Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1309: Excuses for slaughtering God

"Father, didn't you say you want to conquer the realm where your brother is? Why didn't you start?"

Suspended in the splendid city under the blue sky, the innocent and romantic girl asked the existence sitting on the seat of the **** with a hint of impatience.

"It's over." Muria opened her eyes and looked at the slightly coquettish girl in front of her, showing a touch of petting. "Your brother's realm has surrendered to me."

"Ah! When's the matter?" Tiffany rushed to ask about it.

"Just yesterday."

"Why don't I know? And I didn't see your father take a shot!"

"It's too weak there, and I don't need to do it myself. I sent Auston to give them up."

Muria answered with a smile. In fact, he did not miss the shot. The reason why he only sent Auston to the past was because he had used Luo Tianjing to explore the world and knew the situation there.

Of course, he will not forget that in the area where he was originally born, the legend of the Dragon King was circulating, but after searching for Muria, he was very disappointed to find that there were indeed traces of gods or epic existence activities, but only traces There is no existence at that level.

"Ah! This is too casual! Katia must be disappointed!"

"There is nothing to be disappointed with, I have chosen the real goal! There are a lot of gods out there, and you can meet a **** child just wandering there."

"Where?" Tiffany was suddenly curious.

"The center of this big world, of course, this is just my guess, but even if it is worse, there must be one of the cores of this world."

Muria's goal is naturally the hometown of his student Jiuli, where there are hundreds of clustered worlds scattered throughout the void. It will condense the scattered world into one place and allow resources to gather. It is destined to become the vortex of the future of this world, and the ambitions will be involved, and Muria will not miss it.

Jiuli's hometown, in plain words, is where the soldiers must compete. If he can use this as a springboard to attack all the connected areas, he can basically become the most in this big world. Top presence.

"Speaking of which, the priesthood of my student seems to be [Water] [Earth] [Creation], which almost completely overlaps me!"

Thinking of his next goal, Muria naturally thought of his cheap student, so he naturally began to think about how to deal with this student.

The clergy in the hands of his students is naturally what he wants. This is undoubtedly something, but will he turn his face with this student? That is not necessary, because this matter is not indisputable, not that there is no room for maneuver.

It is no coincidence that his student's clergy overlaps with him, but it is an inevitable thing. After all, because of his greed, at least half of the gods in this world have a clergy conflict with him. The relationship between the gods and the circle of interests are counted. He is basically opposed to all the gods in this world.

"Take care of it!"


The shape is rugged and simple, with a primitive atmosphere, but at the same time the atmosphere of the temple, the gentle wind blows, blowing the bronze bell in the temple for blessing slightly.

In the center of the temple, the hazy half-human and half-snaked idol shone with a lustrous luster. This deity, which is worshipped by tens of thousands of believers day and night, seems to be living at this moment. No, it is living. Already.

The stone idol has the texture of flesh and blood and has the breath of life. In many sacrifices and worships rushed to the news, it turned into a living head of the serpent, and then looked outside the temple. With a hint of vigilance.

"It's really good, your use of divine power has taken it to the next level." The dark-haired young man walked into the temple in the eyes of many sacrifices and anger, and then worshiped the gods in a disrespectful tone. Give light words.

However, many worshippers and those lucky enough to see the manifestation of the gods are shocked. Facing such a disrespectful tone, the gods they worship not only have not the slightest anger, but have lowered their heads. Smiled. "

"You are not a micromanipulator." Muria shook her head. Although the gods had a lot of restrictions, in turn, they had a lot of authority.

For example, every belief **** can attach his consciousness to any worshipped idol. If the faith power accumulated in the idol is enough, it can also be made a temporary incarnation.

Muria hasn't mastered the basic ability of this **** for the time being, without him, without believers. Of course, the deeper reason is that he is more afraid of such things as faith, and he does not want to be contaminated.

"Teacher, you have won the prize. However, the students found that you are in a strange state right now. Is something wrong with you?" Jiuli, who had lowered his will, looked at his face with a statue that had been infiltrated by the power of faith for many years. There are seven or eight familiar youths with subtle looks.

"As you can see, I am just as God now as you, but still a little different from you."

"Teacher, you are ..."

"I have nothing else to do this time, just to ask those gods who have enemies against you."

"Uh? Teacher, what do you ask for this?"

"Although I am your teacher, I have never done too much to you. I am now thinking about it and want to do what the teacher should do ~ www.readwn.com ~ For example, helping students with grievances . "

"I don't need it!" After hearing about Muria's history, Jiuli froze, then quickly refused, "I can solve this myself."

"Do it yourself? When will that be? And don't you know that the times have changed? Think of yourself! Becoming a **** in such a short period of time is the success of the times."

"..." Jiuli was silent, and he knew that luck in his rise accounted for a considerable proportion. Speaking bad, he is the pig standing on the air of the new era.

"As long as there is one group of **** enemies that you provoked, as long as you have a little luck, you will be in great trouble. So after you provoke the enemies, find an opportunity to kill them early.

"But teacher, let me take the lead for me. I'm really sorry."

"... What do you mean by being twitchy? I think I will be disadvantaged when I help you in my early years. I think too much. Let me tell you the truth. I just ask you for an excuse."

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