Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1267: You have no idea what you are facing

Boom! !! !!

Let the heart seem to stop beating, and the shock that the blood has solidified suddenly circulates in the sky, and when this wave spreads, the three beings living in a towering sky immediately felt it.

"It seems that something interesting has appeared!" The girl with short blond hair looked at the source of the change, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she recovered as usual, and then she looked bored and uninterested.

"Now that you feel it, don't pretend to be deaf and dumb. Who of your mother and son will look at it? You can't even let me, an old guy who has already experienced a war, go to work hard!"

Timothy looked at his daughter and grandson. Now that the thugs have been brought in, there is no need for him to shoot for trivial matters. His seniority can be placed here.

"Don't look at me, Little Muria, it's you." The blonde girl's eyes naturally fell on the teenager who was staring at him next to him.

"Aren't you going with me?"

"What am I going to do? You feel it carefully, but now it's a weak girl who doesn't have much strength. Going with you will only interfere and drag you down. It is not necessary."

The girl standing on the seal with a Zerg emperor's crystal said unconsciously, she forgot who had just boasted to her father that she was capable of suppressing an empress who might break out at any time.

"Well, I'll go." Muria no longer argued. As the saying goes, the official ranks are crushing people, but it is the seniority that ranks more than the official positions. There is still the possibility of change in the official position, but the generational thing is what it is.

"Gone, go to the anomalous point that just came out of the space fluctuations." Muria came to the top of the tower, jumped up to the top of the mountain-like red dragon, and then ordered the ancient dragon who had just stared at the eyes of a group of alien dragons Road.


The reddish ancient dragon of the scaled armor spread wide enough to cover the half of the sky in the eyes of the creature beneath it, rose into the blue sky, and then turned into a remnant that could not be seen at all.


Ellis Caller was sprinting in the sky like a slow, fast speed, and there were so many eyes below that there was no vital earth in his eyes.

In his perception, the earth below is already a solid piece of waste land, and there is no trace of useful resources in it, and the heritage of life will be cut off on this land.

In this case, he was very clear about what caused it. The land swept by the Army of the Worm Nest Army was like this. No matter how rich it was before, only a piece of waste land remained after the swarms passed.

But this miserable situation was not enough to impress him. His real concern was the large and small craters on the earth. On the edge of these craters, some residual limb fragments of the fighting zerg could be seen.

Through the fragments, he can confirm that this is the last trace left by the completely destroyed Worm Nest Legion controlled by Queen Ortiz.

"only one person!"

The Tall Zerg who cruised the earth almost came to a conclusion, then his seemingly the same as the ordinary humanoid creature, but in fact, the eyes of the Zerg compound eyes showed a dignified color.

Through the remaining traces on this land, he can be sure that it is not a certain group or a certain force that destroyed the Worm Nest Legion, but an individual with an incredible power.

"This power is very close to the Lord. No, it is enough to compete with the Lord. But, unfortunately, it is not the Lord. The Queen's eyes have already bet on it, and this existence will eventually become the same existence as mine. "

Ellis sighed for the enemy he was about to fight with, and he knew exactly what to do when the Zerg Queen found the existence of such infinitely close dominance.

"But where is he? He has defeated Queen Ortiz and it is impossible to fall."

Soon, the Zerg who descended from the void found a space channel connecting another boundary. At this time, he still didn't realize how special his world was.

He still thought that he was in a middle-sized world that was chosen by an extremely unlucky Emperor Zerg and then plundered.

"Is this the cover he did? It's a casual, arrogant guy."

Standing in a sky that looks the same, Ellis, with a thick layer of beetle, reached out and pressed forward. The space was rippled like a water surface, and then completely broken, the other side of the scene Appeared before his eyes.

"It turns out that there is no danger in the world that Her Majesty's Palace has chosen for Queen Ortiz. The real danger comes from another world that does not know when it will connect with this world. Everything makes sense."

Ellis consciously understood everything, and then entered the world full of vitality of life opposite.


"It's you who caused the space change just now, but why only you?"

The young boy riding the red dragon looked at the tall Zergling with a little surprise. He was ready to emulate his grandfather and use his own power to obliterate the entire Zerg army. However, there was only one bug across from him. Although this bug looks good.

"Is it you who took Queen Ortiz's existence? Give you a piece of persuasive advice, return the Queen as soon as possible, and take your tribe to escape!"


Suddenly getting this seemingly kind warning, Muria couldn't help looking back, and then looked at the unusually burly man in front of him, "You just talking to me?"

"Are there other creatures here qualified to talk to me?"

"Oh ~ www.readwn.com ~ In that case, I will also give you a piece of advice to inform the queen behind you, run away or you will die."

"What an ignorant statement, you know exactly what you are about to face."

"Well, you guy, what's going on? Why do you always say what I want to say in advance? Do you have the talent to predict the future?"

"Well, it seems that words are not enough to convince you. You still have to use force!"

The momentum of Zerg Ellis began to change at this moment, and the black-red breath visible to the naked eye emanated from him.

"Her Majesty the Dream Palace, the second-largest general, Broken Blade, Ellis Caller."

"Where is the self-reported home!" When seeing the Zergling who has already put on a combat posture, Muria stepped on the red dragon under his feet and then stepped back ten thousand meters in an instant. He didn't plan to shoot in this battle.

"Her Majesty Muria, second in the order of the Dragon Legion, Oston Igunier."

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