Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 256: Shot

When the paladin team on the central square was full of three hundred people, the sound of the horn of departure was sounded. With the sound of the horn, the Archbishop of the Red Cards from all the temples appeared silently and silently. Divine.

The paladin's team set off.

Muria had previously seen that scene once again, and those adventurers who profited from it consciously gave way to a wide path, looking at it with admiration, worship, guilt, or a complex look of irony. A group of paladins walking outside the fortress.

The impassioned music sounded, and the bards once again played off for the Paladins, but this time was different from the last time. Among the bards, a highly prestigious person appeared. Some bards are organized.

Therefore, this time the farewell is more tidy than the last time, and it sounds more exciting. Someone seems to do everything in their power to do what the paladins can do.

Muria, who had been following the paladin, took a closer look at the adventurers in the fortress city this time. Knights, druids, mages, shooters, thieves, warriors ... There are all kinds of professionals, and the expressions and attitudes towards the paladin are different.

Human beings are complex creatures, and even these profit-seeking adventurers cannot be generalized.

"Boom!" The gate of the fortress was once again open for the three hundred paladins to let them through. As the group of paladins prepared to pass through the city gates, the leading paladins fixed their gaze and looked at the undead fog wall less than a kilometer away.

"Huh!" Muria, who was behind the samurai team, also felt something, looked up, crossed these bright brave men, and looked at the haze of the undead outside the city.

Undead wandering aimlessly in the fog of the undead, they only react when they sense the breath of the soul.

That is to say, after the paladin's troops enter the mist of the undead, they will bear the impact of an almost endless number of undead.

However, these undead who should have attacked the paladins soon rioted at this moment. They collectively swarmed into the depths of the mist, and there seemed to be something attracting them.

"All paladins, charge, and greet their companions." After seeing the actions of the low-level undead, the leading samurai did not hesitate.

Only living people can attract undead.

Without hesitation, after hearing the command given by the commander, all the paladins began to drive their wildebeests and began to charge. The distance of kilometers was enough to raise their speed.

While the kingdom troops on the fortress walls were still struggling, the saints had already raised their speed and rushed directly into the wall of undead fog.

As if a piece of **** flesh fell into the ocean, more than 300 life-giving living people diffused into the samurai ranks of the Kingdom of Bavaria. (Old paladins have recovered their bodies to the peak regardless of the consequences. State), instantly attracted the undead who rushed into the depths of the fog, like a shark smelling **** flutter.

Regarding these rushing grudges, ghosts, skeletons, ghouls, and paladins, they ignored them, and let them fall on them under the temptation of living breath.

"Zi!" "Zi!" ... Undead rushed to the paladin, before touching their bodies, they screamed and turned into ashes under the thick layer of divine magic light shrouded in their bodies.

The Archbishop of the Red and many high-level priests applied so many divine magic to the samurai, it was not fun to watch. Ordinary middle- and low-level undead are not even qualified to be close.

However, these low-level undead are the most numerous gadgets in the Kingdom of Bavaria, and they are almost everywhere, with continuous shocks, which will sooner or later be able to exhaust the magic light of the paladin.

"Don't stop, rush forward and find the source that just caused those undead to move." The order of the leading paladin spread throughout the team.


In just a few minutes, this group of paladins saw the cause of the unrest caused by the undead-more than a dozen wounded paladins and three of them cuddled in their arms.

There are endless numbers of them around. Wu Yahua is a middle- and high-level undead, and at the outermost place, Wu Yahua is a boundless sea of ​​skeletons.

"Kill!" There are no more orders. Seeing the remains of more than two dozen incomplete samurai corpses in the siege of the undead, the commander of the samurai with the strength of the golden peak led the charge into the sea of ​​undead.

Soon, the three hundred saintly warriors energetic, full of combat power, and shrouded in a thick layer of divine magic broke through the siege of the undead, and rushed to the end of the exhausted ten samurai to protect them. The aura of magical power on these dozen paladins has been exhausted.

"Bring them out!" The commander turned his head and glanced at the dozen or so companions. After a close observation, he realized how miserable they were.

The lack of arms and legs were minor injuries to them. More than half of them had flesh and blood, and their faces were withered. Compared with the skeletons surrounding them, there was only one more layer of skin.

Their lives have been burned, they just relied on their will to hold their last breath. After seeing the three hundred saintly samurai companions, the few saintly samurai who had run out of oil and fell directly down the mount and no longer lived.

"Rush out? Gaga, really naive human beings." A sound of satire with the sound of the soul sounded into every paladin's ears. "What do you think is here now?"

"Lich!" The Paladin commander looked into the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ The big skeleton wearing a black robe and holding a bone-bone sickle.

"This is the kingdom of the dead, and souls will die." Without waiting for the samurai to answer, another Lich appeared from the air.

"Kill them all, this group of paladins is the best raw material for making the Dark Knight." A third Lich appeared.

The Paladin Commander looked at the three Liches in the sky with an embarrassed face, and the three souls were not at all able to fight them. He always knew what happened to this team and why there were only a few Samurai.

"The kingdom of the dead? Oh!" A sound of irony sounded, and an explosive sound of the atmosphere sounded. Three stalks of gold thunder and dragon flames rushed out of the mist and burst into the three soul-level witches. After crushing their weak resistance, they shattered their Lich's body and soul fire together.

"Forget, you should tap lightly, you can't break their soul fire, you should seal them." In the eyes of all the saint warriors below, a young boy with dark hair and golden eyes appeared in midair. The three-armed weapon that just crushed the Lich took the initiative to fly around him.

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