Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1307: great……

The broken scale armor splashed and flesh flew enough to cover the firepower of a small earthen bunker, but no matter how long the artillery fire lasted, how terrible the injuries he suffered, this monster Always stood there and stood still, even advancing against the bullets.

"What level of Dragon blood is this abnormal awakening? So strong? This is a bunker that has been powdered. This guy can still move?"

The leader of women's clothing and the deputy dragon-slaying gangster was shocked to see such a fierce performance of the madman who relied on the high-ranking dragon race in the city.

The weapons used by these dragon slayers are all mixed with private goods, but they have added damage to dragons. If they can hit the key, they can directly kill some lower dragons.

"Don't go up, retreat quickly, you are not an opponent." At this time, a harsh command sounded in his earplugs, and the women's ladies who looked more attractive than the majority of women turned away.

As he carried his skirt and ran off his heels, he muttered, "Who wants to fight close to this monster, and I still have a great time?"

When he was running, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes saw more than a dozen people jumping from trees or drilling from the ground, rushing up with various large weapons that were not proportional to their bodies.

"What a real warrior! All guys!" The ladies lady sighed and ran away without looking back. He had done the most dangerous decoy task, and the rest was nothing to do with him.


"Ha, you ants just want to hurt me? But it's just some inferior species!"

After the rain of guns and bullets stopped, Huadu looked at the dragon slayers who rushed to him with swords and swords. The anger that had been patient for a long time erupted immediately.

"You all die for me!"

The fiery flame erupted from his almost adult body, forming a ring of flame, which spread rapidly around him.

The experienced dragon-slayers used the unreasonably large weapon in their hands as a shield, and easily carried this wave of seemingly powerful attacks, and then chopped on this monster together.

The sound of a razor's blade entering the flesh sounded, but this monster was not among the dragon-slayers, but relied on the dragon's bones to forcibly resist this wave of chopping.

"Get away!"

The monster waved its claws, and easily patted a dragon slayer, and seized a weapon along the way, then a fierce battle broke out.

Actual combat proves that this monster does not have much shortcomings except that it has more hormones in his head, because he has mastered very exquisite fighting skills, which shows that his energy is not all about the opposite sex.

And when this group of people and Long She forgot to die, in the sky above them, a faint red light appeared in the sky, and gradually expanded, forming a gorgeous aurora, just like the goddess skirt.

And such a vision did not end the fierce battle in the wilderness. After all, no matter which side did not bother to look up at the sky during the battle, and no matter who saw the change, no one would stop. The blade of war.

However, the change in the sky is just a sign of the imminent existence of a great being. When a coercion of people who want to worship worship appears, the battle is forced to end.

The space was like ripples on the water surface, and then a crimson dragon claw that was larger than everyone protruded, and then stepped on the place gently, but even so, the ground trembled.

But the people who saw this scene did not even admire or express their feelings, because when this dragon claw appeared, the coercion in the air was even stronger, and everyone was lying on the ground. Even the dragons, who have been exceptionally strong just now, lie down.

And just when the name was higher than the sky, and the flower full of pride in his heart twisted his head with less difficulty, he just saw the sky, and the giant dragon-like head protruded out, which immediately made his eyes look Become sluggish.

He's crazy, he's proud, but he's not an idiot without a brain. No matter how you look at it, the existence that appears to him for whatever reason has the power to crush him to death.

"Dragon King !?"

According to the broken information he knew from the bloodline, the mad expression shouted with excitement, and his expression gradually became enthusiastic.

According to the information he knows, once a real dragon king appears to you, the existing human social order will be completely subverted by the power of the dragon king. The era of the dragon will begin from this, and he will certainly become a noble of the dragon era. Like now, hide and seek.

Hearing the shouting of this non-human being, the rest of the dragon slayers, who were crushed by Long Wei to the ground, were extremely difficult, and their faces became even more ugly.

Because this existence has exceeded their understanding of dragons, apart from the Dragon King, they really don't know what is more suitable for this dragon.

"Dragon King? No, I'm not a Dragon King!"

And just as some people started various associations because of the emergence of red dragons, and even started some inheritance plans that would only start at the last moment, the dragons that came across the space lowered their heads and looked at these bodies under their feet. Whether the natives of the native dragon family have been adulterated.

"I am the great King of Dragons, the **** of the Titans in charge of the sun, the masters of the sky, the earth and the sea, holding the reincarnation, and the messenger of Muria, her life and death. Pathfinder Oston ~ www.readwn.com ~ introduces itself to the local indigenous people in a way that preaches Muria's existence.

The mixed race below listened to Oston's words, and his mood fluctuated with his introduction, but they were all in the last messenger of his words.

The existence of such a powerful presence in front of him is actually another messenger of the existence of the great shore, then how powerful is that existence that can obey the King of Dragons for himself? It is unimaginable.

"What are you doing just now? Are you fighting? You are all hybrids who inherit the blood of dragons. What can't you say?"

Allston looked strangely at the indigenous people below. In his eyes, this guy is all of the same kind. But it was just how thin the dragon blood was in the body, but the words provoked a fierce reaction.

"We are humans who have inherited the blood of the dragon, and we are not the same as this kind of monster that no longer treats similar people.

"Fart, you are monsters, or inferior inferior species, and I am a higher human with two bloodlines."

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