Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 284: Plague of the Dragon

"Boom!" Several gold-level priests and a soul-level archbishop just talked for a few moments, and a teleportation beam of light emitting terror energy waves broke the space and landed on the teleportation array in front of them. The violent shock wave swept across the wide hall, and the white robes of the priests that swept across were hunting.

In the stunned eyes of these priests, their teleportation array blew up, and the marble floor blessed by the divine spell array was flattened a deep layer.

Soon the smoke spread out. After the invisible figure of Muria and his party came from the teleportation, several gold-level priests exclaimed, followed by a murderous look: "The evil dragon is coming!"

Then, these guys did not hesitate to launch a magic attack on Muria and his party!

"Don't attack them." When the magic attacked them, behind Muria, the blue-haired lady Fiona stepped forward. When all the magic was blocked, Muria gave a command.

If Muria doesn't say anything, Fiona is ready to fight back. As a five-colored dragon, where can her temper get better? Suddenly attacked by a group of humans, the green dragon known for its cruelty and cruelty is strange.

"His Royal Highness, this group of humans"

"Can't blame them, it should be that the church that sent us here didn't communicate clearly with this side." Muria glanced behind him, twelve scaled armored, five-colored dragons of nearly 20 meters squatting on the ground When they saw a group of humans attacking them, they also grinned and yelled, trying to breathe the dragon's breath.

Normal humans see a group of evil dragons suddenly appear in front of themselves, either attack or escape, and do not communicate this third option. Muria and other non-human beings are suddenly attacked. The biggest reason is that these twelve guys will not deform the spell.

"Stop attacking!" Seeing the group appearing as "people" with twelve five-colored dragons, they easily blocked their attacks, but did not fire back. The archbishop headed by Red finally reacted, realizing that he seemed to fight wrong.

Hearing the Cardinal's order, the priests who had realized that they were wrong had stopped attacking, and outside the room, the temple guards in heavy armor poured in, and they heard a cry of "the evil dragon is coming", So come to support.

"Which King Dragon Muria came to support?" Cardinal Sukada stared at the green-haired beautiful woman who was standing in front of a dark-haired Jintong teenager, and a face next to her. They looked at their redheads with smirk.

Only then did he understand how the church in Ionia had given him the best mental preparation in advance.

"I'm Muria." Muria patted Fiona in front of her. After she stepped back, she looked up at the clergy who was facing the enemy. The pupil of Yaojin slowly became a pupil. Long Wei's proliferation that makes people feel depressed.

Feeling this coercion, Cardinal Sukada breathed a sigh of relief, this is the breath of Jinlong, but still watched with some vigilance the "people" and dragons beside Muria, and the cat: "They are?"

"My followers still have subordinates." Muria explained lightly, without the need to introduce Troy in detail.

"They are all five-colored dragons?"


The faces of these priests suddenly became very exciting, which supported some beyond their imagination.

"Ionian guys are really unreliable." After hearing Muria's words, Sukarda couldn't help but curse in his heart. Could it be more outrageous to find a group of five-colored dragons to support them?

Although I scolded the church over Ionian in my heart, Sukarda still smiled with a smile on her face, without a trace of dissatisfaction: "Muria, I'm really sorry, Ionian The neighboring church did not tell us clearly, so we will attack you only when we are panicked. "

"I understand." Muria watched as they surrounded them, guarding the nervous temple guard, nodding slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

These guards wear heavy armor, and they are basically heavy weapons such as halberds and axe guns. Their temperament is strong, and their bodies are heavy with **** blood. They are basically used by those of Ionia. The temple guards to fill the facade are different. They are all soldiers who have really experienced life and death.

Osnillo's subcontinent seems to be more chaotic than the Ionian subcontinent, which can be seen from the equipment of these temple guards and the reaction of the priest.

Just when Muria thought so, a loud roar and a roar of monsters came. At the same time, a blood-stained, black-armored gold-level soldier rushed in and yelled:

"Those evil dragons are coming again to attack the city with monster waves. What are the people in your temple doing, hurry up the city wall. Lord Sukada, when will your temple say the support?"

With a look of anxious soldier before he spoke, he got stuck in his throat. He saw Muria and other non-human beings, especially the conspicuous twelve five-colored dragons behind him.

Before the brain reacted, the soldier's body reacted in advance. Without thinking about it, the soldier pulled out a sword and slashed at Muria and others.

"Presumptuous! Humans." The Red Dragon Outlet, who had just been shot by Fiona and had no chance of performance, was immediately overjoyed, snarled, and shot with a palm, a red dragon paw almost condensed into substance. Out, after the sword was afraid of shattering, it exploded on the soldier.

The harsh sound of bone fractures sounded, and the soldier was beaten by the outlet with no resistance, his arms were broken, his chest collapsed and sunken, blood splattered, his body flew out and fell into a pillar.

Seeing such a scene, the guardians of the shrine surrounding Muria and other non-human temples Qi Qi stepped forward, aimed the weapons in their hands at them, and the atmosphere became dignified instantly.

"Put down your arms ~ www.readwn.com ~ What are you doing? This is our reinforcements." A cold sweat dripped from Cardinal Sukada's forehead, and he had seen the smile on Muria's face disappearing .

Their two successive attacks seemed to make the King Jinlong angry. In any case, this is an offense. Fortunately, it is the Golden Dragon, which is replaced by other dragons, and has been attacked by humans. It has long been soaring.

For example, besides Muria, besides being able to remain expressionless and maintain a certain level of calm, including Troy, all the dragons appeared angry. The five-colored dragon has never had a good temper, even those raised by Muria.

"Lord Jinlong, please forgive our offenses. The reason we are doing this is because the city under my feet is being besieged by a group of evil dragons. So we will only react this way when we see your men."

"What dragon is attacking your city?" Muria asked, frowning, listening to the roar outside.

"Tooth Dragon!"

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