Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1308: Where I am is the realm of the King

Hearing some men who called themselves monsters rightly refuted, and the dragon-slayers who heard such a man's words didn't know how to refute for a moment.

According to their experience, humans whose dragon blood exceeds a certain limit will no longer consider themselves humans, and humans are like ordinary beasts in their eyes.

But this guy does not regard ordinary people as his life, but he does not regard them as ants that can be crushed to death at will, which can be seen from his lower body thinking behavior that he can always collect beautiful opposite sex.

The dragon blood in this body has seriously exceeded the standard. He regards himself as surpassing ordinary human beings, and his life form is more perfect. Although this status is true, it is completely different from ordinary dragons.

"So what do you rely on to distinguish between enemy and me? Do you rely on the concentration of dragon blood in your body?"

Aston watched the alien dragons tearing at his feet below, listening to the content of their noisy, his face became very delicate, of course, this group of humans could not see his look change at all.

In any case, in his eyes, the standard of this group of humans to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy really made the dragon speechless. He pondered for a moment, but also saw that the root cause was not the purity of dragon blood, but the influence of too high purity dragon blood on the mentality and thinking of the awakened person.

But the reason why this kind of thing happens, in the final analysis, is because the awakening itself is too weak, so it will be eroded by the information carried in the dragon blood, have anti-human thinking, only a few talented strangers In order to slightly counteract the erosion of dragon blood.

Let's take a closer look. The reason why there is such a thing is because the humans in this world do not have their own extraordinary inheritance. All the extraordinary powers they have come from the Dragon race. In other words, the stronger they are, the closer they are to the dragon, and the part that belongs to people is constantly suppressed and distorted.

This situation is completely different from Erasia. Although Erassia's Dragon Warlocks rely on dragon blood, they have strong self-cultivation. Regardless of the level of dragon blood in their body, even if it has been purified to incarnate To the extent of the dragon, it will not be distorted by the information carried by the dragon's blood, unless it is voluntary, otherwise. Most Dragon Warlocks will not deny their race.

The reason is this, and Auston also sees the source of the problem, but this reason cannot be used to persuade, these guys will not listen at all, which is beyond their understanding.

"Forget it, it's simpler."

After much thought, Auston still decided to end this meaningless battle in his eyes in a relatively rude way, just to declare the existence of His Majesty Muria to this realm, and to make the souls in this realm mental well ready.

"I don't care what you are doing, but from now on, all conflicts and battles on an extraordinary level are prohibited."

The body was glowing with red, and Aston, who had received the fire power strengthened by Muria through the priesthood [Fire], issued a majestic and long-sounding chime.

Suddenly, day and night reversed, and the red aurora, which looked extremely gorgeous in the night sky, became brilliant at this moment, dissipating all the darkness, and eclipsing Xingyue.

"Where I am, it is the territory of my king, and all of them are my king's subordinates, and abide by my king's laws!"


"Principal, what do you think of this?"

In the wide, clean, single-tone conference room, three-dimensional projections appeared on their seats, so the big figures who belonged to different forces separated by thousands of miles gathered in the same conference room to discuss face to face.

At this time, a thin-skinned, middle-aged woman facing a slightly mean face looked at the only white-haired old man who sat in the first place at the conference table.

"How else can you look at? Of course, you can sit and watch." The old man looked at the high-level forces of all social forces in front of mankind, not only was not a little nervous, and even seemed quite lazy.

"Principal George, pay attention to your words. This scene will determine the future of mankind. This is not the time to joke." Someone frowned at the cynical old man sitting on the top of his head, and was quite dissatisfied with him.

"I'm not kidding, this is my answer. I know what you expect, but sorry, I can't give you the answer you want." The old man sat up straight and gave a formal answer.

"We allocate a lot of money to the college every year, not to hear your response at this time."

"Oh, I can tell you very seriously that I did n’t waste a single point on your investment in the academy. All of it is used to train warriors against dragons. It is for this reason that you, these people, can sit safely in your own. In terms of position, it is an advantage to fight with your own kind. "

"Principal George, we all know the contribution that the Academy has made to human civilization under your management, but now you have also seen that a dragon that is enough to subvert human civilization has emerged. We need to guarantee humanity's supremacy in the world. So Is there really no way to kill this dragon? "

"I said, I can't give you the answer you want. This dragon is beyond the scope of the academy."

Looking at the questioning general, the old man recalled for a moment and remembered the identity of the other party, the real general in the world's largest country today.

"You have also observed the size of this dragon's body. I don't say what great power he has. Just by virtue of his body, he can crush any army in the world."

The white-haired old man looked at the picture in the center of the conference table. The crimson dragon was just squatting there, taller than any natural or unnatural creature around it. The human building looked like a toy in front of him.

"That's why we found you. We looked for a lot of tactical forecasting experts and let them predict the outcome of our attack on this dragon. But the results were not much different. Human weapons, whether conventional or conventional Unconventionally, this dragon cannot be harmed, it will only anger him. "

"So you can pin your hopes on the academy. Sorry, this is a war with no victory. My students can sacrifice in the war against the dragon, but they cannot die in vain."

"Then you want to watch the dragons trample on our human civilization? Do you want the current human dominance to be subverted, to be the servants of the dragons, or to be food in captivity?"

"Of course I don't want to."

"That being the case, do you still avoid fighting?"

"Don't you just want our college to test the power of this dragon?"

The life-long experience of a legendary principal has already seen the real reason why these big men in front of him sought him.

Why don't they know that the dragon is just over 200 meters long, and the dragon, which can easily cause large-scale changes in the horoscope, is beyond the college's confrontation scope.

It is precisely because this alien species is so powerful that the powers of various countries are stagnant, and even tentative attacks dare not launch. That's why they hope to find a warrior who is strong enough to test out some of the strengths held by the dragon.

"Oh, principal George, we ..."

"Why are you thinking so narrowly? Except for confrontation and submission, can't you think of a third way to get along with other kinds of strangers?" The dean of the academy established for the purpose of Tu Long sighed, uttering a shock.

"You mean cooperation? Is this path possible? According to our understanding of dragons, aren't they all arrogant creatures?"

"Yes, we humans are probably not much stronger than ants in the eyes of those dragons. How can we reach cooperation without equal power?"

"It's true. We humans don't have those powerful dragon confrontation forces at all, but we have the foundation to destroy the world."

George put his hands on the conference table, leaned forward, and put a very oppressive posture on his face, with a subtle smile on his face, "Showing us humans to those dragons, even if they would rather go to ruin, Give in! Then we have the possibility to work with them. "

"Is it just possible?"

"It's just possible, according to our human records, that the seed of the dragon family is at the very top and has the power to create the world. And our weapons can destroy the world, but in the final analysis, it is just a surface pear. For the world In fact, it's nothing. "

"So we are using this as a threat. Isn't it foolish to try to reach a cooperation?"

"This is the best result and it is worth a try. No matter whether it is successful or not, it will not be worse."



Seeing the indigenous people in this realm controlled a group of tadpoles who ran and spoke in front of themselves ~ www.readwn.com ~ Auston spent a lot of time before he could not keep himself from laughing, after all these humans It is really courageous and commendable.

"Yes, we human beings are peace-loving races, and we hope to ..." Because of the coercion possessed by Oston, no human can face his majesty at all. The high-level humans can only use machines to reluctantly To communicate.

"Well, what kind of race are you, I know better than you. I can tell you now why I am here, to bring you into the rule of my king without destroying the existing order in."

"Domination?" Under the pressure of Auston Yilong, the high-level human beings who had to gather together changed their expressions when they heard such an answer.

"Oh, by the way, this is a notice, not a declaration of war. Here you are, I have explored. Indeed, there are signs left by the ancient great existence. Unfortunately, they have not stayed with you. So, you even There is no right to let our Lord face it. "

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