Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1331: Reciprocity

"Young god, you rejected me again."

With the power in his hand, the **** who can already evolve the sun in a seat, stared at the **** who did not yield to him, and laughed.

"So are you ready to take the test?"

"Waiting at any time!" Muria responded.

"So, I started!"


The sun that has already reached the highest point of the sky, the purest sun flames surging, setting off a sundial that can be seen even on the earth, and this violent flame condenses into a huge spear , And the tip of the spear was aimed at the terrestrial star realm, the ten floating cities suspended under the blue sky.

This is a scene of horror, because it seems that the spear that grows from the sun is too large, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the impact of the sun will be when this sun spear falls on the ground .

"Is this the power of a deity not restricted by the laws of the world?"

In the shrine in the center of the floating city, Luo Tianjing behind him looked up in the slightly turning Muria, his eyes penetrated the dome of the shrine, and on this sun condensed his spear that had locked him.

This is a force that can easily destroy the world. Well, excluding the big world, if such an attack falls to the ground, destroys all the living beings in this realm, and turns the entire realm into a place of lava without any problems. .

But the power of this world-defeating attack is locked on him and cannot be avoided. This is the most intuitive feeling of Muria. In fact, he has a feeling, even if he escaped the attack by special means. Then there will be a second blow.

This is the test that the ancient deity said. The so-called test is to show the power that can be opposed to it. If there is no such ability, it will only hide. Then his only end is to let the ancient The gods shot and killed them personally.

Fortunately, although such an attack was horrible, Muria felt that she could still carry it in a more relaxed posture. So, in the eyes of the gods coming from various fields, the forest carrying the **** wheel behind him appeared in the sky, and then faced the spear of the sun that had begun to fall.

With the sight of the sun spear whose length has exceeded 100,000 meters, the sky began to become red, the floating white clouds began to evaporate, and the temperature between the heavens and the earth could be clearly felt at a speed. Soaring.

Above the earth, the dense jungle began to change from verdant green to yellow, rivers and lakes quickly transpired, and the ocean began to boil. Every moment, a large amount of life lost its life in the mutation that happened here.

This overly rapid temperature change has exceeded the tolerance range of ordinary life, and Muria watched the sorrowful land of all souls, so he began to set foot in the air and greeted the sun that had become a sharp sun. spear.

Then, his body continued to expand during the process of ascension, and finally restored to the thousand-meter **** body that he had cast when he succeeded in sealing the gods. Then, in the eyes of the gods' surprise, this one is to them, A strange **** shook his fist at the sun's spear in the sky ...? ?

In the eyes of the gods who have question marks in their heads, the entire world has been plunged into a bright explosion, which has occurred in the sky. I do n’t know how many thousands of meters of huge flame rings spread. The sky, even a lot through the space door, rushed into the sky in other realms.

These aftermaths caused by the collision between the two gods are still extremely deadly to all things, and even after being blocked by layers, for most of the most creatures, they are still no less than natural disasters.

But the eyes of the gods are not on those things that can be restored after waiting for some time, all of them are concentrated in the sky that has turned into the flame of hell, the one who is still standing in the sky.


"A very powerful body of God. A body of such strength is not what a normal belief in God should be. Your origins seem to be special, but this is normal."

In the half-plane that held the meetings of the gods, he used his own authority to send a big move to Muria, as if nothing had happened, admiring him.

At this time, Muria stared at the incarnation of this powerful divine power, wondering if he would kill his incarnation here, and retrieve his face that had been eaten with a spear for nothing.

Although most of the gods present looked at Him with admiration, surprise, and even a touch of awe, Muria still felt offended.

And it was n’t his style that he could n’t fight back. He was n’t incapable of doing it to the other party ... it was n’t possible, but it was only temporary, and the other party could n’t handle him.

However, in the case of confirming that he can protect himself, others have already punched him, and naturally he must return it. This is the righteousness. Never let other gods feel that his Muria is bullying.

"Young deities, you have passed my test, and I can promise you that I will not strike you again until the world's chaos is over."

The ancient **** said high to his descendants that his arrogant posture made the dissatisfied young people stand up.

"Now it's my turn."

"What do you want to do to me?" The sun god, who was just the incarnation, looked at Muria, and the facial features appeared on the face that was purely composed of divine power, showing an intriguing expression.

"Li Shanghang contacts ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muria reached out, the red sun power surged, and a red magic sword condensed in his hand.

"Hahaha, what are you going to do? The sun power attacks me? Did you forget about me ..."

After finishing the incarnation of the sun **** who did n’t wait for the laughter, Muria ’s sword has been turned into a red rainbow, chopped on the supporters of the meeting, and then he is not shocked. Divine power incarnates.

Because the difference in the power of the Sun in his hand was too great, Muria's divine power was actually swallowed by the other party. His attack looked like a farce instead of revenge, but it was not so ...

The dark divine power erupted in the incarnation of the sun god, and that faint glance was unusually dazzling in the blazing red belonging to the sun. With the color of the exhaustion of all things, the breath of death began to diffuse, making many gods present. Unconsciously backed away and widened.

"Death power!" A feeling of nostalgia or surprise sounded, and then the incarnation of the sun **** collapsed ...

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