Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1295: This is the territory I command

Where's the epic? Somehow, do n’t you know my grandfather has traveled to the void? How dare you come to me and impersonate him, hum, do you think I am bullying? "

With the sudden start of the law formation, and the juvenile's wailing sound of righteousness, Muria suddenly made some crying and laughing, all of them are immediate family members who have blood relationship between them, this little guy didn't believe him.

"Okay, don't make a fool of yourself."

Muria didn't do anything. He had tied him, and the chain of elements that tried to ban his power broke down, and the law circles that had been activated also quieted down at the same moment.

"You ... really my grandfather?"

After the juvenile emperor who was about to be transported from here through the French formation was forcibly dragged back by Muria, he looked at him with a bit of suspicion.

"Where do you see that I am fake?" Muria raised her hand and looked at herself, not finding any problems with herself.

"But my grandfather was clearly in the void, and this time should not be before me." The young emperor explained to Muria the basis of his actions.

"That's it?" Muria was even more speechless, and his grandson was too cautious. "I thought someone had impersonated me before? Since it's just such a degree of suspicion, you have to start the law here to target me."

"Please ask your grandfather for your understanding." The boy smiled guilty in front of Muria. "Although you are very unlikely to be counterfeited, as an emperor of the empire, I still have to take precautions. After all, I There are no descendants yet. "

"Then you're not afraid to offend me? Grandson launches a large-scale attack when he sees his grandfather. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Hey, I also thought about this. Xanapus was built and built by your grandfather. The law here is also brought by you. Although it has been changed now, you can regain control of the big battle with your strength. , Naturally, it doesn't matter. So even if my behavior is wrong, it will not cause any substantial harm to you. "

"You think about it, but it's too irritating. As our blood relationship, you don't even believe it." Muria shook her head, not knowing what to say to her grandson.

As a high-powered ruler, dying is indeed necessary, but as a hybrid of Titan blood flowing in the body, this is not in line with the Titan's nature.

"Grandfather, blood relationship between blood relatives, as long as it takes a little thought, it can also be impersonated."

"So, you still don't believe me?" Muria looked down at the grandson, a little helpless in her heart.

"Although it is a little offensive, but you still need to prove your identity!" The young emperor bowed to Muria.

"I still have to prove to my grandson that I am myself? Ha, it's really interesting!" Muria suddenly cried and laughed at the request of her grandson, "Okay, you little guy, how can I prove myself?" ? "

"It's very simple. Walk with me to Hades, if you can get the approval of His Majesty Hades, you are sure that you are my grandfather Muria."

"Okay, just listen to you. Speaking, I haven't talked to Pluto for a while."


The space cracked and healed quickly, a ray of pure death gas overflowed, but it quickly melted away under the sun's rays. A young man and another boy with a similar three-point face appeared on a watchtower in the floating city. .

"It's time to believe me?"

In order to win the trust of his grandson, the emperor deliberately took this grandson to Muria, who was walking in the kingdom of Hades, Pluto, and looked back at the boy who looked after him.

"Grandfather, it was offensive in the past. Please punish grandchildren."

I never thought that the boy who could actually enter the kingdom of Pluto would salute Muria honestly and behaved like his grandson. Before seeing this young man, he could be linked to the rumored Titan who had an unrelated origin to Pluto After talking and laughing, he had erased the last trace of doubt in his heart.

"Okay, what's wrong, be careful, and my heart isn't narrowed to such a degree." Muria waved his hands and looked indifferent. He couldn't care about his grandson, after all, his grandson Did nothing wrong.

"By comparison, I'm more curious how the kid of Aerouss cultivated you into this character? I can't see a trace of bravery belonging to Titan on your body.

If there is no blood connection, I feel that the Titan blood on your body has been suppressed by the other two kinds of blood. "

"I also ask my grandfather to understand that I am the emperor of the empire. Every move affects hundreds of millions of people in the empire, so I usually act with security in mind."

"It's not a good thing to indulge in rights." Muria narrowed her eyes when she heard what her grandson said. "As my descendant, I should focus on cultivation, and achieve epic as soon as possible is right. way."

"Grandfather, you have misunderstood. I am not obsessed with empire affairs in order to enjoy my rights. I am to fulfill my responsibilities as an emperor. The people of hundreds of people trust me, and I cannot fail them."

"I don't blame you. It's good to have an empire, but don't neglect your practice."

Regarding whether his grandson was obsessed with power, Muria didn't particularly care. Even if he became an emperor, he would be addicted to it. For thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, he would toss freely. There is time Sooner or later there will be a day when he is tired.

"By the way, grandfather, are you back suddenly this time, is there anything wrong?"

After the grandparents chatted for a while and deepened their impressions, Muria's grandson Xiu carefully asked.

"It's not a big deal. Not long ago, I had a war conflict with an epic that was higher than me, and my family legion was badly damaged, so I came back this time to add the family legion."

"You are defeated?" Xiu's tone became more careful, and he perfectly substituted for his role as a grandson.

"Well," Muria nodded indifferently, and immediately noticed the restraint when his grandson was chatting with him, and couldn't help laughing. "Relax, I'm your grandfather, and no one else. In addition, It ’s ugly to defeat such a thing, but I still can accept it. After all, I ’m not as good as anyone. ”

"Oao," Xiu's face was awkward, "I will arrange for you to replenish the army immediately."

"Don't be too anxious. Although I haven't been here for a long time, it's not short. I will be ready to go again." Muria exclaimed, "Yes, aren't you worrying about the Elves and Drow? I'll go and talk to Elise. "

"It's a small matter, so you don't need to bother you."

"Oh, you whisper, I can hear you all. And this is a small matter, but it has to be dealt with. I just ignored these small things in the past, so I worry you today."

"Thank you so much for your grandfather. However, wouldn't it be nice to interfere with the sacrificial offerings of gods?" Xiu asked a small question.

In Eracia, the existence of epics is much weaker than the gods. Of course, it can also be said that the gods will always be more fulfilling than the epics. Therefore, in most cases, the material world is dominated by gods.

"What's wrong? The doctrines and sacrificial rituals of the gods have interfered with the operation and stability of the empire. Then you must change it. Is it necessary for the empire to tolerate and regress in this regard?"

"What if that Her Majesty refuses?" There was a hint of anxiety on his face.

The dark girl, Elise, is a very powerful goddess in the background. Although her **** name carries the word maiden, she is also said to guard all kind-hearted drow elves. But she was by no means a goddess of purity.

Not to mention that her naked body is different from the sacrifice of the normal good god. Let's just say that after her parents, the main **** of the elven department, Kerui Long and the queen Rose, had trouble, she was able to please both sides at the same time, jumping back and forth between the two intolerable camps, just this Explain that the goddess thinks it is not simple.

However, this is not the point for Muria. He doesn't care about it. No matter how many ways the goddess has and how good he is, he only thinks a little.

"This is the territory under my command. If he wants to develop believers here, he must abide by the rules I set, or get out of me."

Muria uttered a domineering tone in a gentle tone, then gestured to his grandson with his eyes, and asked silently.

"I see." Xiu lowered his head.

"Well, it's good to understand." Muria patted his grandson's shoulder. "You need to be clear. You have the three largest backers in the world behind you. You need to be stable, but you don't need to worry too much, let alone You need to look at other faces. "

"Grandchildren are taught!"

"Okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. You do your thing. You don't need to block the things I return, but you don't have to make a point."

"Yes, grandfather."

"Where are your three aunts now? By the way, have they been married now, did they have children?" Muria asked indifferently, seemingly inadvertently, but one of his fists clenched unconsciously. Already.

"Uh, I don't know the specifics. The whereabouts of my three aunts have always been erratic. I can confirm their location every once in a while. Recently, they appeared in Paradise Mountain." Suddenly, the air felt inexplicably depressed and answered quickly Road.

"As for the marriage, only my second aunt has chosen a spouse, and the other two aunts have not found a partner so far. Moreover, the spouse my second aunt chooses is really ..."

"What's that?" Muria's brow kept wrinkling, and then she let go. His eyes were reassuring and frustrated, and her complex thoughts were completely on her face.

"My second aunt chose more than one spouse, and they were not the opposite sex, but the same-sex dragon."

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