Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1182: Self-eating

After experiencing wild bombardment, it seemed to be a messy rocky ground. Seventeen humans surrounded the mighty creatures entangled in a huge strange rock with a seemingly loose formation.

This is a near-death creature that was seriously injured. On its back, the black wings that originally opened up to allow it to fly in the sky, one of its wings was broken, and the other was very broken. It has lost its ability to fly.

However, the wound of the wing was just painful and not fatal. The thing that made it dying was the bullet that shot into its skull and incidentally blinded one eye.

But even so, this four-footed biplane creature still maintains a very strong fighting force. It looks down at these lowly microorganisms who besieged it by various foreign objects, with a high attitude, always disdainful.

Even if it is about to fall, its eyes have not changed, because it feels that this is not its fault, but that these mean creatures in front of it are too cunning and treacherous.

When Muria's consciousness was revived, it was what he saw, and very unfortunately, his consciousness was revived from the worst living creatures present.

Muria felt the extreme unwillingness and anger, but still maintained a complex attitude of arrogance. When he examined the enemies who had caused his reincarnation body to be in such a situation, the accidental Titan could not help but curse,


"Huh?" Because the fatal vitality of the body was hit several times, the creature whose consciousness was on the verge of extinction could not help but be a little bit confused, and immediately became curious, "What are you? Why can your voice sound in my mind? "

"Who am I? I'm you," Muria looked at the state of his reincarnation now, and laughed angrily. "But you're not me. Now, step back to me, Everything else is up to me. "

"It is indeed an ancient dragon species. It is just a juvenile form and has such a terrifying vitality. The bullet that can blast the tank into the brain has not died."

Wearing a special exoskeleton armor, a young man holding a knife and a gun watching the cymbals hovering over the rock, overlooking their young dragon with extremely arrogant eyes, can not help but sigh.

"This kind of monster has no real weakness at all, its brain is penetrated, its heart is broken, and it can fight."

"However, this level is almost the same. Don't give it time to recover and continue to attack. Its vitality is also limited. We people can consume it."

In the battle channel, the steady voices sounded one after another. Although they have a stronger body than ordinary people, and they also have the most advanced weapons and equipment, but wanting to kill the dragon is no different from walking on the blade, even if this is just A young dragon that was born shortly after.

"It's hard to imagine that if such a monster is an adult, what should we do to deal with it, we humans probably can't kill it."

"Adult dragons? It's really hard to deal with, but don't forget the weapons that we humans have already listed as taboo."

"Okay, don't gossiping, continue to attack, the dragon's recovery ability can be very abnormal!"


It was another thunder-like gunshot, which could smash a fortress bullet of a fortress, drag a bullet mark clearly visible in the air, and then hit a boulder, and the splattered stone was splashing.

"Well, why is it wrong?"

The sniper, who was a kilometer away, looked up suddenly, then lowered his head and put his eyes in front of the scope, and observed carefully that the bullet's landing point was not consistent with the aiming point before he pulled the trigger. .

"What happened?" A steady voice sounded in the sniper's tactical earplugs.

"As you can see, I missed this shot, but you know, I can't make such a big mistake, such a big target, I can't miss the target!"

"So, is this a problem with the dragon?"

"It's offset my sniper!"

"What a joke?"

"Attention! There's something wrong with Gulong, pay attention to avoid."

"Well! It's all like this, can you still struggle?"

Under the attention of many human beings, the black scale dragon lingering on the rock slowly closed the only eye. When he opened it again, the original dark pupil became golden, and at the same time an inability The breath of words pervaded.

"What's going on with this dragon? I feel like he's completely different before."

A girl wearing exoskeleton armor looked at the young dragon's golden pupil through tactical eyepieces, and couldn't help but take a step backward.

"I don't know if it is an illusion. I feel that there is something in the air and my body becomes very heavy."

"It feels right, and I feel like something is pressing me."

"The situation is not right." The blonde young man in charge of directing the battle changed his face slightly. Although the detection data on the tactical goggles did not change at all, his sixth sense as a creature was warning him frantically.


As the order was issued, the roar of the sound emitted by the firearms rang through the rocky ground, because the firearms used by this group of dragon hunters were tailor-made, unlike ordinary firearms, each bullet they fired, It's like a gun popping out of a chamber.

However, to the surprise of this group of dragon hunters, most of their fierce shootings did not hit the young dragon who had apparently stretched out.

Even if only a few hit the target, they only hit the non-lethal key, which is harmless at all. When they dropped the firearms in their hands in the "stop attack" cry, a scene that made them fearful appeared.

"Is this scared? A group of rookies, such psychological qualities dare to come out to hunt dragons?"

Muria, who had avoided most of the attacks at an extraordinary speed, squatted on another stone, and a pair of golden vertical pupils looked at these dragon hunters coldly.

At the moment of consciousness awakening, Muria can use the power of his deity, and even release the deity, but he is not so shy.

He knew very well where he was now, and there would definitely be a god, and at the same time there would be a big world where the epic existed.

So Muria decided to temporarily rely on the reincarnated body to walk in this special cluster world. Now he had to let his reincarnation survive.

When he was awake and he took over the body, he understood how bad the body was, the brain and heart were damaged, and the fatal vitality was to such an extent.

Thanks to dragons, so when his consciousness is awake, there is only one last breath left. If it is other creatures, it is probably cool already.

Therefore, when Muria's consciousness was revived and he took off with an epic battle consciousness, he began to think about how to restore this dragon body that seems to have just been born.

The dragon's stomach is empty and there is no food residue, which means that it has no energy reserves. It can be said that the dragon is quite miserable.

And there were only all kinds of hard rocks around, and there was no special high-energy material, so Muria's eyes fell on the wings that were temporarily useless because of the fracture.

So, in the shocked eyes of many dragon hunters, the young dragon they were about to hunt after turning away from the attack turned their heads, tearing off the broken wings of their wing roots, pinching them in their mouths, and chewing Shattered and swallowed quickly.

"This dragon is eating itself? This is too cruel!" A young dragon hunter who wore bone armor and could not see his face slowly backed away when he saw his mouth swallowing his wings. His voice was crisp and seemed very young.

"It's wound is healing, fast, continue to attack, don't give it a chance." It was difficult to suppress the sound of shock and a trace of fear.

All the dragon hunters looked at the chest that was almost two times larger than the four-teeth mammoth, and the broken bones began to dock, and the broken heart began to regenerate ... So, the roar of the firearm sounded again.

"It's too slow!" Just by relying on the dynamic vision of the young dragon's body, Muria quickly avoided all attacks that might affect his combat power.

"There is no fake action, all attacks can be predicted in advance, to such an extent ..."

Muria just wanted to criticize two sentences, but considering that before his consciousness was awakened, it was a genuine young dragon, and it seemed to be being cleaned up like this.

Moreover, his consciousness has just awakened, and the "waste" scolded by hate iron and steel does not seem to scold himself, because the consciousness of the young dragon is ultimately derived from his soul, which can be regarded as It is his split personality.

"Stop firing ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone, dragon hunting formation, we are close to it!"

In the nearly one-minute attack, after discovering that it was impossible to prevent Muria from recovering from his injuries, the person responsible for leading the dragon-hunting operation gave another order.

Then he set an example, took several metal pipes from his exoskeleton armor, connected them together and turned into a dragon hunting spear, and the dragon hunters wearing exoskeleton armor around him followed suit and took out the armor Melee weapon.

"Melee me? Hey, kind of funny."

After swallowing one wing, Muria turned his head and tore off the other wing, and continued to eat. It is also a good choice to eat a temporarily useless body when no high energy substance supplement can be found.


A blue flame spurted from the exoskeleton armor, and a dragon slayer holding a nearly one meter five-handed sword came forward quickly, piercing Muria's unhealed heart.

Melee combat with colognes is the best way to fight, and it is an abandoned way of fighting in today's age, but today they have no choice.

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