Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1336: Good deities

What is the most effective way to destroy a belief in God? Quite simply, destroy his temple, slaughter his followers, and make him a rootless being. As time goes by, when the divine power is exhausted, it will naturally die.

The most straightforward method is naturally to lead an army into his kingdom, blast his body, and smash his kingdom, but this method will cure the symptoms and not the root causes.

As long as his church is still there and the believer is still there, as long as he can return again, so after all, it is very cost-effective to directly kill the gods by force.

The best way is to fight the gods and not dare to emerge from the kingdom of God, then send an army to destroy the temple and kill the believers. And this is what Tiffany is leading the Giants at this time.

As for why Muria didn't take the shot himself, it was because this strange **** was unworthy. He was assigned to 59 realms, and its area can be regarded as a world of 59 small and medium-sized resources.

Although the realm of the gods was born, although it was considered good, Muria had already sent an incarnation and his daughter came to conquer himself. What else? It's enough to save face.

Let him do it himself, but the waste of combat resources will delay his conquest of his time allocated to the realm. If you ca n’t eat all the benefits in front of you, it ’s really hard to say what will happen when other gods complete the conquest.

Because after harvesting more realms and intelligent races, there must be gods who will get more divine power and be promoted into a more powerful existence.

Muria itself is also the same. Once he conquers the assigned realm, his promotion to a powerful divine power is absolutely unshakable. At that time, he will also become a gangster-level deity that the gods admire.


In the broken city, Tiffany looked at the crushed idol and scolded in disdain, when she first landed in this realm, leading the army to destroy the temple.

The **** who was defined by her father as unconquerable, and the **** who needed it to kill it, once descended into the incarnation and tried to stop or even kill her, but she was suppressed by her.

Well, that's it. The incarnation of the deities, facing the dragon who wanted to destroy their beliefs, was directly pinched on the ground and rubbed. In front of his millions of believers, he was blasted hard. It was so shameless.

After that, the **** tried to dying a few times, but his resistance was suppressed by Tiffany, and then there was no more. He gave it in vain, and no one had the confidence to continue sending it, even if God is no exception.

However, Tiffany appeared very relaxed, but she knew very well that even if the **** knew that he could not fight, he would never sit back and wait for his belief to be destroyed. He would still resist, even dragging all after being unable to return to heaven. It's possible that such a terrible thing can happen when the creatures enter the water together.


Just as Tiffany "bows down" for her father, her two fellow siblings also lead the Legion to conquer the territory that Muria has arranged for them.

Not just them, all the core team Muria brought from Erasia were arranged by him, such as the White Tiger Troy, who had signed a contract with him, the Queen Lori who had raised him for a while Milia, and the white dragon queen Claudia, these legends that can stand alone, were all released by him.

Of course, his grandfather gave him a pet as a gift, and Indira was naturally not among them. As long as Muria was not demented, she would not let her out of sight.

Today, Muria, who is arranged by everyone around him, chooses the most difficult domain to conquer, as his daughter, partner, or pet expected.


The soft wind with the fresh breath of green grass blows through, and the wind chimes hanging in the temple make a crisp sound, so that an anxious face, the woman who walks into the temple is slightly relieved, and the anxiety in her heart is also because of the temple The sacred and peaceful atmosphere dissipated.

Then, the temple responsible for maintaining this temple went out, watching the anxious woman kneeling in front of the peaceful idol, praying sincerely, and then expressing her own demands.

A humble little temple, a small idol, a plain-dressed temple wish, an ordinary person praying piously ... all these simple and plain things fall into the eyes of one being.

In the invisible gap of ordinary mortal things, carefully observing them with a monstrous existence, their performance, and the performance of the object they pray for, will determine the way that existence conquers their world.

Yes, in Muria's eyes, he can see that as the sad woman prays, the original simple and humble little idol has a faint aura of light, and then a touch of him can Called a weak consciousness.

The spirit that appeared was more peaceful than the idols placed on the table, but not much majesty. But its existence is invisible to the two mortals in the small temple.

Weak ... This is the evaluation of "God" in the eyes of Muria who accepts mortals to pray, because its existence, except for the fact that it can accept the containment faith, which is the only characteristic that is the same as the true God, is nowhere comparable to the true God. Already.

But it ’s very kind, um, because in the world of Muria, this spirit, who ca n’t be called a **** at all, responds to the mortal ’s inquiries, and it divides the little insignificant power of maintaining its own existence and gives it The woman who came to ask for the expulsion of the disease from her son.

When the woman left the temple with a faint amulet containing a weak spirit, the smile on the face of the worshipped **** became even more kind, even if its power was weakened by one point.

This is probably similar to the earth god, but it is weaker than the earth god. If you lose the worship of mortals, I am afraid that it will dissipate in a short time. It is a very fragile god.

"Every mortal who asks you, will you respond to them like this?"

A curious voice sounded, but the temple was holding a broom to clean the temple ’s temples, but they did n’t realize it, but the smiling deities changed their faces and looked at the people who did n’t know when they were standing in front of their idols. presence.

"Master God!"

Jomo, who was only half the size of an adult man, bowed his hands to Muria with a respectful expression, respectful.

"Don't worry, I'll just ask you a few questions, just say what you think."

Muria, wearing a Chinese suit, waved her hand, but it was not much better than mortals, but she had some strange earth gods, and she dared not take care of it. In her eyes, this person in front of her was present everywhere, even It is the robe on the body, the crown on the head, which is composed of the vast divine light, and its glory is much brighter than the sun above the head.

Such an existence is far from imagining it, because its most essential core is only a little faint light, which is far less than being in front of it.

"Master God, every human being who asks me, I will respond to them within my ability."

"Then you are not afraid that you will die because of this? Some wishful responses will come at the expense of your own existence." Muria asked about the smallest deity he had ever seen, and his attitude was mild.

"I haven't thought about this." The old man-like spirit shook his head. It really didn't think about it.

"You don't have to respond to every mortal who asks for you, you only have to respond to a part of it, so that your existence will gradually grow stronger." Muria gave this weak **** a very pertinent suggestion, and the true gods did just that. Yes, they will only respond selectively, and some of the believers ’balloons, even then, are enough to maintain their faith.

Responding to believers' inquiries uncontrollably will only hollow themselves out, because there is no upper limit to the desires of all things, and they will always want things that they simply cannot match.

"Don't respond to supplications?" Ling was shocked when he heard Muria's suggestion. "How can this be?"

"Why not?" Muria was more interested in hearing such a strange question. "Mortal people pray to the gods, and God naturally has the right to choose whether to respond. Is it normal to ignore some prayers?"

"But ... didn't this fail their piety?" The weak deities still couldn't understand it, and Muria was astonished at its manifestation of doubt.

"You have a very simple group of believers."

The performance of the weak earth **** in front of me ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muriya ’s divine thoughts can understand the reason at a glance, the small village under the mountain is the root cause, and the simple villagers will not ask The gods who sheltered them made excessive demands.

"However, you can't do your best to respond to your wishes! If one day a villager begs for you, and what he asks for, you have exhausted all your strength and you can just do it. What would you do?"

"Then give a response!" The weak spirit replied in a natural tone.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?" Muria asked strangely.

"Don't be afraid." The small deity without the slightest dignity replied very honestly, "This is the meaning of my existence. I exist in response to their prayers. If I reject it for existence, then my existence will not exist. Makes sense. "

"You are more suitable to be a **** than all gods, including me." Muria stared at the first divine existence he encountered when he entered this realm, and said sincerely.

"God God, you talk a lot." The little spirit panicked. Such praise, although it sounds good, makes God feel very embarrassed.

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