Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 252: Goodness of man

"It's best." Cassanna stood up. "The batch of green dragons in your hand who don't want to submit to you, I've asked my emerald mother Yseraso for a ransom, and tomorrow, There will be a reply the day after tomorrow at the latest. "

"So fast?" Muria froze.

"Well, when I came back from the Kingdom of Bavaria, I was immediately sent." A smile appeared on Kasanna's face. "Yesera, the mother of emeralds, must now be focusing on the Kingdom of Bavaria, which is about to fall, She just wanted to gather power and wait for the Necronic Council to leave and get in a cup.

She may not have the energy to pay attention to your actions against her dozen or so dragons, and is asking you for trouble. Therefore, it is most suitable to find her for a ransom at this time. "

"The kingdom that is about to be destroyed ..." Muria murmured softly after hearing Kasanna's words, and then silent, he remembered the ordinary humans who were struggling with the Scourge of the Undead.

Because the target of the ancient dragons was only Burriant, after successfully capturing his seal, the ancient dragons took them directly to retreat, and there was no idea of ​​being a messenger of justice.

Centennial extinction is a strategic task of the Necrotic Council, and if you want to block it, you must be prepared to start a war with the Necrotic Council. Neither the ancient dragon nor the dragon king, or even Bahamut, known as the **** of good dragons, can fight the Necropolis for the human kingdom.

They are kings and gods of the Dragon race, not human.

"Sister Cassanna, what happened to the 30,000 humans I rescued?" After a while of silence, Muria stood up, walked to the crystal window, and looked down at the city below. Her voice was a little low. Road.

"It's still being resettled." Cassanna walked to Muria. "It won't be long before they can all be resettled. They will live on my territory without worry."

"Huh!" Muria nodded.

"What's wrong? Are you sad for those humans?"

"What about humans in the Kingdom of Bavaria? Can they only wait to die? No one can save them?" Muria murmured, with a sorrow of sorrow that Cassanna couldn't understand.

"The vast majority of people will become undead under the Scourge of the Undead, and only a few will survive." Cassanna seemed to remember something, and her admiration appeared in her eyes.

"Not all human powers disregard the Bavarian kingdom, or there will be humans going to the rescue."


Caslana didn't answer, but closed her eyes slightly, and under her, silent lines of light lit up. Muria watched the scene quietly, he could feel that Kasrina was using the mage tower to sense something.

"It's not bad, there is exactly this kind of human in my city." It didn't take long before Cassanna opened her eyes and looked at Muria, saying something inexplicable.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see!" Seeing Muria's confused look, Caslana took Muria's hand and opened a portal.


In the center of Bologna, a splendid building. Compared with the buildings next to it, this building appears to be sparsely crowded. Above its gate, a line is engraved in common words-the transfer hall.

This is a high-level public facility that cannot be seen in ordinary cities. Although its flow of people is sparse, every human who enters and exits can make the passersby look around, revealing awe, envy, or greedy eyes.

Because those who can get in and out of this building are either powerful professionals or big businessmen. Anyway, in the eyes of ordinary people, as long as they can use the teleportation array, they are all big men.

At this moment, in the strange eyes of passers-by, a middle-aged man wearing an armor, a waist-length sword, and a beard pulling scum came to the transmission hall, glanced at the words above, and went straight into it go with.

"Well, look at the guy who just walked into the transfer hall. The armor is so clean, it must be often maintained, but it is still broken like this. Such a guy must have no money. He is a poor ghost. I really do n’t know who gave it. He had the courage to walk into the teleport hall. "

Seeing the shabby middle-aged man walking into the building, a casual man taunted.

But as soon as his words were finished, a strong force acted on him, causing the idle man to leap forward and hit the ground a few times.

"His!" The idle man got up from the ground in a cool air, turning back and glaring at the strong man who just hit him. "Are you ill! Have you been provoked by labor?"

The strong man had a dull face and said nothing, rushed forward, and slap on the face of the idle man. A **** tooth flew from the mouth of the idle man. The huge force made the idle man turn around and lay on his head. On the ground, his gaze was directed at the entrance of the transfer hall.

When the idle man saw the downcast warrior who had just been ridiculed by him, when he entered the transmission hall, the "big men" in bright clothes and bright armors all stepped aside, with a look of awe in their faces.

"Who is he?" A doubt appeared in Xian Han's heart.

"Tyr's paladin can also insult you like this scum." A sound of yelling and cursing came, while the idle man felt a huge force acting on his chest and abdomen.

That's it! Because of the huge impact force, the idle man was instantly caught in syncope shock. Before fainting, he finally understood why he was stung. Vaguely, he also heard deserving applause ...

"Dear Samurai, what kind of teleportation do you want to use? Teleport to there?" When the seemingly dismal middle-aged samurai entered the teleport hall, a staff member who kept running here saw his armor. On the balance scale on the Warhammer, the holy emblem with the blue shield as its base immediately greeted him.

"Ultra-long range teleportation," the paladin replied without thinking. "Teleport target, Bucharest."

Hearing the words of the paladin, most of the people in the transfer hall turned to look at the news that the paladin, the Kingdom of Bavaria, was selected by the Necropolis as a target, has spread throughout the Ionian continent.

"Sorry, Lord Samurai, Bucharest had lost contact with it five days ago and could not transmit it." The young staff replied respectfully with a touch of respect.

"Can that be teleported to the Patrick Fortress of the Aub Kingdom?"

"Yes." The staff who received the paladin looked more respectfully at him. The Aub Kingdom was a neighbor of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the Patrick Fortress was on the border between the two countries.

"How much does it cost."

"Because it is too far away, it costs more. It requires 500 units of elemental crystals or 50,000 gold coins."

"Half-sided element crystal." The middle-aged paladin frowned, he didn't have that much money.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

"Save people."

"That being the case, I can waive the cost of fifty units for you." The young staff member gritted his teeth and said that he planned to use his savings to bear part of the cost for the paladin.

"No need." A vicissitudes of the middle-aged paladin smiled, "I beheaded evil creatures and got some loot. Can you mortgage a part of the teleport costs here?"


Several ogre heads, a pile of vampire fangs, dozens of blood-stained animal skins, and some piecemeal gems ... The paladin took out some piecemeal objects, all struck from him To get from killing evil creatures.

The pungent blood smell permeated the teleport hall, and more staff, adventurers and businessmen who came in and out gathered.

"The value is not enough for 50,000 gold coins." Looking at the bits and pieces on the ground, the middle-aged paladin shook his head and began to take off his armor and put it in front of him.

"Sir, what are you doing?" His eyes turned red when he saw the paladin who was removing armor and the staff who received him.

"My armor is cast from stainless steel, mixed with some low-level extraordinary metals, and the sacred blessing from the archbishop. Although it is broken, it should be worth some money."

"Ah, samurai, do you sell these spoils?" A belly-sucked businessman showed a tinge of pain in his face, then walked to the Paladin, looked at the ugly ogre heads, and held back. Vomiting feeling, asked out loud.

"I looked at the heads of several ogres with neat incisions and looks ... hey, no, I looked at these heads and they were very fierce. My home just happened to cut some pendant decorations ... forget it, I just watched A few heads are pleasing to the eye, 5,000 gold coins and an ogre's head, can you sell them? "

"One five thousand gold coins! They are not worth that much." The middle-aged paladin shook his head.

"I think it's worth it." The chubby businessman showed his white teeth. With his chubby flesh, he flung a bag of crystals into the paladin's arms, and then asked the servants around him to hold all five ogre heads directly. Leaving the teleport hall, he walked away without giving the warrior a chance to speak at all.

Everyone in the hall watched the back of the fat businessman leaving ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then all acted.

"Samurai, your vampire's fangs are quite white, sell me a thousand gold coins!"

"This skin is quite complete, at least 500 gold coins."

... After the fat businessman opened his head, some merchants and adventurers in the hall learned him one by one, and bought the paladin's trophy for more than ten times its own value for various nonsense reasons.

Instantly, tens of thousands of gold coins and more than 600 units of elemental crystals were added to the paladin's hands, and all the things he took out were rushed to buy them.

"Thank you!" The middle-aged samurai clenched his sword and bowed to every businessman and adventurer who took away his trophy in a near-buy manner.

"Sir, the transmission fee is enough, put on your armor." The young staff reminded that the only thing the paladin did not sell was that he took off the armor with the highest value.


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