Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1300: Fengshen

The dark void was torn by a surging stream of energy, a golden bloom bloomed, and it was impossible to see the existence of the shape coming out of it. He stood in the void, and behind it was a roulette inscribed with many ancient divinations describing the rules of evolution. Turn.

"Back again!"

Muria whispered, although he knows that he looks a little bit arrogant today, but he will not put away the Luo Tianjing behind him. This is his own equipment that he purposely casts in order to investigate, alert, and cover his information.

Although it is named Luo Tianjing, as far as the shape is concerned, it is more like a **** wheel, because its center does not have a mirror surface, but is composed of twelve **** wheels of different sizes, which operate according to the needs of Muria. Explore Daqian.

Because this is a master-assisted piece of equipment, Muria takes it with him at any time, instead of taking it into the body, which is not necessary.

And because of this, Muria knows all the information around him thousands of miles, although this will add a part of the burden to his mind, compared to the information he has obtained, it is quite cost-effective.

"Big world!"

Muria looks down at the world barriers that look similar to the medium-sized world below, and can't help revealing a trace of fiery, which will become his rising place.

Sealing the gods in the Erasian world is purely a future of self-destruction, because the path of ascension has all been cut off. One of those powerful deities has a master, and the gods are basically not retired. statement.

However, this large world of clusters is different. According to Muria's observation, although there is already a deity in its world, there are still a lot of vacancies in the throne.

In other words, there is a large number of divine power scattered, and the latecomers want to take up the position, and there is plenty of room. For an ulterior motivated guy like Muria, this is the shortcut left for him to seek the dominance of the big world.

Thinking of being a source that he can control after being dominated by the great world, Muria no longer hesitates and directly enters the great world with the real Titan, a sense of stasis that he has never experienced before.

For the first time, Muria experienced this uncomfortable feeling. He was like entering a narrow and aggressive gel. Every time he advanced a distance, he would consume a lot of strength. If he was slightly relaxed, he would be rejected from a distance. .

"Is this the big world!"

Forcibly squeezed into the barriers of the world, and felt the repulsion forces coming from all directions, Muria was a little surprised, this repulsion force clearly told how strong the world ’s defense is.

According to Muria's judgment, the epic, which has a little background and has just been promoted, may not be able to break through this level of barriers, even if it does its best.

From this perspective, you can know how amazing the big world is. You must know that world barriers are only the most basic passive defense for the world. The world's true defense system is still the **** who controls the divine power.

Of course, there are still many ways to circumvent world barriers. For example, the mystery of the demon controlled by Muria can hide itself, disguise itself as a lower creature, and directly penetrate.

Forcing a reckless approach with strength like Muria is very rare. The reason why Muria chose to be positive is simply to announce its arrival to this world and attract the attention of the will of the big world.


Desolate and dead, in a world not long ago lost all vitality because of plunder, turbid gray clouds wafted in the sky, and the black and yellow haze between the heavens and the earth surging.

Just when the dead world seemed to be going to sink in this way, the gray clouds in the sky suddenly turbulent, and the golden thunder arc shone in the sky, sweeping away the filth of the world.

And as time goes by, the arc shining in the sky becomes more and more stout, turning into a Thunder Dragon Snake swimming in the sky, but the appearance of these visions is just a sign of the imminent existence.


The sky fell, and the mighty golden Thunderfall fell from the sky, penetrating the gloomy gray cloud, and then bombarded the ground straightly. The ground began to shake violently, and the place where the bombardment of thunder quickly cracked and sank.

Outside the area where the Thunder bombed, the large floor blocks inside it continued to drop, which led to the continuous rise of the outer plates. Therefore, a huge circular mountain range with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers was formed.

Such a short period of time caused huge terrain changes, no matter for any medium-sized world, it is a world-class disaster, but for a world without a life, it does not matter, it will not be worse.

So Muria's only influence on this realm was to create a huge plain and a super crater surrounding the entire plain.

Muria, who successfully broke through the world barriers, did not care about his impact on the land in this realm. He stood on a magma pool that melted due to his advent, and looked up at the sky gradually covered by black clouds. With a careless smile on his face.

Even with the help of Luo Tianjing, the scope of the investigation was enlarged, and Muria couldn't see the scale of the dark cloud covering the thunder above his head. After all, it was a natural punishment due to his advent.

For the alien creature that can threaten the world's roots, the world's coming punishment is for the purpose of killing. As long as he does not die, the falling thunder will not stop.

But for such a situation, Muria had already expected, and it is easy to solve this situation.

"I want to seal God in this realm."

Muria looked up and whispered to the empty sky except the black cloud and thunder, so the thunder shining in the black cloud stagnated for a moment, then slowly disappeared into the cloud.

Although the Thunder disappeared for a while, the dark clouds rolling in the sky have not disappeared because Muria has not proved her words and actions with action.

"Muriya, have you decided?" Just as Muria was preparing to prove to the already coming world, a thick and majestic voice sounded beside his ear, and then the space in front of him cracked. The familiar ancestor appeared.

"I have decided, ancestors." Muria answered very solemnly.

"Muria, you want to seal God? Why did I only know it now?"

But at this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded behind the ten masters. When the ten masters were slightly sideways, Muria saw a familiar person from the crack that was torn by the ten masters. Figure, his father, Ansor.

"Ah, after consulting my mother first, I went to Shiyu's ancestors to talk about it, and then immediately implemented it."

Seeing his father, Muria was slightly embarrassed because he never planned to discuss this with his father. The ordinary Titan's view of the **** of the world was not unknown, so why go to his father to discuss it. This kind of thing is not happy.

"Ansor, don't say you don't know, in fact, I didn't know until now, the kid Muria actually planned to seal the **** here." The golden dragon king flew slowly and looked at the sky above his head with a relaxed expression. Fine.

"Grandfather!" Muria's embarrassment disappeared when he saw Timothy. The Ten Royal Masters not only brought his parents, but also found the elders related to him. There is no doubt that this greatly eased his embarrassment at this time.

"I don't know about it, either." Murcia's Titan grandfather Archimonde stepped out, looking at Muria with a scrutiny glance, without any expression on his face.

"It seems that only Atris and Shiyu seniors know about this, huh, Muria, when are you guys going to tell us about this. If it is not senior Shiyu, have you always planned to hide it? We met you after becoming a god, are you ready to confess? "

The light radiating from Timothy would completely dissolve the blood-sharp air from Archimonde, so that the atmosphere here would remain peaceful and not look like a battlefield.

"I'm not afraid of your opposition, so I plan to confess to you after the dust has settled." Muria explained with a smile. To his surprise, Titan's grandfather, Archimonde, had the exact opposite attitude.

"There is nothing to oppose, you are just merging the source, and you have the courage to seek the dominance of the big world. Such a spirit, such a ambition, I support you."

Archimonde looked at his grandson with admiration, and in this way, Muria was completely caught off guard, and after thinking about his grandfather's life experience, he was suddenly shocked.

His behavior at this time, on the criticism, and his grandfather participated in the unification war of a world community that year. Of course, relatively speaking, his behavior is still more robust.

After all, participating in the war of the world community ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even epics are in danger of falling at any time. And even if it is unsuccessful in trying to dominate the big world, it is also a **** who can live with the world.

"Muria, your thoughts are based on the ambitions that you have grown based on the information you have now. The world you see now gives you a feeling like that, but do you really understand the world?" Timothy, who had a more peaceful personality, was very serious at this time.

"I know, grandfather, but God is not the same as epic. The unknown existences that you are concerned about, once I become a god, I am afraid that it will not be long before I can gain the ability to fight against them."

"Since you've thought about it, I won't say much." Timothy sighed softly. He was opposed to this, but Muria had already decided, so he would not interfere more.

"Muriya, you have already thought about it, we will not say much, let's start, and then don't start, the thunder above your head will be cut off." Jinlong Niang Atris urged.


Muria looked up at the sky, his mind moved a little, and the vast dark cloud in the sky suddenly changed.

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