the reincarnation body."

Dragon King Yalista quickly deduced in his heart, and then came to a conclusion.

"If you don't worry about the maliciousness of the world's foreign epics, after you enter the big world, you will soon be able to liberate your deity." The Lord of the Ten Royals said nothing to Yalista,

"Because it is a clustered world, it is impossible to predict what will happen after reincarnation. It is not surprising to encounter a **** who can walk freely on the earth."

"A free-running deity?" Muria's face became weird, but the deities existed in a limited area and there was no difference from the epic. If they met in the reincarnation state, it would be really exciting to think about it.

"Yes, when the deity of Elasia was just born, it was also unlimited in the world. After the world's promotion rules were improved, the gods were restricted by laws and could only bring the embodiment of the highest legendary peak strength to the material world. "

"If it's against the gods in the big world, it's really interesting to think about it."

"One of the most important things is because it is a big world, so when using the magic of the demon, it will not be as easy as you were before, and there will be leaks."

"What's wrong?"

"After the birth of the Devil's Secret, the subjective consciousness is suppressed for a period of time. This period of time is completely a free movement of the subconscious mind born from your reincarnation, and it cannot be interfered."

"This is a bit risky. If there is a problem with the reincarnation, then the deity will be directly exposed?"

"Yes, but this risk is not fatal." Forcibly distorted the void, spanning an unknown number of light years, and the ten masters who talked with Yalista and Muria looked at them,

"So, are you ready for this opportunity?"

"That's not enough to make me retreat." Yalista couldn't wait to hesitate, so the eyes of the Ten Lords fell on Muria.

"My son was the first to get in. Before my blood throbbed because of this, he seemed to be in danger. Then came my wife, my parents, my grandfather ... so I couldn't find a refusal. reason."

"In this case, that's good, the coordinates are for you, you can go by yourself." The Lord of the Ten Royals glanced at Yalista, the gate of time and space began to collapse, and the broken void was quickly repaired.

"Um, why not just let us go back and let us reach the Temple of All Realms to arrive." Seeing the calm void before him, Muria was a little stunned.

"Because of my existence! It's a lot of trouble to come and go. With coordinates, I can take you directly." Yalista glanced at his grandson.

"Oh." Muria suddenly remembered that her grandmother had the power to do everything.

"What else hasn't been dealt with? If everything is done, let's go now!"

"Hmm." Muria glanced down at the whale **** underneath, then looked at the weapon samurai next to him.

"That's it for the time being, I'll be back here again." Muria stood on the back of the big blue fish and issued a declaration.

"Whatever you want." The impatient Dragon King stretched out his claws, crystal clear, as if droplets of all colors appeared, the power of all things erupted, the void was distorted, and then the two epics disappeared in situ.

"Don't bring me?" Feeling suddenly empty behind his back, the God of Whales said in a loss, everything that just happened was in his eyes, but in the process, he even made a little noise Dare not show up, honestly be a quiet fat fish.

"What are you dreaming about? How can this kind of thing bring you?" At this moment, a slightly taunting voice came, the weapon samurai just pretending to be dead.

"I'm his mount."

"A thousand-year temporary mount, if you promised 10,000 years, maybe you can follow this time, unfortunately!"

The weapon warrior with a broken mentality is talking about the cold words. At this time, the way to make him feel happy is to see a person who is worse than himself.



The deafening roar of guns sounded, armor-piercing bullets engraved with multiple effects spells such as sharpness, bloodthirsty, and burning with flames, shot from special barrels, and bombarded a giant creature's scale armor.

Broken scales are flying ~ www.readwn.com ~ Scarlet flesh and blood is enough to compare with steel and can withstand the powerful body of the sword. In the face of this kind of firearms specially made for it, there is no resistance, a wing immediately Interrupted, the soft drape fell down.


The natural form has a majestic creature that can't help but want to sting. Therefore, it follows an instinct and pulls its innate strength, so dozens of thunders from the sky In the midst of the cracks, blasted on the small humiliating microbes surrounding it.

However, its seemingly imposing attack did not play the slightest role. The humble microorganisms who came to hunt it had already prepared to attack it clearly.

Instead, some bullets and arrow feathers bombarded its body so large that it didn't need to aim at all when it launched its attack, so new wounds appeared, but its old wounds had not healed yet.

The creature whose eyes were blinded could not help showing sadness and anger in the other eye. It had a sense of its end. It knew that it would soon fall under the feet of these mean creatures. , A faint sigh echoed in its mind,


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