Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 421: Ansor's Hand

"Too little." Looking at the blue blood in the crystal bottle, Jin Longniang was not satisfied.

"The contented are always happy." Muria stared expressionlessly at the wind king eagle who had fallen asleep again, saying a proverb from the previous life.

"Yeah!" Jin Longniang Atris sneered, "Where did you see this kind of non-aggressive remarks? Only when you are not satisfied can you become strong. Without desire, there is no motivation to move forward. It's just mediocre. "

"..." Muria's mouth twitched. He just wanted Jin Longniang to accept it, but she took the chance and reprimanded him a little.

"You see," Jin Longniang pointed to Feng Wangying. "There are too many beings and things that I can't understand, and if I have enough strength, I can easily know them. Exploring the unknown is my way forward. Motivation. "

"After having enough strength to explore the unknown, it is the most stable, otherwise it is just death." Muria said silently in his heart, the town beast, but even the god's name can be erased directly. presence.

The harvest slightly exceeded her expectations, and the Golden Dragon Mother contentedly took Muria to hang around Yundao. She was very curious about the large number of Yundao gathered together, and wanted to find out whether it was naturally formed or because Acquired factors.

"Little Muria, do you think these layers of layers of clouds are not like an enlarged pine tower?" On top of hundreds of cloud islands, Jinlong Niang looked down and suddenly came up with a bold idea Some suddenly asked Muria around him.

"Songta?" Muria froze slightly, and then carefully looked at the many cascading clouds that were scattered around the cloud island where the Wind King Eagle was located, and endured the seemingly scattered formation, and there was no one. The same irregular shape looks roughly like that.

"It's a bit like, but the locations are too scattered, not as regular as Songta." Muria replied, looking inexplicably at Jinlong Niang, he somewhat admired Jinlong Niang's brain hole, but she could think of it. .

"The position of Yundao can be moved and adjusted, even if the shape is different, it can be modified."

"What do you think?" Muria looked at Jin Longniang in surprise.

"Don't you think these cloud islands are like the rough embryos of floating cities? As long as there is a little transformation, there will be hundreds of floating cities." Jinlong Niang's eyes sparkled with excited eyes.

"Yun Island can be transformed into a floating city?" Muria was shocked. He still had this kind of gameplay. He had never heard of it.

"Yes, this is the technique developed by the group of full-fledged and unhelpful guys in the Arcane Federation." Golden Dragon Mother Atris showed a hint of irony on her face,

"The purpose of researching this technology at the beginning was to save the resources for manufacturing the floating city, but the research was successful. After the construction started, it was found that the consumption of building a floating city using Yundao is no more than saving resources by building a floating city out of thin air."

"Why?" Muria is a bit strange. The biggest energy expenditure in Floating City is floating. If you can save this part of the energy output, you can really save resources.

"Because the position of Yundao itself is fixed, if you want to build, you must either ask the legendary mage to move or transfer the construction materials to Yundao to build directly.

In addition, the number of cloud islands is scarce, and the shape of each tower is different. Therefore, the plan for each cloud island to be transformed into a floating city requires a planning and design scheme, which cannot be used again.

This method cannot be promoted on a large scale at all, nor can it save much material. For Arcane Federation, this is a very poor research, so it was not long before they were abandoned. "

"Mother, do you mean, do you have the technical information to transform Yundao into a floating city?" Muria blinked, asking in a rough tone, before he unknowingly used the honorific title.

"I can't get the core technology of Arcane Federation, but the knowledge of this abandoned project is quite easy for me."

"Oh!" Muria just wanted to give up a little bit to ask for this technology, but he thought of a very important point, watching the cloud island below meditate, "These cloud islands are not mine, it has nothing to do with me. "

"Is that all the King of the Wind King," Jin Longniang thought for a moment, and then waved very atmosphericly, "The existence of these levels likes to sleep, and the wake-up time is very short. After it enters to sleep, these Yundao's Ownership is yours. "

"But it's not mine anyway." Muria shook her head.

"If you have such a clear idea of ​​what to do, even if you transform all the islands of the cloud into floating cities, with the spirit of the Wind King Eagle, as long as you don't move its eagle nest, you won't care if you want to come to it."

"This matter makes me think about it."

"Well, now you have control over all the resources of a kingdom. Don't take the opportunity to allocate resources for your own use. If you miss it, you don't know when you can have it again."


In the abdomen of a volcano full of silence, the pungent sulfur is mixed with various poisonous gases, and the hot lava rolls over.

Suddenly, it seemed to be stimulated or attracted. The magma rolled like a spring. With a roar full of excitement, the volcano erupted.

With the magma rising from the sky, a burly and strong demon bathed in magma and crawled out of the crater. The power of the upper demon spread with the appearance of this devil, leaving only ten around. Several low-level demons trembled on the ground, shaking trembling ~ www.readwn.com ~ soon, the eruption of magma subsided, after all, just the fire waves that this powerful demon awakened.

"Abyss will beckoning me!" The Barlow flames with dark red skin screaming exuberantly, surrounded by flames, and the fiery flames formed a long whip on its hand, and the other claw was held in falsehood, A decapitated sword emerged.

"Material Realm!" This powerful Barlow flame demon excitedly slashed through the space, following the will of the abyss, crossing the layers of the abyss, passing by along the way, there was a constant flow of magic into its body To supplement its consumption.

"Cowardly material ants, give me your soul." In the end, this Baloyan demon came to the level of the abyss that was about to be swallowed and merged by the Erasian world, and then easily broke through the originally impossible to break The space barrier came to Nocchia's European subcontinent.

"Quack!" Looking at the animals running around because of his appearance, and the plants that started to burn, Barlow Yanma laughed excitedly.

But just when it was proud, a palm wrapped around a gold thunder broke open space and grabbed its head ...

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