Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1333: God who returns goodness

"This gentleman? Are you okay?"

Looking at the middle-aged man lying in a shady location not far from her house, the little girl paused, and then stepped forward cautiously, asking with a little worry.

"Huh?" The thin-skinned man lying on the ground, looking angry with a hairspring, opened an eye slit, looked at the little girl holding a jug and stood in front of him, and responded weakly.

"It's okay, it's just too thirsty."

"That's the way ..." The little girl looked pale and the man whose skin had peeled off, suddenly suddenly, wasn't that the symptom of no drinking water for a long time?

"I ..." The little girl was holding an earthen jar filled with muddy well water, her eyes hesitated, and it seemed that the traveler from afar asked.

"Good boy, can you give me some water to drink? I really can't hold it."

"Okay, sir, but you can only drink at most half." The girl who heard the request no longer hesitated and passed the crock pot in her hand to the half-dead traveler, but as she passed it, she added a whisper. ,

"I'll give my grandma the rest of the water."

"Coo! Coo!"

There was no response. There was only the sound of drinking water. After the traveler took the tile tube, he sipped the muddy well water with a lot of fine sand.

And the little girl swallowed a bit when she saw such a scene, but no saliva moisturized her throat that had dried up like a fire.

"Hey, where are you from? How do you drink Linda's water?" At this time, the villagers who had returned from the same water passed by, and saw the traveller who was drinking wildly, and frowned suddenly.

In the dry season, the preciousness of water does not need to be said, this is the most basic guarantee for life to continue.

"Uncle Mu ..." And the little girl greeted her quietly when she saw the villagers who spoke for him.

"What's wrong with your child? How did you give your family's water to such a guy of unknown origin?"

The man also holding a pitcher of water stared warily at the traveler who had dropped the crock.

"Because she is a kind and good boy!" The traveler held the crock pot with half of the water left, and was not impressed.

"I crossed thousands of miles of yellow sand, passed through thirty-seven villages and asked for water from fifty-nine people, and you are the only human who gave me water. So, in return for kindness, you can make a wish to me . "

"Where's the lunatic? Drinking Linda's water? Still talking nonsense." The appearance of the traveler caught the attention of other villagers in the village, but the traveler didn't care.

"Wish?" It seemed that the dark-skinned girl blinked bright eyes that were not commensurate with her ordinary face, and then answered without thinking.

"I hope Mr. can find a place where he can't drink water so that he will never faint in front of someone else's door."

"Uh ... hahaha." The traveler with a smile on the front, waited for the girl to express her wish, froze, and then laughed.

"A really good boy, but rest assured that I will never pass out because of lack of water. You can change a wish related to yourself."

"Then I hope to have endless water." The little girl, who has been in a long state of drought, made a simple and simple wish to the unknown traveler.

"Is that just the case?" The traveler asked with a smile.


"So, your wish has come true." The traveler returned the earthen jar to the little girl. At this time, the little girl was surprised to find that the water in the earthen jar was not small, and it became extremely clear, and all the impurities in it disappeared.

Seeing such clear water, the little girl couldn't help lowering her head and taking a sip gently. The cold touch spread from her mouth and swept across her body. The little girl felt that her body had become a lot easier in an instant. , Thirst, hunger, and the burning sensation in the throat all disappeared without a trace.

"Ah! Sir ..." Such unusual water, the little girl was not stupid, but when she looked up to ask, she realized that the traveler had disappeared, just as abrupt as it appeared.

"When did this guy disappear?" Several villagers who had been surrounded looked at each other, but none of them found out when that weird traveler had left.

But soon, their attention was diverted by another thing.

"Hey, Little Linda, how did the pot in your hand change?" A villager stared, looking at the container in the girl's hand. The original earthen-colored earthen jar had now become an inlay. The silver cans of eighteen gems are brilliant and extraordinary.

"This ..." The little girl who was reminded later realized that the earthen jar in her hands had changed, "how could this be?"

"What is there?" This series of changes beyond common sense has stunned the villagers who were watching on the sidelines. Only when the villagers came back to respond, they stumbled and asked, "How can I put the crock of Little Linda's house?" Become like this? "

"Did you not hear? Little Linda made a wish to him, and then this change happened."

Have endless water!

This is the simple and rustic wish of a little girl.

As a result, several villagers looked at the silver cans in the girl's hands with glowing eyes and surrounded them.

With the help of the enthusiastic villagers in the same village, the little girl Linda finally understood what the silver cans in her hand had, that is, she could continuously pour out the clear sweet spring, and more specifically, only when she held the silver can The silver can can flow water continuously, otherwise, it is just a gorgeous container.

"What does this gentleman have?"

When the wish made due to innocence turns into reality ~ www.readwn.com ~ the little girl can't help thinking, and then the old village chief answers.

"Little Linda, that's a **** who rewards kind people who help themselves."

"Spirit?" The little girl holding the silver pot tilted her head at the dinner and singing dinner in the village.

"Yeah, only God can respond to our mortal ignorance."

"So what is this god? Grandpa, the village chief." The little girl asked curiously.

"The **** of springs that will be given to the good and hungry!" The old man answered with a smile.


"God of spring? A little bit interesting. My myths and legends will spread from now on. The seeds of faith have been sown."

Behind the sky, there is a **** whispering slightly behind the wheel of God. His gaze looks down at the vast earth below, and there are thousands of lights shining in his eyes, which is what the incarnation he dropped in this realm saw The situation, and this is the preparation for preaching the faith.

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