Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1337: Sorry, no!

The ground was cracked in the yellow paddy field of wheat seedlings, and the farmer with yellow sand on his body looked at the dried wheat ears in his field, with helplessness and despair on his face.

After trying a series of rescue measures, but they have not achieved results, they finally pin their hopes on the **** that is invisible and invisible.

So after asking the village chief to invite the famous mages and temples of the nearby temples, a grand rain prayer ceremony began.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard the villagers spend their money, how rich the sacrifices they buy, how hard the sacrifices are dedicated to dancing, how promising the villagers are, but the sky is always sunny, cloudless, the slightest There is no tendency to gather clouds.

"Such a devout worship, don't you respond?" In the dampness of Osawa, the young man in the Chinese clothes stared softly at the serpent that slept in the water and asked softly.

So, with a spiritual body and some majestic serpents, he suddenly awakened from his dream, and then looked at the existence of the vast light in front of him, and hurriedly lowered his head.

"I do not know that God is coming, but please God to atone for sin!"

"Are you not raining now?"

"God, you look at me high. How can I be able to drop the heavy rain that can satisfy them in such weather?"

The whole body is pure white, and the scales are as jewel-like as the serpent. The serpent answered embarrassingly, and it is the villagers who are not far away from the village to worship the object of rain, a **** of water.

"If you do your best, you can do it."

"But if I did, I would have changed back to the original wild snake." The snake answered carefully, shaking its thin and long tail.

"Reluctant? Yes, it's completely out of proportion to what you give. This is the normal choice." Muria nodded.

"God, if you have a request, the little **** is willing to do everything to satisfy it." The serpent looked at Muria's attitude and panicked. Although Muria's origin is unclear, there is no doubt about the light of God on him. Shows identity. What a **** who can walk around represents naturally, needless to say, it must be the existence it needs to look up to today.

"Don't force it, just choose whether to respond to mortal demands according to your own ability."

Muria calmed the serpent suitable for him, and then his figure disappeared in the eyes of the little water god.

"Where is this great god? It is so powerful, but why have I never heard the legend of this **** before, this is not reasonable!"

The serpent scratched his head with a puzzled tail, wondering why. So it quickly gave up thinking and focused on the sacrifices of mortals not far away.

After a little hesitation, it chose to abandon the sacrifice and respond to prayer, and it consciously did not have the ability to survive the heavy rain required by mortals.

And just when the snake was hesitant to continue to sleep? Muria has begun to travel in what he sees as something special.

Well, special. Anyway, according to Muria's evaluation, the realm he is in is a very good place. If he can, he will try to conquer it in a peaceful way.

And what's special about it is the temples and temples that accompany the formation of cities, towns, and villages in this realm.

Among these shrines and temples, different gods are enshrined, or in other words, monsters and monsters who are willing to grant asylum, and this is the most special place.

It seems that the divine power is scattered and there is no cohesion in one earth **** system. Muria has seen in the realm of the rise of his student Jiuli, but the realm he is in now is completely different.

The territories that have been closed by Jiuli, where the earth gods are fighting on their own, are like warlord separatists. Each earth **** wants to devour and merge the earth gods that are weaker than themselves.

But in the realm he lives in, although there are a lot of earth gods, these earth gods have hardly conquered each other. It seems that there is a stronger existence to suppress everything.

This is Muria ’s judgment. The relationship between the earth and gods in this realm is too peaceful, and this peaceful environment is not normal at all, and the only explanation is that it has the supreme self-reliance. Power suppressed everything.

Although not free, Muria likes this environment, because it is the environment that gave birth to the weak spirit he encountered when he first entered, thus giving up his intention to conquer it with absolute force.

Of course, this is not to say that everything in this realm is good, and there are still many imperfections, things that still make Muria unpleasant, and there are still filths in the dark places that the sun cannot shine Breed.

But overall it ’s really good. At least Muria is more satisfied. After he plans to obtain the rule of this realm, he will use force to clear the realm and make him feel unharmonious. Annoying everything.


And months passed by in the journey of Muria, and then one day, when Muria met a swordsman who took the initiative to find him, he had a relaxing and leisurely time to travel. The declaration is over.

"Why didn't you find me later? Such an easy time is hard for me. I don't know if it will be next time."

The young man with dark hair and golden eyes stood up from the dining table in a leisurely and natural manner, stretched his waist, and across the street, looked at a swordsman holding a sword around his waist and slowly walking towards him.

"If you let yourself hang around here, my two sisters are going crazy. But do n’t say them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even I can't stand it, after all, you are really powerful. . "

Along the way, as if it did not exist, the swordsman who passed through the crowd in the downtown finally stood in front of Muria, and then carefully looked at Muria.

"Okay, I'm not really powerful like this, I can only say that it's average and barely make up." Muria was extremely modest, facing a true God who holds the priesthood related to battle. I feel that everything is under control.

"Your Excellency is too modest. Even at the other end of the gate, your strength should be considered a strong one."

"Ah, it seems my history is exposed." Muria sighed with annoyance.

"It's not difficult to discover your origins. After all, your strength is there. Only this explanation is the most reasonable."

"Oh I got it."

"So, sir, have you seen enough? If so, can you please return to your original position?"

"This, I'm going to say sorry, no!"

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