Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 253: Die

Concealed in shape, Muria and Caslana silently watching everything that just happened in the teleport hall, watching the figure of the paladin disappear in the teleportation formation.

"Go to Patrick fortress? There should be a lot of humans like the paladin just now."

"Go." Muria recalled the weather-beaten face of the saintly warrior, the goddess of justice Tyre, who could not find a trace of death fear on it.

What do ordinary people believe in deities, pray day and night, and donate coins? What are you asking for? Doesn't it mean that, as a devout believer, after death, the gods protect their souls and enter the kingdom of God for eternal life?

However, just now the paladin should know how to rescue the Kingdom of Bavaria, and what will happen if he dies: the soul's suffering. But even so, he still insisted on going.

Muria saw that he truly believed-because Tir was the **** of justice, he only believed in Tir, not because he believed in Tir, and followed justice.

After Muria nodded and agreed, Cassanna waved the staff in her hand, drew the power of the mage tower, cast up to eight ring teleportation spells, and took Muria across most of Ionian and teleported from the mainland. To the other end.

When the two dragons descended on the Patrick fortress and just appeared above the fortress, noisy sounds came into Muria's ears, but Muria did not pay attention to the hustle and bustle below. The stunning scene attracted.

One after another, the gray fog wall at the beginning and the terminal stands at a position less than one kilometer away from the fortress, always parallel to the fortress's walls.

In the mist, you can see endless ghosts shuttle through it, and on the ground shrouded by mist, you can see some chilling undead wandering.

The fog, Muria is very familiar with, is the Undead Fog, a derivative of the Nine Rings Necromancer Soul Scourge, and under its envelope, all the dead will recover.

"There is the territory of the Kingdom of Bavaria!" Cassanna said, noting Muria's gaze.

"Who are you?" Just then, a squad of well-equipped Griffin knights slowly surrounded Muria and Caslana. "Report your name!"

"Huh!" Muria frowned slightly, sweeping his gaze towards the fortress walls below, with dozens of crossbows besides thousands of soldiers or bows, or holding spears at him and Kasrina. The cannon, and even several magical cannons, were moved and aimed at them.

"Presumptuous!" Caslana was furious when she saw Muria came here, surrounded by a group of humans, and made an attack gesture.

The fine gold scales emerged from the corner of her eyes, and a faint golden dragon ghost emerged from behind her, allowing the air to freeze, Longwei spread, allowing the griffins to make a sound of horrible fear, wings flapping, under Longwei Become weak and weak, we will fall with the knight behind.

"I am the Guardian of the Dawn, Kaslana!" Despite being angry, Jinlong Yujie reported her name.

"Misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding!" After hearing Cassanna's voice, a gold-level general flew from the wall below, apologizing to Muria and Cassanna for a while.

Because of geographical restrictions, the gold-level general has never heard of the Guardians of the Dawn, but this does not prevent him from confirming the identity of Muria and Cassanna through Longwei, the two golden dragons.

Since it is Jinlong, there is no need to guard against it. So the general who may have offended someone while apologizing to Muria and Caslana.

The Gryphon knights quickly withdrew, and all the crossbow guns and magic guns returned to their original positions. All the soldiers with bows and spears were also removed ...

"This fortress has entered the highest level of alert status. It can be attacked at any time. As soon as the wind blows, we can immediately respond." Muria put the space ring in his hand. This is their compensation fee. Watching The back of the general said to Cassanna.

"Undead fog is so close to them, their attitude is normal."

"Take!" "Take!" ... The sound of uniform footsteps came. Muria looked to the sound source. A heavy infantry corps lined up into a square of 100 people and entered the fortress. city.

"This is the first round of reinforcements?" After Muria and Cassanna fell to a house in the fortress, they heard some discussion.

"God knows this is the first legion, since the fog has appeared, there have been troops entering the fortress, almost never stopped!"


"Oh, is this hoarding power, waiting for the Necropolis Council to retreat?" Muria heard a few pedestrians below talk, with a hint of irony in his mouth.

"Muria, don't you think there are a lot of people in this city?" Cassanna, standing on a roof with Muria, pointed at the almost crowded street below.

"It's all adventurers." Muria looked at the costumes on the pedestrians below, and basically confirmed their identity.

"They are also the moment here to wait for the undead's fog to dissipate." Cassanna's face showed a trace of disgust.

"Really disgusting." Looking at the bustling humans below, Muria inexplicably thought of those carrionous vultures. It is a proper analogy that these adventurers also have the Aub Kingdom who constantly sends garrisons, aren't they the "vultures" waiting to eat the "rotten flesh" of the Bavarian Kingdom?

Compared with the previous paladin who mortgaged his armor to travel and also came to support the Bavarian kingdom, these people were disgusting ...

"Another group of deadly paladins assembled, preparing to enter the Kingdom of Bavaria." A shout came, and the street leading to the fortress's gate quickly quieted down.

Then, in this crowded street, everyone started to stand on both sides consciously, and those who were desperate also had to squeeze on both sides, giving way to the central road.

"Take!" "Take!" ... The sound of horseshoes treading on the quiet streets spread out, and an untidy cavalry troop crowded on the road that this adventurer was trying to let go ~ www. readwn.com ~ This cavalry unit with only more than three hundred men is a pitifully small number compared to the heavy infantry corps that just entered the city. But it is this armored cavalry team with no uniform weapons, but it has an aura that silences the entire fortress.

Because this is a team composed of paladins, each of them has at least ten types of gain magic, shining with rich magical aura.

This group did not know before today, and they believed in different deities, and the samurai from different countries formed a team for justice and to save their compatriots who were deeply trapped by the Scourge of the Undead.

Wherever this paladin team passed, adventurers on both sides of the road bowed their heads and paid tribute to them.

I do n’t know when an impassioned music sounded slowly and heard the music. On both sides of the road, bards took out their instruments and joined them-this is a very popular song on the mainland Extensive tunes, basically every bard.

In the sound of impassioned, majestic and solemn music, the paladins walked out of the fortress gates opened for them and entered the mist of the undead ...

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