Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1330: The choice given by Helios

In the sky, a bright sun hangs high, and the hot sun shines on the barren land. There is no lively ground. A great existence or moving mountains as a seat, or standing quietly in the sky In the middle, his eyes fell on a **** shrouded in golden divine power.

That is an existence like an incarnation of the sun. No, without it, this existence is an incarnation of the sun. The temporary semi-planar planes where the gods are located maintain part of the power of their existence. One of them originated from him. One of the three initiators of the conference of the gods, the powerful god, the sun **** Sergey Gradir.

The reason why he can know his **** name is because after the number of gods on the battlefield reached 28, he closed the passage to the half plane, and introduced himself after announcing the meeting in front of many calm gods.

And the gods can remain calm after the entrance of the half plane is closed, because the gods participating in this meeting are all incarnations, and no gods are enough to move out of the real body.

"You, I, the Lord of the Blues, and the King of the Mountains invite you to this meeting to end the chaos of today."

The Sun God looked around at the more than 20 gods present, telling the purpose of holding this meeting, and his eyes always passed if there was a pause when Muria and the Feather Vulcan passed, Muria Notice the difference sharply.

"You know the situation now ..."

The sun god, who attracted the attention of the gods, continued to talk, and Muria split half of her attention into meditation, and it was expected that Muria was paying attention to this powerful divine power.

Well, the **** of the sun, you can know what the main **** of this powerful divine power is by listening to the name of the god. [Sun], there is no doubt that there is an unavoidable clergy between him and the **** of the sun. It's no surprise that He killed him.

This is normal, because Muria also has such ideas, and even Muria's ideas are even more bold. He wants to kill all the gods who have blocked himself and become the master of the world.

"Most of you are newborn gods. It's unclear what the nature of the world is. Do you still think that the world you originally ruled is independent? It's just because of some special reasons that you are connected with other worlds? "

In a long and tedious remark, the powerful deity finally spoke of what interest Muria,

"There should also be some of you. You should try to explore the area outside the world. The endless void is an inaccessible restricted area for us. The more we explore into that darkness, the weaker our divine power becomes.

In fact, this is the limitation of our deities. We can only exert our due power in certain areas. Now, when you come to the so-called new world, do you feel any decline in your strength? "

The powerful divine power did not speak out, but the medium divine powers that were invited naturally gave the old **** a favor,

"That's not true!" Some gods gave face a chance to answer. And the fact is not just pure support. Many gods are indeed thinking because of the word of the sun god, connecting the new world in the realm they rule. Is it really the new world?

"I can tell you why now, the realms you rule now, including the realms you see, were once part of a vast world just a billion years ago."

"Is this all true?" Some gods couldn't help but question, which is completely different from the world they know.

"What qualifications do you have for me to make up lies to deceive you?" The sun **** Sergey Gradir showed his arrogance as an ancient deity, but this gesture also eliminated the doubts in the hearts of the gods. "You are worthy?"

"But Her Majesty Sergey, why did the world become what it is today?" A **** asked further, this was a secret they had never known.

"That's because of a disaster!" The sun **** Sergey Gradir recalled in his voice, but although he was feeling, he didn't tell the gods today what the disaster that caused the world to change intention,

"After the great change, Britannia, which was once so vast, fell into what you see today, and then gave birth to you on the wasteland destroyed by the war."

Hearing this ancient **** telling the secrets of the world, Muria was thoughtful. He finally knew the name of the big world of the cluster, Brittania. Although this was not useful, at least he knew the big world. The existence of the world is not a natural evolution.

"Your Majesty Sergey, what was the original disaster that shattered the world?" So secretive, naturally, there are gods who want to trace the source and explore the truth hidden in the depths of history.

But unfortunately, the reason why the ancient gods told the new gods of the origin of the world is mainly to achieve their goals, not to confuse them,

"That was the disaster I wanted to forget. I do n’t mention it anymore and I do n’t want to face it. It ’s too terrible. Most of what I know is in that disaster. be destroyed.

For you today, it doesn't matter if you know the details of this disaster. What you need to care about now is the world that is once again interconnected.

Although for the people present, the wider world, the new land and the intelligent race mean that they will become a ladder of higher-level existence, and you can cope with the disaster brought by you.

But endless confusion means that unpredictable variables will be bred, and what is bred in them may lead to the fading of a part of the scene. "

"So, what do you want to express? Are you threatening us?" A **** dressed in war armor, spontaneously destroys all the surrounding gods, and asks the sun god.

"God of War? Valkyrie?" Muria looked at the gods who did not have medium power but dared to question the powerful gods, and felt the breath of God's power on him, and sighed, "Iron golem."

However, Muria is not too surprised. The belief in God who was promoted by mortals can still maintain self-will in the early days of God's seal, but after becoming a god, it will be gradually eroded by the priesthood and become what the priesthood wants him to be. Look.

Even if it has the old concealment, the existence of the attribute of Gou Sheng chooses [destroy] [kill] and other battle-related priesthoods. With the passage of time, it will gradually be eroded and become reckless.

"Don't misinterpret what I mean!" The sun **** stared at the iron golem **** without anger. He knew how serious the clergy influences the belief in God, so he was not angry,

"When the meeting was held, it was to unite all the forces present and end the chaos in the world today."

"Here it is." Before joining the meeting, Muria made various speculations about the purpose of the meeting, and now after hearing what the mighty **** said, Muria immediately relaxed.

The high probability will not affect him. In the next long period of time, he estimates that the farming can be developed with peace of mind. This is a meeting to determine who is the hunter and who is the prey.

The development of the next thing is just like Muria's guess. The sun **** Sergey Gradir thinks that the world is too chaotic today, and that gods with different beliefs are the source of chaos. Conflicts between gods must be resolved.

The solution to the conflict is very simple. The gods participating in this meeting form an alliance and then start to conquer or kill the gods who did not participate in this meeting. All the realms are brought under the rule of the gods present. The conflict in the world will be bound. Between them are less than thirty gods.

This is a very tempting proposal. The gods present represent the strongest group of gods that are active today. Once united, it is enough to suppress the gods who are not qualified to participate in this conference. I am afraid that those gods are several times their number. To them.

"Before concluding the covenant, I would like to ask the opinion of a deity present."

When the meeting of the gods reached its climax, the sun **** who led the meeting fell to Muria, and also attracted the attention of other gods, including two invited powerful gods.

"If I remember correctly, you're Muria, right?" The ancient spirit was gazing at Muria, seeing this one, even in the face of his attention, he didn't panic. The new **** can not help but admire.

"Yes." Muria nodded.

"I'm looking for you, don't you need to explain more?"

"Um." Muria was unusually cold and indifferent. And other gods are not surprised by this attitude of Muria, the priesthood dispute, the most fundamental conflict between the gods.

"So ~ www.readwn.com ~ I give you the choice, are you willing to be my god?" The ancient **** who holds the supreme power of the sun asked the young new **** seated in the mountains. The majestic voice was temporarily constructed and Into the half plane.

"Let me refuse," Muria replied without hesitation.

"Don't think about it?"

"No need." Muria shook her head, joking, and the **** who could make him bow his head, did not exist at this latitude.

"It's a pity, to be honest, I admire you very much, I can feel the surging vitality of your body, you are very young."

The Sun God did not react excessively because of Muria's rejection, and beyond the expectations of Muria and other gods, this **** has not yet acted.

"So, I will give you a choice to surrender the [Sun] clergy that you master. I can compensate you to ensure that your power will not be lost in any way."

"My answer, ibid." Muria stared at the sun **** who became more solemn.

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