Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1332: Split the world

"Death Power ?!"

With amazement and exclaiming, one after another in the incomplete half plane, the gods saw the dark divine power, and the eyes of Muria were full of dread.

The gods who hold the [death] priesthood are very special in the group of gods. As long as there are no pits in their brains, basically no **** will choose to conflict with the **** of death, and they will try their best to kill him.

Not only because of the special nature of the deities controlled by the **** of death, but also the most important thing is that many of the gods developed by the **** of death series are immortal spells.

Although the gods can be immune to this type of open-ended spells, faith in God has never been a single individual. His Majesty has a huge church. Death attacks are too deadly for an organization.

"I did not expect that His Majesty not only mastered the [Sun] priesthood, but also touched the field of [Death]. No wonder the sun was mysterious and wanted to personally solicit. He also directly refused, and I would not agree.

Some gods couldn't help expressing admiration when they watched Muria, and even used honorifics, because what Muria showed was too shocking.

"It is only a matter of time before His Majesty becomes a powerful divine power. I don't think it will be long before He can sit with His Majesty the Sun."

The weakest are all medium-powered deities exchanged, admiring Muria, and the feather fire **** standing next to Muria looked slightly proud of the gods.

He, as Muria himself, surrendered to the existence of subjugation, and naturally knew that Muria's hiding was far more shocking than what he now showed, if all shaken out,

"Well, Her Majesty is expected to be swarmed and attacked! I will probably fall with it."

Thinking of this, Yu Huoshen's heart was a little tight. Before the Lord's rise completely, such things must not be revealed to the outside world, otherwise it would be difficult to say what would happen.

"Sure enough, you can't look down upon your younger generations! It's awesome that you are so young, not only get involved in [Sun], but even control [Death]!"

The fiery divine power drifted in front of Muria. It was the remnant of the sun **** incarnation destroyed by the death divine power. When a beam of light fell from the sun hanging from the sky on the half plane, these remaining divine powers seemed to return home. The birds swarmed into the silhouette of the light that gradually appeared.

"I recognize you, younger junior."

The reunited Sun God incarnation looked at Muria, his face shrouded in crimson light, and could not see any emotions, and He who had been destroyed once had no intention to continue with Muria.

"It is indeed the original god." Now that the ancient gods in charge of the divine power of the sun spoke so well, Muria naturally took a step back and stopped tangling with him. If it really hits, who will lose it is not necessarily.

The powerful divine powers whose avatars have been destroyed do not intend to continue to find Muria trouble, and other gods are naturally impossible to eat and support, and continue to find Muria entanglement.

Thus, the gods seemed as if nothing had happened, and under the dominance of the five gods' powerful divine powers, they concluded a covenant with a rather weak binding force.

The content of the covenant is nothing more than that the gods must not shoot each other or conquer each other within a limited time, and the objects they can shoot are the gods who have not been invited to this meeting.

In fact, this part of the deities without qualifications has been regarded as a benefit that can be divided, and began to be divided by many powerful deities.

Muria felt that the scene before him seemed to know each other. The most powerful group of gods in the world united to distribute other weak gods, races, and realms, without knowing it.

The posture is extremely arrogant, but the gods present have the strength to match this arrogance. And Muria's strength just makes him one of the distributors of benefits, and he is still in the middle and upper reaches.

Because of this strength, He also has priority next to the powerful divine power. He can choose the race and boundary of the gods he wants to conquer first. Of course, this has a share.

The distribution of benefits is extremely long, because two gods may look at the same boundary or race, which requires consultation and negotiation, and even involves several other gods.

And the gods are a very timeless existence, so how can this conference be held indefinitely, and the seemingly chaotic world is calmed down by the strongest group of beings entering into discussions? .


"Dad, it's been five years, and the meeting is not over yet? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

On a sunny morning, Tiffany walked around the ten realms ruled by Shenting, and returned to Tiffany routinely, asking his father sitting in the temple, and his father gave her an answer that was completely unexpected.

"It's just over." Muria's eyes were tired. The distribution at the meetings of the gods will affect the future, and even his own survival. The gods who have no time at all will naturally compare the baht and chatter for a little problem, just as if they wanted to divide the money into two Half used market woman half.

"Ah, it's over?" The daughter, who was about to go back to taking a nap, looked up in surprise, looking at Muria, her bright eyes widened, "That's it?"

"It's all allocated."

"How much do you get for that father?"

"Fifty-nine borders!" Muria said lightly.

"So little, Dad, what's the matter with you? Are you going to the other meeting to step on the other gods?" Tiffany suddenly burst into dissatisfaction when she heard what Muria said, which was far from her expectations. Already.

"What's the matter? Isn't it clean?" Muria converged on her majesty as a god, showing her "kind father" style.

"You will be in the nest," Tiffany took a step back with her forehead when she saw the gesture of Muria, her dear father. Although she was motivated and persuaded, the words she said were very hard.

"If you have the ability, you will be able to cross the other gods at the meetings of the gods, what prestige to shake with your daughter, only to be assigned this point, and how to train me?"

"Co-authoring, you think that I participated in the meeting, and that part of the benefits I deserved was occupied by other gods, I don't dare to say a word, right?" Why dare to talk back to him.

When she heard the number of realms assigned by her father, she subconsciously felt that her father was losing money, and she tolerated it, which was extremely inconsistent with the image of her father in her cognition.

"Otherwise?" Dragon Girl asked subconsciously, and then she conducted a valid questioning. "Now the number of geographical boundaries has reached 1,765, and the number of deities participating in the meeting adds up. Twenty-eight, and the assigned realm has not even reached the average. Is it obvious that you are letting other gods bully together? "

"You just hit me because of this?" Muria looked at her daughter who had tears in her eyes, and she couldn't help crying. "When do you think quantity is everything?"

"You haven't been bullied?" Tiffany blinked his eyes.

"There is indeed a **** who wants to bully your father. Didn't you see the spear that fell from the sun that day? But you know my character and I fight back."


"The boundaries I have allocated are all of good size, and the resources are relatively rich, so the number is a little less than the average, but the quality is good," Muria squinted, Some stubbornly said.

"That's it, that's great." Tiffany wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and a bright smile appeared on her face. Her father had benefited, and she was glad that it was justified.

"Don't be too happy, this is just a division of our deities privately. Those rulers in the divided realm will not agree."

Muria was sober. The boundaries allocated by the conferences of the gods only represented that they had the right to knock them down and then occupy them, but they did not mean that other gods could not intervene after they could not beat them.

"So what are you waiting for? Father, please order quickly and knock down all the allocated realms." Tiffany was full of interest and opened up territory. For her daughter of the Dragon King, who had a strong desire to rule, A very motivated thing to do.

"Just leave me there and be honest. The number of gods in those realms I choose is quite a lot." Muria tapped the daughter's forehead ~ www.readwn.com ~ without force.


The hot wind that did not carry a trace of water vapor passed through a small village that seemed to be simply piled with sand. Some yellow sand fell in this gust of wind, but the residents did not care about the change of their houses. It's even more dangerous.

Compared with the sunny weather that has been up to three months, the house is about to collapse or something, it is hardly worth mentioning. Prolonged droughts lead to continuous depletion of water sources, which is the number one priority that threatens survival.

"Linda, it's time, and hurry up in line. Otherwise, the water will be divided. At this time, no one will sympathize with our young and old."

In the low and shabby hut, an old voice sounded, and soon there was an innocent, husky voice in response, and then a small, skinny, dark-skinned little girl ran towards the village holding a crock pot, The only well running out of the spring.

And shortly after, the girl holding a pot of muddy well water returned home carefully, and then she saw a thin figure in a linen robe, sitting with a tired face not far from the door, eyes narrowed. Closed, it looks like it won't work.

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