Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 257: Value no

One sword, one sword, one halberd, and three weapons were suspended behind Muria, surrounded by thunder and flames, and the dark-haired and golden-eyed boy looked down at the undead encircling the samurai.

Because the liches that have imprinted on their souls have been beheaded and they have lost their restraint, part of the undead cannot control the temptation to kill the Holy Spirit and rush to the samurai, while the other part is more intelligent. After seeing that his master was easily killed, he began to flee wildly into the distance.

However, no matter what choices are made, it is the same end. Muria stands in the air and reaches down and presses down. Three exclusive weapons are wrapped in thunder and flames. With Muria's gesture, he surrounds the paladin. The undead slammed down.

Where the three-armed weapon fell, the mid-to-high-level undead, the gargoyle, the dark knight, and the abomination ... went a sorrow of horror, then turned to ashes, and then Thunder, Dragon Flame, and Hurricane burst from the three-armed weapon. Swept towards the surviving undead.

The paladins stared blankly at the young boy with dark hair and golden eyes in the sky. From the time when the Lich appeared, ten days before his death, everything that could threaten them was cleared by the young boy.

"Thank you for your help!" When Muria fell from the sky, the samurai leader bowed slightly to Muria, although he did not know who he was, he did save them. Otherwise, their team of paladins was also killed.

"Should." Muria reached out, withdrew his weapon, and then looked at the seven described sacrificial samurai who were protected in the middle of the team.

Around them, there are still many dry corpses. Through their armor and weapons in their hands, they can confirm their identity. They are all paladins who burned their lives and died exhausted.

"Ka!" "Ka!" ... Muria stepped on the ground of the undead corpse, and walked towards the seven samurai who were no longer covered by divine light. Three of them were held in one hand. Holding a baby, because their other hand needs to hold a sword.

Looking at the seven scarred paladins, Muria took a deep breath and asked with a heavy heart, "What about the rest of your team?"

"Everything is dead!" Said a saintly samurai withered and muscles on his face.

"Is this what you saved?" Muria pointed to the child in their arms.

"Yes, we were too incompetent. We sacrificed so many companions to save three children. We originally brought more than a hundred people out of the city, but we failed to protect them." The paladin was bitter, with guilt The color, "We can't save them."

"..." Muria was silent, looking around, wreckage and debris, in addition to the bodies of dozens of paladins, and some pieces of blood-stained cloth and stumps, what seemed to indicate something.

"Don't blame you." Muria looked at the feet on the ground, a broken arm holding a long sword, and she hadn't let go of her death, and it was covered with traces of being bitten by ghouls. "You have done your best. "

"I'm too weak. It would be great if I had the gold-level strength." Let a paladin who also burns his life, and now can only be said to be a living paladin, bow his head and say his regrets: "This way I can not only kill Undead, I can burn my soul, maybe I can save one or two more people. "

Muria watched in silence the surrounding samurai who had just entered the Kingdom of Bavaria, dismissed the corpses of their companions, or slashed the ghouls and abominable bodies with swords. ...

"Sir, could you ask for one thing?" It didn't take long for several gold-level paladins to find Muria.

"You guys said."

"Can you please take these three children and these seven companions out?"

"That's it?" Muria froze slightly. He thought these paladins would ask him to join the team, never thinking it would be such a simple request.

"If it is convenient, please also take the remains of our companions!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Muria couldn't help asking.

"Certainly move on," the leader said in a natural tone. "Their team has saved three children. We can't be worse than them!"

"Save three children at the cost of the sacrifice of three hundred of the best paladins." Muria was silent, the price ...

"Sir?" Seeing Muria silent, a paladin shouted tentatively.

"Don't call my lord, my name is Muria, you just call my name."

"Muria, what is your request, our request?"

"Why don't you invite me to join you?" Muria looked at the three samurai in front of him who were shrouded in divine light and could not see his face.

"Sir Muria, you are not a human!"


"Enter the Kingdom of Bavaria and rescue our fellow citizens. We will not ask for help from any race."

"Because this is to die!" Another paladin added, "and there are consequences of soul degradation. Even if we are paladins, many people are unwilling to enter, how can we ask others?"

"I promised your request, and I will safely take them and the remains of your companions out." Muria heard the paladin's answer, his heart moved slightly, and agreed to their request.

Just now he was so powerful, all the paladins saw it, but no one asked him to join, and no one told him what the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility and the like.

Nauseous, how many people are willing to do good without being able to guarantee their safety? If the end of doing good to save people is mortal, is anyone still willing?

If the end of doing good to save people ~ www.readwn.com ~ not only to die, but also to suffer the pain of falling into eighteen layers of **** after death? Is anyone willing to do good? There was no such person in previous lives, Muria did not know.

But in Ioria in the Erasian world, he can say with certainty: Yes! Because in front of him stood such a group of people who were willing to bear the most painful torture in the eyes of mortals for their own convictions.


"what happened?"

"The undead are rushing into the depths of the fog, and there seems to be something attracting them."

"Someone just rushed in with those paladins. They flew in from the sky, at least a gold class."

... just after Muria followed the paladin into the undead's mist, the crowd that was sent off exploded, and the kingdom army on the fortress wall finally responded.

The sacred defensive enchantment dedicated to the undead is opened, the crossbow cannon is wound, and a magical guided cannon is energized and enters a state where it can be launched immediately ...

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