Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1266: Epic maid group

"What are you talking nonsense?" Timothy's brows froze. "You hid beside you for a while, you should understand. I captured this Zerg queen when I captured her. She released this layer of material in order to protect herself. I haven't found a way to open it yet. How can I get started with her? "

"No, no, Dad, you just said it yourself, you peeped at her memory, so she sealed herself in order to ensure that the secrets of her race were not leaked out."

Jin Longniang's eyes narrowed and she caught the omission in her grandfather's words. "There is a period of time in which you can directly contact her."

"What can I do this time?" Timothy was extremely helpless, but he was the Dragon King!

"A lot." Jin Longniang showed a lady's smile, but this unscrupulous smile filled Muria's eyes with bad intentions.

"I only probed her memory." Timothy reiterated that he was the Dragon King, and even if he had to do something, how many days would be enough.

"Who knows? But I don't care. I just need to write it down and tell my mother truthfully." Jin Longniang smiled like a flower,

"I will tell my mother, father, you forcibly captured a beautiful queen by force in a different world, and you also took her with you, trying to find out everything you want to know about each other."

"Aren't you scorning and distorting the facts?" Timothy laughed at his **** daughter.

"Dad, don't you talk about it, where did I distort? I'm just stating the facts."

Jin Long Niang spread her hands. "Daddy, if you really feel that you have done nothing wrong, then you can't accept my threat and don't give me a seal fee."

"Say, what do you want?" Timothy sighed and compromised. Although he didn't do anything wrong, according to his daughter, he was right and there were mistakes, and some things were unclear.

"I don't want anything else, just study this little queen for me?"

"That's it?" Timothy was surprised.

"Well, then you can give her to me." Perceiving the tone of her father, Jin Longniang had to step in.

"Give you."

Timothy did not hesitate to throw the crystal in his hand to Jinlong Niang, and the huge metal crystal like a house smashed into the short golden-haired girl, flashed by him easily, and stepped on it.

"What do you want her to do?"

"That's good to say, of course, it's beautiful!" Jin Longniang stood on the golden crystal and said for granted. The queen's nearly ten-meter-high body in the crystal contrasts extremely sharply with her small size.

"Not for research?"

"What do you study? Didn't you say you have studied it? You ca n’t open it, I guess there is nothing you can do." Jin Longniang is very simple. At least 90% of her areas of expertise overlap with her father. She probably didn't hesitate about what her father couldn't do.

"So you're asking me for this Zerg Queen, purely with a sense of collection."


"..." Timothy no longer wanted to say anything.

"Such a beautiful creature, and still in this state, is a perfect work of art. Isn't it normal for me to want to collect?"

"She is dangerous." Timothy looked solemnly. "This crystal is the self-protection method of the Zerg Queen. That is to say, she may break out of it at any time, putting you in unpredictable danger."

"What danger can it be?" Jin Longniang disagreed. "You can catch her alive without the body, forcing this little cute to be complacent. Am I worse than you?"

And if she was able to unblock it, it would just happen that I didn't have to bother to tame her directly and let her be my maid. "

"Don't be fooled by her appearance, Atris," Timos reminded earnestly. If it was a thousand years ago, he should have been worried about his daughter's speech. Fortunately, now that his daughter already has a partner's descendants, there is no need for him to worry about this.

"I was really fascinated by her appearance, but I wasn't seduced by her. I just wanted to find myself some good-looking, good-looking little maids." Atris said with a smile, but she was A loyal Yan Dang.

"How many more do you want?" Timothy was shocked by his daughter's speech. Should such an idea be worthy of his daughter?

"What's the problem?" Jin Longniang smiled, "Did you just say that? She is not a separate special individual. There is a race behind her. There are many similar to her, so I want to form The idea of ​​a queen of maids is entirely achievable. "

"Since you heard what I just said, why do you listen to only a part of it, and the Zerg still has a stronger existence, the existence of the epic queen is absolutely beyond doubt. Do you want this existence to be your maid?"

"Well, let the epic Zerg Queen really be wronged, then be my waitress!" Atris considered for a moment, and then answered very seriously.

"What about Miss Sophia?" Muria interjected suddenly. "What would she do?"

"Sophia, she is still my maid captain, and is in charge of everything after I leave. And the Zerg Queen, just follow me and fight with me."

"My daughter, when did you become so clueless, what kind of strength are you not clear about? You want an epic to be your maid captain?"

"Looking at the present and thinking about my bright future?"

"You are too arrogant. If you want an epic to be your maid, you must at least grow up to the level of the Titans and the Ten Lords."

"Well, it's decided. From now on, the Lord of the Ten Royals will be my goal." As she said, Jin Longniang turned her head to look at Muria. . "

"Ah, the Lord of the Ten Royals has always been my goal, but there is no need to catch the queen as a maid. I am not interested." Muria issued a solemn statement

"Well, is it because of Michelangela? Well, she has such a wide control, then you are too miserable, don't you even have this autonomy?"

"No, this is consciousness as a partner."

"It's too late, Muria Jr., take it easy."


"What happened? Why did you suddenly summon us?" In the dark void, several invisible and inexhaustible spiritual powers rushed across, wherever everything passed was shattered, and the void trembled.

"Ortis has lost contact with me!" The majestic power of the river is like a translucent female figure condensing in the void. When it appears, all material changes in the surrounding void are frozen, as if Time is still.

"Who is Ortiz?" Asked a little puzzled, who broke the existence of the void with pure spiritual power. Because she searched for her memory, she didn't find a match to it.

"You've slept too long, Akhta, Ortiz is the daughter of the Dream Palace."

"Oh? Dream Palace, you actually gave birth to a descendant, which is really something to be celebrated. Our ethnic group has another member."

"But she lost contact with me not long ago."

"What's going on? Who dares to attack the new members of our community?"

"It's not clear. As we grew up, I arranged for Ortiz to go to a medium-sized world and let her expand her army there in order to become a real empress as soon as possible.

However, not long ago, I felt that all of my daughter's legions were destroyed, and she activated the last resort I left for her. "

"Dream Palace, be prepared in advance, your daughter is very likely to have an accident."

"I don't need to say that you know. With my daughter's current strength, I know very well that she can be brought into such a situation. It is likely that an old guy who did not know how to live or die."

"Should not, who else in this world community doesn't know our reputation? Even if you accidentally clashed with your daughter's legion at first, wait until the combat force completely suppresses your daughter's legion, see When she's on her own, she won't continue to target. "

"Akhta, what do you mean?" Visible spiritual ripples spread, which represented the anger of a Zerg Queen.

"Dream Palace, I'm just telling the truth, why are you excited?"

"Don't you just say that my daughter was defeated by the indigenous people in my chosen world?"

"Do you not want to admit this possibility?"

"Do you think this kind of ridiculous thing will happen? Unless there is a higher level of military intervention ~ www.readwn.com ~, who can stop the Queen's Worm Nest Legion?"

"Every world can give birth to miracles beyond imagination. Don't think you can control everything. Dream Palace, no one knows what will happen in the next moment in the void. Don't think you can control everything at any time."

"Don't quarrel over this kind of thing, now we should find a way to rescue the new members of the community, and every delay in time will increase her danger by one point."

"Dream Palace, where is the coordinates of the world where Ortiz lost contact with you? I'll send a subordinate to see."

"No, I've sent a family member to investigate, and it won't be long before there will be results." A majestic spirit faded in the void,

"I'll ask you when I'm sure who's going to target my daughter without knowing it. Of course, maybe I don't need your help, I can solve it myself."

"You can do it yourself. I can just continue to sleep, but if you can't cope, don't take care of your face and ask us for help immediately."

"I know."

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