Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 251: Post-war

In Bologna, on the top floor of the mage tower of up to one thousand meters, Muria is sitting on a rattan chair, holding a tea cup in one hand, and playing with a somewhat ridiculous clown mask in one hand. Night view of the bustling city.

Because it is the core city in her territory, Cassanna did not save her belongings, and engaged in infrastructure construction, such as crystal street lights, colorful fountains and other basic magic guide facilities located in every part of the city.

Therefore, when night falls, this city is just like the modern metropolis of Muria's past. It is full of bright lights and beautiful.

"You released the legendary Longwei through this ugly mask!" Aside, Cassanna also held a cup full of tea like a lava cup, and a pair of golden eyes curiously looked at Muria's hands. Joker emperor mask.

"That's right." Muria passed the mask in his hand. "If you don't believe it, you can bring it for a try, it's very interesting."

"Don't, it's ugly." Cassanna looked at the clown mask on the tea table between the two with a disgusted look. "Then how did you make such a big movement, what was that fierce battle fluctuation? You don't have legendary power when you put on a mask. "

"It's too easy. Barbosa let his ghost ship empty his cannon. He took the knife to chop the air and threw me a bunch of high-order spell scrolls. After I was excited, he smashed into the sky."

"What about those spell scrolls?"

"It's all up to me." Muria spread his hands. "I can't take it anyway, it's better to have the addiction of a master mage, how good!"

"This is also true. Muria, this time, you've made a big push." ​​Cassanna looked at Muria with a smile, smiling like a flower. "You almost rescued the young dragons participating in this mission. After receiving your favor, they will definitely do their best to help you inquire about the six five-colored dragons when they return. "

"It's difficult for the same people to help each other," Muria said indifferently. "I didn't try to save them."

"Some dragons might not want your bounty if they help you find those five-colored dragons."

"The bounty is still to be given." Muria smiled. "I can't say nothing."

Greed is just one of the characteristics of dragons. Pride and arrogance are also synonymous with dragons. A dragon, a creature with great self-esteem, was rescued. Even if it was the same family with more powerful blood and strength, they could not accept it with peace of mind.

Therefore, these dragons with strong self-esteem will take the initiative to help Muria free of charge. This kind of psychology is very simple. If you have helped me, I must also help you, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and sleep well. (Metal dragon only)

"All the dragons you have saved owe you a favor. This is the biggest gain you have made this time when you took part in the arrest of Bert Lane.

As for your second harvest!

Because this time he successfully captured Bolion, sealed him, and completed the joint reward of the dragon gods and dragon kings, so each dragon participating in the battle will have a reward.

And you, letting so many defiled cohorts and souls re-enter the eternal slumber. Except for the ancient dragon, it is your greatest contribution and most contribution.

Therefore, among the rewards issued by the Dragon Gods and Dragon Kings, your share, not counting the ancient dragons, is definitely the richest of all dragons. "

"Well, if it's delivered, I'll put it here as a bounty for the six five-colored dragons." Muria nodded, not interested in the reward in Caslana's mouth.

The reward given by the Dragon God and Dragon King is temporarily unknown, but the highest and most valuable reward is said to be a drop of Dragon King's true blood, which can raise the blood level and break the blood veins.

Therefore, Muria, who knew this, instantly lost interest in this so-called reward. He has even integrated the Dragon King's blood, how could he care about the Dragon King's essence.

"Muria, although your reward is unknown, according to your results, it is definitely worth more than six thousand cubic crystals." Cassanna said, "It is not suitable as a bounty, let alone, The amount of the reward you set up is already very high. "

"Okay." Muria stroked her chin. "Let's see what the rewards will be for me then."

"Oh, by the way, after two days, the Church of Dawn will send you the rewards of the four soul-level werewolves captured because of you, and you caught the shots of the red dragon outlet and the green dragon. Fee, will also be sent along. "

"What will they thank me for?" Muria asked curiously.

"Apart from elemental crystals, what else?"

"Oh!" Muria immediately became interested when he heard the elemental crystal.

"It's estimated to be no less than eight thousand square meters!"

"So much?" Muria froze.

"This is my estimated remuneration, if you include your identity, it may be more." Cassanna glanced at Muria, "As the daughter of Lord Atris, the Church of Dawn, in order to associate with you, Have a good relationship with you, but not a little elemental crystal. "

"Make a relationship with me!" Muria twitched. What do you want to do?

"That is a must. Now you have just appeared a short time ago, and many forces don't know your existence. After a while, your existence will be known to the churches of the Good God and some forces.

They will try their best to give you treasures, money, territories, and even some beautiful females. "

"It sounds good to me." Muria smashed it.

"Don't care." Cassanna gave Muria a white look. "Once your existence spreads, not only will there be forces that want to please you, but you will also kill you. There are many enemies of our dragon clan. . "

"Really!" Muria raised her lips. "Then let them come, I'm ready."

"Muria, you haven't reached the legend yet, so keep a low profile." Seeing Muria's aggressive attitude, Caslana's face showed anxiety, "Your mother Atris Because he likes to uphold justice, he offends many forces and powerful beings.

They have no way to take her because of the powerful strength of Lord Atris ~ www.readwn.com ~, but once they learn of your existence, they will pour out your anger and resentment against your mother. "

"It's just a bunch of waste, don't be afraid!" Muria still didn't have any fear after listening.

"There is a legend inside!" Cassanna reminded.

Muria frowned. He weighed a few pounds and two. He knew that at the soul level, even if he had only the second order, but with nine exclusive weapons and Sheng Yao Huang Yuan who had fused his dragon scales, he could communicate with He had the soul level of World War I, and he could not find a few in Erassia.

However, the legend and the soul are not at the same level of life at all. The soul is facing the legend and is unable to confront it. The legend has the ability to have an almost unsolvable ability under the legend-space.

"Well, I'm not so publicized for the time being." Muria pondered for a while and nodded, the legend is not what he can provoke now, and the power of space is impossible for the soul level.

Even if the mage can use wisdom to steal the power of using space in advance and develop various teleportation spells, after all, it is not as easy to use as the true legend.

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