Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1296: Call up a legion

Hearing what his grandson said, Muria's expression at this time was very complicated, and he really didn't know what to say. On the one hand, he was glad that his daughter had not been arched by a wild boar who did not know where to come On the other hand, he was speechless for the second daughter Tiffany's special view of mate selection.

"Forget it, they are happy."

Wanting to turn around, Muria no longer has to worry about his daughter's partner, and there is nothing worth tangling. For his daughter, finding a partner and breeding offspring is not a task that must be performed.

Because they already have a brother, and he has completed the task of breeding blood. Therefore, there is no need to persecute them in any way.

Although it is indifferent to find no partner, his second daughter is too unique.

"Is anyone in this empire gossiping about it?" Muria thought, and asked.

"Of course no one dares to say anything more on the bright side."

"Speaking still needs to be controlled a little bit. There are too many such rumors and it's not good at all."

"Grandchild knows."

"Well, I'm looking for your three aunts, and it will take your trouble to supplement the Legion." Muria patted the young emperor on the shoulder and went straight to find his daughter.

Muria is not indifferent to the replenishment of the Legion, which is the main purpose of his return. It's because the best person to lead this matter is his grandson.

Forcibly taking over as the founding emperor is okay, but there is no need in this regard. It will only increase misfortunes and cause some forces in the empire to have some bad associations and some unnecessary things.

Therefore, it would be better to give it to other grandchildren here than to give it to his grandson and let him do all this.

Today's empire is no longer the empire he founded. Hundreds of years have passed, and even the long-lived species will have some changes as a result, let alone the country.

Because the composition of the empire is too complicated, no matter who it is, what it wants to do, there will be all kinds of troubles, even the supreme emperor is no exception.

Muria's return this time is to allow her grandson to use her strength to forcibly remove some forces that are not conducive to rule and consolidate her authority as an emperor.

How to operate it is his own business. Muria does not intervene much, as long as the things he needs can be delivered to him in a short time.

For example, the mobile airspace formed by more than one hundred floating cities, Sinapus, and Muria are ready to take all these floating cities away this time as a weapon for their own battles in a different world.

But these floating cities are no longer pure war bastions. As the capital of the empire, Siempus still has a pivotal political status, so if Muria wants to take it away, he needs to be cautious and And strict arrangements.

If they are taken away irrespective of being forcibly taken away, it will definitely cause extremely serious damage to the empire, and even cause it to fall apart. This is likely to happen.

Muria hopes that the empire he has established can continue to flourish and flourish, and naturally he will not do such a rude thing, so his best practice now is to wait quietly for his grandson to handle this matter.

"This grandfather, this is really a big problem for me!" Seeing his disappearance from his grandfather, the young emperor smiled wryly, rubbing his eyebrows, and felt some pain in his brain.

In his opinion, it was a trivial matter that the grandfather requested to supplement the corps of the dependents. If he ordered it down, he would naturally endlessly gather in the corps. Having sufficient and stable troop resources is something that a country that can maintain a peaceful and stable development environment can easily do.

The real problem is that Grandpa must take away the Xanapus. This is the most difficult thing to deal with. As the capital of the empire, Xanapus brings together most of the empire's powers. As long as the powers with a little influence will be settled in the capital Own mansion.

Now that his grandfather is going to take away Sinapus as a fortress of war, some of the wealthy and wealthy merchants who live on it will naturally have to arrange to move away.

There are too many forces involved, and if they are not handled properly, they can cause a huge riot. Of course, if handled properly, his authority as emperor will be greatly enhanced.

In fact, there is a more compromised approach, asking his grandfather not to move Xanapus, but to take away the floating cities that the empire has built over the years.

But the order is reversed. All the empires of Erassia are epic forces built to serve themselves. The Xenaps Empire is no exception. The core purpose of the empire is to serve Muria in the void.

When the empire's affairs conflict with the needs of the founder of the empire, the compromise must be on the side of the empire, not his grandfather.

What he can do as the top manager of the empire is to maintain the smooth development of the empire as much as possible after meeting the needs of his grandfather, instead of asking the grandfather to make concessions based on the conditions of the development of the empire.


On the frosty snow and ice, a giant with a cold blue light on his armour rushed into a huge palace made of ice, and bowed to the blue-skinned giant sitting on the huge ice throne.

"General, it's not good, there's news from the Imperial City, your mansion in Sinapus will be removed!"

"what happened?"

Wearing heavy armor, sitting on a chair carved from ice, the giant with a pure white frost haggling frowning at his own guard, a legendary power covering the entire ice palace.

With his emotional turmoil, beside him, several frost wolves with pure white hair and slightly blue light at the ends twisted their heads and stared at the Frost Giant who entered the Ice Palace to report.

Immediately, a few drops of ice leaked from the giant's forehead, which made him even more nervous. Although he knew that his general would not do anything to him, he was more cautious because of this.

"The specific news is unclear, but the news from the imperial palace this morning said that a large number of powers will be removed from the house of Xanapus, among which will be your general."

"It's just unconfirmed news. When it's not true, you came to disturb me because of this kind of thing?"

General Frost Giants, who led the legion to battle, looked at his guard with dissatisfaction. As a general who leads the army, it is natural to pay special attention to all news from the imperial capital under conditions.

After all, in the empire, although the legend is expensive, it is also not respected. Under certain circumstances, it can be erased at any time.

"Please forgive the army, the subordinates are just impatient. The emperor's capital is deep, you know, so do you have to prepare early?"

"Ready? What to do? Even if the news is true, it ’s just a mansion. If the emperor finds it annoying and removes it, there is something worth preparing for." General Frost sneered and made a suggestion for the guard. Disdain.

"General, this must be ..."

"Enough, I know what you want to say, but you have to keep one thing in mind. The world is big enough to accommodate the frost giant's life, and the only thing that gives the frost giant the future is the empire."

General Frost Giant stood up from his ice seat, and the guard half-knelt on the ground felt only in front of himself, as if a large glacier stood tall on the frosty ground.

"Subordinates know!" Frost Giant guarded his head and lowered his head.

"Behind the empire is the Titan, and the giant can only have the future if it follows the Titan, so the emperor with Titan's blood flowing on it, we can only respond to whatever we want to do to us."

General Frost's eyes were frank, "And don't forget, the current Frost Giant can have such a wonderful life, who gave it."

With this general's words just finished, the corner of the ice hall suddenly appeared a very obvious spatial fluctuations, and then, under the attention of two frost giants, one big and one small, with extremely large physique, an elegant figure Jinlong appeared.

"Are you General Vitali Doffgun? The Emperor wants to tell you something and ask you a question."

"It's me, what does the emperor want to tell me?"

General Frost was puzzled, and it was natural to be able to use the identity of the golden dragon in the lineup of the palace. It was because of this that he was puzzled. This was only activated in special circumstances.

"Some things like General You can only be known. It is not convenient for too many people to know for the time being." Jin Long, the messenger, answered with a smile.

"Go back!" Hearing that, General Vitali waved.

"General!" The guard shouted, showing anxiety, this is a very pessimistic giant ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this moment he was in his mind, based on the unknown news he had heard before, imagine The general he followed followed a miserable end.

"Don't think too much. I'm looking for your general this time, but there are good things." Jin Long laughed, claiming that the most distinguished dragon species among the dragons had affinity.

In this way, only the Frost Giant General and the Golden Dragon who came to send the message remained in the Ice Hall. With the passage of time, the Giant General who listened carefully gradually showed his excitement.

"So, General, the Emperor asked me to ask you, would you like to follow Her Majesty Muria and go to a foreign war?"

"Of course I will," General Frost replied without hesitation. Being able to follow an epic Titan is the lifelong pursuit of every giant, which is etched in the blood.

"That being the case, then I will inform your answer to the emperor. During this time, please contract your military strength and rectify your soldiers, waiting for the call at any time.

"That's nature!" General Frost's face showed an unstoppable smile.

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