Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 258: inherited

"Someone came out!" An officer shouted above the fortress wall, watching the fog wall where the number of undead had decreased greatly. "No attack is allowed, it is human, not undead."

In the gray mist, a huge golden flame can be seen moving forward. Wraith spirits and ghosts in the mist of the undead are like moths extinguishing fire, and the flames are screaming at the flame and then screaming. As a result, the smoke disappeared.

"Hoo!" Cassanna, who was also standing on the wall, looked at the golden flame that was familiar, and took a long breath. Muria never came out again, so she planned to inform her grandfather, and then rushed in to find him.

"Finally come out! Open the defensive enchantment and let my companion come in." Caslana ordered the human commander around without looking back. This is Jinlong's normal attitude towards inconspicuous humans.

"Open the enchantment and let the flames come in." The soul-general general glanced at Cassanna's almost perfect profile, quietly swallowed a sip of water, then turned around and commanded loudly to his official. .

"Boom!" Muria manipulating the breeze, holding up seven paladins who were already in the brink of death, and three quietly dormant babies who had been cast spells, flew towards the Patrick Fortress galloping.

Muria wrapped himself around these ten humans with Thunder and Long Yan, destroying all the ghosts that were attracted by the breath of life on him ...

Muria, who washed away the ghost of the dead, dispersed the thunder fire around him, and after seeing that the protective shield shining with the divine light gradually disappeared, he put away the halberd of the prison in his hand. If the fortress does not open the passage, he intends to smash it with exclusive weapons.

He believed that the fortress's current defensive power could temporarily resist the legendary attack, but he did not believe that he had used a mix of several legendary metals to cast weapons, and he could not break a defensive cover covering such a large area into a gap that could let him through. When he paid such a large price, the weapon he was casting was a joke.

Muria saw Caslana standing on the wall and the thick-eyed, burly general next to her, but he didn't mean to stay in the slightest, riding the gale, leading the Paladin and the children to the Patrick Fortress. Inside the temple area.

"Muriya!" Muria, who had dispersed the thunder, the figures of the ten humans around him were clearly visible, and after Cassanna shouted, Changhong followed her up.

"General, that golden dragon was brought out of the fog, as if it was a paladin who had set off from us for a while."

"I'm not blind, don't need you to say." The burly general glanced at his lieutenant. "The key is the three children, hey, how many people the samurai sacrificed before they were rescued."

... Muria and the paladin went straight to the central square of the temple area with three children, and fell to the ground under the attention of dozens of paladins who had gathered.

"What about the Cardinal? Come out and save people." Muria shouted before landing.

Before the words fell, eight archbishops in red robes slowly appeared. After taking a look at Muria, they greeted the paladin who was held in the air by the wind.

"This is it? It has a strong breath of life. What kind of cure is it used for?" Before the paladin touched, there was a red archbishop exclaimed.

"You don't need to care about the injuries on their bodies. I gave each of them a few drops of the essence of the tree of life." When seeing the archbishops in red began to examine the paladin's body, Muria raised her eyebrows and made a noise "You just have to check their souls for problems."

"Essence of the tree of life!" A few archbishops looked at each other, looked at Muria with a surprised color, and began to perform divine magic on the samurai one-on-one to examine the soul.

"Uh!" The eighth archbishop rubbed his nose awkwardly, then looked at Muria, a grateful smile on his face, and bowed slightly towards Muria:

"Thank you for your generosity!"

"Should." Muria nodded calmly, seeing these dying paladins, he would not regret the essence of his tree of life.

"These children?" The archbishop's eyes were slightly deflected, and he saw the three dormant children hovering next to Muria, with a look of doubt on his face.

"They were rescued by a group of paladins." Muria raised his finger and pointed at the seven paladins who were being treated.

"What about their other team?" The Archbishop's hands shook, and the other seven archbishops who were performing divine magic diverted their attention to Muria.

"Here!" Muria took a heavy look and took the bodies of broken armors from the space ring, starting with some complete corpses, then pieces of incomplete corpses, and finally It is some bone slag.

"And there!" The archbishop looked at Muria, his voice trembling, his face uncontrollably showing grief, and Muria's body was less than a hundred.

The paladins gathered on the central square also came silently, looking at some corpses on the ground that couldn't even spell out human figures.

"There are only so many!" Muria shook her head. "They are only a group of paladins."

"This ..." The Archbishop's face shuddered, and he walked to Muria, hugged a child, and squeezed a stiff smile, "Three hundred samurai sacrificed all the rescued children. "

The paladins who watched silently also came out of the two representatives who could not see their faces shrouded in divine light, picked up the other two babies suspended beside Muria, looked carefully, and handed them to the other A samurai ~ www.readwn.com ~ Look at it, the kid rescued by our samurai! "

"Haha, what a lovely little guy, I will also enter the Bavarian Kingdom to save a few of these children."

...... The two children embraced by the samurai in turn opened their sleepy eyes in a confused way. Because they could not see their parents, they had a sense of panic and confusion.

But soon these emotions were smoothed by the divine magic light of the paladin. Soon, the two children giggled in the arms of the paladin who took turns to embrace them.

"These two children will definitely become paladins in the future." Caslana, who came quietly to Muria, said watching the beautiful scene of harmony in the central square.

"Will the child become a primate of the future?" Muria asked, smiling at the child in the arms of the Cardinal.

"Thank you, I will try to train him into an archbishop." He heard Muria's half-joking remarks, and the archbishop replied earnestly.

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