Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 285: Pale blood

Tooth dragon? Muria raised an eyebrow. He thought that the evil dragon attacking the city was a five-colored dragon, but he did not expect it to be a dragon.

Although the dragon is a dragon, this dragon is a subspecies of the wind system and is not a real dragon. This type of dragon is even weaker than the white dragon of the shame of the dragon family, so it does not belong to the dragon species and is classified into the sub-dragon.

"This kind of dragon attacks you, and you all ask for help?" Fiona's face was amazed. Even if she touched this kind of dragon, she wouldn't look straight.

"Ordinary dental dragons, of course, we can cope directly." Seeing the disdain and disdain on the faces of Muria's adult-colored five-colored dragons, Archbishop Sukada explained with a grin.

"What's so special about attacking your fangs?" Muria asked frowning. Before he came, he knew that he was not the first to support here, and he had supported either before death or serious injuries. not so good.

"The dragon that has attacked us is a Majesty of a alien dragon." Sukada replied with a hint of fear. "We now call it pale bloody."

"Pale **** bite, heterotooth dragon!" Muria squinted her eyes, showing a touch of interest on her face. Heterogeneous dragons refer to dragons with different thoughts and behaviors or life forms.

For example, Xueba White Dragon Claudia, she is a heterogeneous dragon with typical ideas different from normal white dragons. She likes to learn. And this is not at all the interest of dragons. But this interest will undoubtedly make her achieve far more than her own.

The other is the dragon whose life form is different from the normal dragon, which is the easiest to identify. Muria has seen in a book a related record of a black dragon with a life form different from that of its kind.

That heterogeneous black dragon has the physique and strength that can be shoulder to shoulder with the red dragon, and its growth and development far exceed the normal black dragon, just like the red dragon with black scales.

Most alien dragons, because they are different in their thoughts and appearances, they will have strength far beyond their own age, and they will show all kinds of incredible abilities, basically there is no good stubble.

"So, you asked for help from Dawn Church over Ionian for this alien dragon?" Muria wondered.

"My Excellency, this is not the problem of the other white dragon." The Archbishop sighed. "It has now fully grown up. It has forcibly conquered many of its kind and then used its own blood to alienate them all."

"So, what I'm trying to solve is not a xenodontodon, but a group, is it?"

"Sir, you can repel the fangs that are now attacking our city. How to solve the pale blood of the alien dragon, let's discuss it for a long time."

Muria's mouth was ripped, and the archbishop in front of him was not optimistic that he could solve the alien dragon. "No matter how special, it is just a alien dragon."

"Lord Jinlong, don't underestimate it, it is even more terrible than many five-colored dragons!"

"Humans are really a group of timid creatures, scared by a tooth dragon." Fiona suddenly saw this group of humans in such a horrible manner, and suddenly ironically said, "Is that alien dragon still legendary?"

"It's not a legend, but according to its current killing speed, it won't be long before it will be promoted to legend." Cardinal Sukada replied with a hint of unspeakable fear in his eyes.

"How long will it take?" Muria frowned, and the Dragons' promotion was arguably the slowest, because most dragons didn't take the initiative to practice, they all went to sleep through a long period of time to accumulate strength.

Even if it is active meditation practice, the speed is not much faster than the promotion speed of human beings. After all, the level of life is placed there. Each level of promotion requires tens to hundreds of times of human accumulation, which is not An order of magnitude.

But looking at the Archbishop's words, it seems that this alien dragon has been increasing its speed very quickly.

"Yes, five years ago, when we discovered it for the first time, it had only the strength of the third-order gold." The archbishop's face showed a hint of remorse. "If at that time, I could kill it, hundreds of Millions of people may not have to die. "

"Five years?" Muria raised her eyebrows. "Do you mean, it took only five years for this alien dental dragon to be promoted from the gold level to the peak of soul?"

"To be more precise, it is from the third-level promotion of gold to the peak of soul."

"How could the dragons be promoted to the peak of the soul in five years?" Red Dragon Outlet stared at the Archbishop with suspicion, and felt that this human was lying.

"In the beginning, we couldn't believe it, but it was the case." Sukada said with regret.

"Nothing is impossible." Muria was surprised, but calmer when she heard the message from the dragon. There are many ways to quickly increase strength.

For example, the simplest and the least side effect, the gift of epic and gods, by sacrificing a certain future potential, greatly increase the level of power in a short time.

This method of increasing power with the least side effects, of course, this method has an invisible precondition, that is, to get the gift, you must have the potential to advance the legend.

In addition, there are many ways to quickly increase strength, but basically there are major or minor sequelae. Some sequelae can be ignored, while others can have quite serious consequences.

"Five years ago ~ www.readwn.com ~ You knew the existence of this alien dragon, but did not kill it in time, so that it grew to the point where you could not fight it." Muria listened to the shouting of outside killing, his face turned Calmly, "For such a long time, you should know that this is why it was promoted so quickly."

"It's the blood of the demon!" The Archbishop's face turned blue. "This alien dragon doesn't know how to obtain a group of blood of the highest order of the devil, thus merging the blood of the devil and possessing the devil's soul eater talent.

After that, pale blood guts began to slaughter souls and devour souls, killing almost anything they saw. After it was promoted to the soul, it was extremely mad, and began to attack the city of our people. Once the city was broken by it, it would slaughter the city directly, and it was extremely mad.

So far, it has broken through more than twenty cities, and more than three million humans have lost their lives. All their souls have been devoured by this evil dragon to increase its power. "

"Three million people's pale blood is not only a heterogeneous dragon, but also a fallen abyssal demon dragon." After hearing what this heterogeneous dragon had done, Muria's face was gloomy, and the sound of weapon vibrations came from her body. Ling Xun's intention to kill spread, and he moved to kill this alien dragon. Literary degree

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