Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1301: Robbing clergy

In the horizon observed by Muria through Luo Tianjing, the sky, which seems like endless black clouds, has undergone drastic changes. The original black clouds, full of depression and despair, quickly turned into golden, sacred and endless. Gorgeous and full of hope.

Muria looked up at the sky. The cloud of heaven punishment turned into a golden auspicious cloud in a very short period of time. The power that was originally used to kill him was instantly transformed into a pure and gentle higher ability. Extremely mysterious law rhythm.

"This world will, really ..."

Before Muria had time to sigh, the endless golden clouds in the sky condensed on top of him, turning into a flood of golden energy pouring towards him.

Pure and gentle powers drowned his body, and frantically poured into his body, and after these initial discomforts, Muria accepted all of them.

And because these forces are too pure, Muria can easily turn into a part of himself without any purification, so his breath begins to rise at a very obvious rate.

At the same time, when Muria began to accept the world as a gift to him, or to buy his power, there was a divine light shining on his body, a majesty and breath that belonged to the gods on him. Revealed, and gradually became heavy.

When Muria sealed God, his parents and elders watched him become a **** of the great world under the protection of the Ten Lords, and received the power of the laws of the world.

"With such infusion, this world will be too hungry!"

Seeing a waterfall pouring down from below nine days and completely submerging her son's figure, Jinlong Niang's face could not help showing a hint of envy.

Because the speed of Muria's breath is too stable, it seems that it will not end in a short time. It is hard to imagine what level of **** he will become when Muria completes the seal.

"This big world is too special. Its existence forms limit its development. It is good to be able to conceive gods. It is more difficult to conceive epics than it is for us to know how many times it is."

The Lord of the Ten Royals looked at Muria, who was transforming into a god, and there was a hint of wonder in his eyes. This was not the same as the process of transforming the epic into a **** in Erasia, giving too much.

"So Muria chooses to be the **** of this world, will this world will give such a fierce response?"

Timothy looked at his grandson, and involuntarily showed a slight movement in his eyes, but soon, he persuaded this impulse in his heart with great perseverance.

"Well, that's probably the case. The world is not the same as the world. In Erasia, the epic transforms the gods. The will of the world will give you the same power as the epic itself. But in this big world, you may get the **** More."

"The ten ancestors, how much do you expect Muria can get this time?" Jinlongniu carefully considered her tone and whispered to the old antique of the Titan tribe, not for Muria, but just for Satisfy her own curiosity.

"It's hard to say. I don't know how much this world will pay attention to foreign epics, but judging from what it is now, Muria's power can at least multiply on his original basis."

"It's too generous," Jinlong Niang's eyes exclaimed when she heard the words of Lord Shiyu. "It made me feel a little excited."

"What? You still want to compete with your son for dominance? It's a bit ridiculous!" Timothy glanced at his daughter and said angrily.

"Just kidding, even if I ca n’t help my son as a mother, how can I even mess with him?"

And while you all admire Muria's demise, Muria's consciousness came into contact with the will of the world.

Magnificent, broad, endless, no sorrow and no joy ... This is a huge will without any emotions. Just by touching a few breaths, Muria feels a little unbearable, but fortunately this huge Muria's will contact Muria for guidance, not for direct communication with Muria.

"Sea of ​​Power!"

Led by the will of the big world, Muria's consciousness saw a small lake. When she saw the liquid that seemed to be able to evolve everything in this tiny lake, Muria knew what she was looking at now. What's up?

This is the world's most important source. If you control the Sea of ​​Sources, you can affect the entire world. In the same way, any major change in the world will also affect the Sea of ​​Sources and make them turbulent. And when the sea of ​​source power runs dry, it is when the world is destroyed.

Therefore, the Sea of ​​Sources is a place where neither the gods nor the epics can reach. Only at the moment when the gods are promoted, they can see the most original place in the world under the guidance of the will of the great world.

As for the epic, unless the medium-sized world is the only seedling born of endless opportunities and coincidences, otherwise the epic of the big world will never want to see the sea of ​​power.


After seeing this lake that is not really big, Muria knew the next moment that the will of the world would lead her consciousness to arrive there—choose, and then gather her clergy.

The Sea of ​​Sources is the core of the world, which contains all the laws of the world. No matter which gods of the world, the authority they control comes from this.

"What priesthood should I choose?"

Hearing that the will of the world had placed this multiple-choice question, which was vital to his future, in front of Muria, Muria began to think seriously, and then in less than two breaths, he came up with the answer "The more the better!"

As Muria made the decision, the source of power Haye saw in his consciousness suddenly wavered, and the priesthood under his control began to condense.

[Sun] [Sky] [Earth] [Ocean] [Death] [Life] [Killing] [War] [Bright] [Flame] [Thunder] ... all the clergy areas that can be reached by the power of his body, Mu Rhea has all chosen.

The priesthood is an important factor that determines the status, combat power, attributes, and even future development of a deity. The priesthood determines what rules a **** can control in the world.

For Muria, the priesthood he needs does not need to be complete and pure. He only needs more, so it does n’t matter if he is so complicated. Therefore, he tries his best to leave a mark on all the priesthoods he can control. As the basis for future expansion and plundering of the divine power of other deities.

At the moment when almost all the gods were sealed, according to the priesthood they chose, they had determined the heights they could reach in the future. After the decision, it was extremely difficult to change or obtain more priesthoods. ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are many typical examples in Erasia. I do n’t know how many deities have reached the limit of their priesthood, and then they want to reach out of their priesthood and get more. Priesthood and empowerment, but even if these ambitious gods take great care, only a small part can succeed, and the results are generally not good.

Knowing the doorway, Muria naturally wants to expand the range of priesthood that he can extend as much as possible when he chooses the priesthood, even if he chooses these extremely powerful priesthoods, because of his greed, he fights against him. It doesn't matter if you don't help.

It may be very difficult at the beginning now, but as long as he survives the initial period, he will have an extremely bright future, not to mention many, as long as he can collect all these clergy, the position of the Lord of the Great World is basically stable .

"But that's it!"

When a goddess of light shining with eighteen colors rose from the Sea of ​​Sources, Muria smiled with ridicule, then spurred this goddess with great potential ...

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