Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 286: Killing

"What about the legend of your country?" Muria suddenly thought a little when she heard the Archbishop's introduction to this alien dragon.

More than three million humans have been massacred. No country on the Osnile subcontinent can ignore this casualty. There is no unified empire on this subcontinent.

"Before the pale blood dies to advance to the legend, the legend cannot do anything to it." Sukarda's face showed a hint of embarrassment and humiliation.

"Why not?" Red Dragon Outlet asked curiously. As a dragon chased by human legends, it is particularly curious. It doesn't realize that the human legend will follow the principle of not bullying small bullshit.

"Pale blood sacrifice it to give an ancient blue dragon half of the proceeds of every looting of our human city, to obtain its asylum." Sukarda said in an extremely angry tone.

"Well, I understand." Muria nodded, and then looked at the exit of the temple. "Are you the only alien dragon that has been attacked by this fallen demon dragon attacking your city? Didn't pale blood gobble?"

"No, if the evil dragon comes, the city must be broken now." The soldier who was slapped into the pillar by the red dragon outlets struggled to crawl out, answering while vomiting blood.

As a gold-level soldier, although his injuries now look serious, they are not fatal. After being shot into the pillar, he also reacted, after listening to the conversation between Archbishop Sukada and Muria and other dragons for a while.

The soldier understood that his slap was purely self-seeking. He cut down reinforcements and was his own. If it makes sense, it is because he has a loss. If he doesn't make sense, he won't have a big fist.

"Let ’s go and see. It sounds like your situation doesn't look good." Muria took the lead and walked out of the temple. The sound of killing outside was weakening. The roar and roar of the human side were weakening, and those were full of tyranny. The growl was louder.

Muria, who had just stepped out of the teleport hall, stepped slightly, because at this moment thousands of eyes with Greek wings looked at him. The owner of these eyes wore cheap or even worn clothes, and there was nothing special about him. temperament.

The black-haired, golden-eyed boy looked at the human civilian in front of him, almost crowding all the places inside the temple, and glanced back at the Archbishop who was next to him.

He suddenly wanted to understand a problem. The temple of the human deity, no matter where it is, even in a small city, the scale is quite magnificent.

He had previously speculated with malicious thoughts that those churches dedicated to the gods had built the temple so large that dragons or giants could move in it, in order to please their gods, a face-saving project for the people.

But seeing the scene in front of him, Muria found that her previous life's ideas were biased towards her, and she always used a very malicious mind to speculate on the gods.

The other gods don't know, but the gods of the humanity's lawful and good camp are really worthy of their dedication and belief to them. This can be seen in their church.

The temple of the good gods of the human race is a place for believers to pray in peacetime, but now all war churches are shelters during such wartime. Therefore, the larger the temple, the more civilians it can accommodate.

"This is Lord King Dragon?"

"It doesn't look like it!"

"This is a child at all!"

Seeing Nouria who came out first, a small argument came into his ear, followed by Sukarda behind Muria slightly bowed, his face showing a trace of plea: "Lord Golden Dragon, look, you can Would you show the power of your Golden Dragon? "

"It's not me who is best for demonstrating power, but you, Leon." Muria didn't squint, but he passed into a red-haired boy in the team behind him with emotion of emotional fluctuations.

"But unfortunately, you are too weak now. Even if you reveal your identity as a demon knight, you can't give them confidence."

Under such a scene, Muria, who had not forgotten to stimulate the young Leon, watched from the civilians who took refuge in the temple, and a series of fine gold scales appeared on his face. On both sides of his forehead, three pairs twisted and extended in different directions. Dragon horns slowly extended.

A handsome young man took a few steps forward, gold scales appeared on his face, horns grew on his forehead, and he turned into a non-human monster. This is such an impactful scene, not only did not disturb these mortals Waiting for emotions, they also showed their faces with excitement and excitement.

And as Muria revealed the blood of the dragon, a pale golden dragon with a sense of depression spread. There was no resistance. After Muria shed a ray of dragon power, all the civilians knelt down obediently with ecstasy.

Leon, the demon knight who followed Muria, saw his scene and clenched his fists. When ordinary humans are in a critical moment, but the advent of a non-human being gives them hope and confidence in the future.

"This subcontinent seems to be a lot more messy than Ionian." Muria stepped out of the temple, looked slightly at the sharp spikes outside the temple behind him, and then looked at the constant roar and roar. The battlefield that came.

The huge translucent protective cover protects the entire city. This is the city's defensive array. However, watching the translucent aura shield shatters, we know that the moat will not last long.

At the outermost part of this crumbling aura shield, spells and crossbow arrows of various departments shot out ~ www.readwn.com ~ smashed into the monster group of the siege, and from time to time, the bright beams of magical guides flashed away. A avenue of flesh and blood was smashed among the dense crowd of monsters.

"Roar!" "Roar!" The roar of the tyrannical dragon roared, and three strangely shaped dragons soared above the city in the color of the sky. They were the main force of the siege. The besiege was only some cannon fodder.

"It's really an alien dragon." When Muria looked around at the sky with interest, it wasn't the three dragons that slammed the light shield. "I don't remember the dragon can fly so high."

The three strange dragons above the sky are covered with hard bone plate armor, with sharp spur protrusions around their joints, and the ends of their slender dragon tails are split into a pair of large blades like a sickle.

Their eyes shone with scarlet light, and their heads were covered with tiny sharp corners and spines. These are similar to normal odontosaurs, with the only difference being their wings.

The normal winged dragon has short wings and very poor flying ability, and only has the ability to rush forward by swelling its wings quickly. And these three dragons in the sky, with wings spread, can circle in the sky.

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