Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 250: Old-fashioned

"This is the breath of Muria!" Feeling Longwei from the Undead Fleet, Cassanna looked to the side with a bit of suspicion, and she couldn't help showing a hint of blankness on her face. "Why? Muria? How could my brother be a legend? He obviously only has a second-order state of soul. "

However, thinking of Muria's performance just now, Caslana felt that Muria really seems to be a legend. This can more reasonably explain why Muria can maintain absolute crushing power against a group of undead dragons in human form.

Unlike the erratic Kassanna, Alves, as the ancient golden dragon who had contacted Muria, can certainly determine what Muria's real strength and realm is.

Therefore, the huge and majestic dragon body of Alves rushed into the ghost fog without stopping, and flew towards the origin of Longwei's spread. He had to figure out what was going on in this dragonway!

"Don't you continue to attack and solve the Blainete, what did you run in?" Barbosa looked up at the Gu Jinlong flying in, and pointed Muria with a knife. "Worried about this boy?"

"Muria, what's wrong with Longwei on your body?" Alves fell onto the armored ship and ignored Barbosa.

"Captain Barbosa gave me a magical wonder so that I could disguise as a legend and make a fight," Muria replied, and then he added, "He gave me a piece of eternal spirit. Gold as compensation! "

"Barbosa, can you explain it?" Alves looked at the Lich. If it's just for paddling, this is a bit expensive. A piece of legendary metal, even if it is a poisonous elixir to the dead. But I ca n’t use it myself, I can exchange it with other people. This thing is better than currency. I do n’t know how much stronger it is.

"I just want you to be able to seal Blaine smoothly. I don't want to reduce the number of ancient dragons who besieged him."

Captain Barbosa now does not conceal his malice towards the death dragon steward. "If I were not both members of the council, because of the contractual constraints, I would have directly dealt with him myself."

"Why? Just because the last dragon slayed him, and you helped, he didn't give you money, so you wanted to kill him?"

"Of course not for this low-level reason, but because, I found the position of Blainet's half plane." Barbosa opened his jaw and made a laugh gesture. "Whether you're a seal or killing Bryant, that half-plane will belong to me!"

"Are you using us?" When Alves, a humanoid, heard Barbosa's words, the flaming dragon flames ignited, and he immediately contacted what happened after receiving the news of Briant, and wanted to understand everything, Are old monsters, who is worse than anyone else.

"How can it be said to be used? Obviously, it is mutually beneficial!" Barbosa smiled. "You have successfully sealed Belaint, and I have gained a half-ownerless plane, all happy!"

Muria looked at the old Lich who was said to have lived for 10,000 years, feeling quite uneasy, and recalled the Golden Dragon Luther who came to Mage Tower of Cassanna for help, and then everything seemed to be in Under the control of the captain.

The 100-year extermination of the nation by the Necropolis is a rule, a tradition, and cannot be changed. But the destroyed country is optional. With the influence of a legendary peak Lich, it is not difficult to interfere with the choice of the Necrotic Council.

The reason for choosing the Kingdom of Bavaria is probably because this country has a privileged marquis who is the Golden Dragon, and a captain needs a Golden Dragon to spread the news of the resurrection of the Bryant to the Dragons.

Therefore, Jinlong Luther survived the pursuit of the legendary undead, and even ran out to ask for help. It had nothing to do with luck, but was intentionally released by a captain to convey information.

And the dragons who got the news will inevitably send Gulong to continue to hunt down Blaine ... Muria became more and more frightened, and looked at the old-fashioned Lich Captain with dreadful eyes.

Everything can be related to the old captain. The ancient dragons get the position information of Burleant ... let the legendary necromancer and the Lich sit and watch Burleant besieged ... everything is in one person who wants to get half Plane under the old Lich.

But now, Barbosa directly said what he wanted to say, and he was not afraid of the Dragons knowing it, so he gave up hunting.

At this step, it is impossible for the ancient dragons to give up the siege of Ballainte, and now it is Yang Mou, using the mistakes and crimes that Buraine used to commit as a death, to pull hatred.

"..." Alves stared at Captain Barbosa with a gloomy look, and was used by others as a thug, no matter who he was, there would be no good mood.

"Don't waste time, look at me like this! Do you still want to fight with me?" Captain Barbosa was cheerful, and now that the end has been set, his goal has been basically reached, "Hurry back to the battle and bring Blaine as soon as possible Special solution. Then you can go back to Dragon God and Dragon King to return to receive rewards. How good? "

"Huh!" Alves glanced at Muria, who was releasing the legendary Long Wei, and looked uneasy.

"Relax, where is your dragon king? I dare not touch the descent of this dragon king." Barbosa waved his hand. "I will send him back intact when you have resolved the Bryant."

... After the ancient golden dragon Alves flew into the ghost mist that enveloped the undead fleet, the fierce explosion sounds and the fluctuations of the legendary battle came out, and in many existences it is believed that the ancient golden dragon Alves and the After Barbosa fought.

However, he suddenly found that Alves opened his wings and flew out of the ghost mist ~ www.readwn.com ~ to join the battlefield in the sky again, and continued to catch the bone dragon that was about to fall apart.


There was originally a bustling city containing millions of humans, but now it has been turned into a white ground by the ancient dragon's magical attacks, showing a scene of very interesting scenes.

In the height of ten thousand meters, fourteen ancient dragons joined forces to fight against Burt Lane with his legendary undead dragon, and it was nearing the end. No matter who it was, Burren could not see it ...

Directly below it is the largest battlefield in this area. Hundreds of dragons are fighting the Undead Legion of Bertrand. Because Muria killed the Quartet, the young dragons are also fighting the Undead Legion. Deadlocked.

Around this largest battlefield is the legendary small battle group of the Eight Ancient Dragons and the Necrotic Council. If you come across this unknown situation, you will definitely be amazed by the ancient dragon's combat power. Because at first glance these ancient dragons were singled out for two or even three legendary undead.

Of course, there is still a battlefield with the largest rumor, but the fighting party may not even be the legend ...

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