Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 422: 1 hit

The moment he breathed the fresh air of the material world, Barlow felt the care of the will from the abyss. This is the place where many demons dreamed of reaching.

There are plenty of soul resources here. Even in response to the call of the weak cocoons in the material world, in the most energy-intensive projection approach, countless demons are rushing to do it, just because they have the opportunity to obtain the soul.

But now it came to the physical world so easily, and came to the material world, and was not suppressed by the laws of the material world, and its strength can be fully displayed.

How to make it not surprising and able to exert its full strength, how can the greenhouse flowers in the main material world be its opponent.

Speaking of which, the devil is the race with the least attention to origin. As long as he has the ability, even an abyss worm can evolve into the top existence of Barlow.

One step closer, it is not impossible to become the Lord of the Abyss or even the Demon Lord. Of course, according to the current information, the abyss knows all the demon kings, and no demon king has evolved from a worm.

However, it cannot be said that there is absolutely no such existence in the abyss. The existence of the abyss is too long, and there are too many layers in the abyss. So far, no one can tell how many layers there are in the abyss.

So, a long time ago, maybe there really is an abyss worm. Through its own hard work and various opportunities, it has become the top of the abyss, the demon that scares countless creatures and trembles. Maharaja.

The water in the abyss is very deep. On the bright side, the demon monarch Di Mogoan is claimed to be the strongest demon in the abyss, but in fact, in addition to its subordinates and itself, other demon monarchs use this title as a joke. The majesty admits.

Even the other weak demons are just in awe of its strength, verbally admitting that no one would actually agree. Because there are many abyss monarchs who are not active and have nothing to attract their attention, they all spend a long time in deep sleep.

From the position of the kingdom of Tiamat, the queen of the five-colored dragon, we can see the clue. With the queen of the dragon, he has no fear of powerful divine power. He also only placed the kingdom of God on the first floor of the bottomless abyss, Wanyuan. Plain.

Wanyuan Plain is not a good place. There is a **** battle place where chaos and order devil conflict, but the Queen of Dragons is where the kingdom of God is placed, which is very intriguing.

Doesn't the Dragon Queen want to put the kingdom of God on a deeper level of the abyss? Or, what is she scoffing at. Dragon Queen's placement of the kingdom of God on the Wanyuan Plain is more like wanting to use some of the existing deterrents in the abyss to deter her enemies.

"I feel it, the gathering place of human beings." The Baloyan who descended easily on Nocchia's Eurasian continent looked in one direction, eyes full of greed and excitement.

Even the chaotic demons know that if they have the opportunity to enter the material world to harvest souls and want to gain the greatest gains, then they will slaughter humans, because according to factors such as strength, quality, and quantity, the souls obtained by slaughtering humans are the most cost-effective.

After determining the closest human gathering place to him, the wide demon wings behind the Barlow flames opened, the fiery flames burned, and when it was about to rise into the sky, a strong crisis surged on it. His heart made his heart beat fast, and the thick blood vessels in his head "banged" as if to explode.

Too late to think about where this sudden sense of fatal crisis comes from, Barlow Enchanter leaned his head along the instincts that he has experienced through numerous killings, avoiding the palm that grabbed his head, but the thunder that still wrapped his hand was still Quite a few fell on its head.

"Roar!" After avoiding this deadly attack, Barlow's flames roared forward and rushed forward. After opening the distance, he quickly turned to look at the existence that had just been attacked.

"Crack!" The sound of blasting sounded after the tree was burned. At the place where Barlow's Demon stood, the trees were burning. Even the rocks and the land that they stepped on were melting, under the power of this upper demon. There are signs of turning into magma.

"Titan!" When seeing the torn space, stepping forward and unveiling the breathless existence of the great shore, the face of Barlow Yanmon's already sloppy face became distorted, with complex emotions such as anger, shock and fear .

"It's too weak, did you just wake up!" The Titan, wearing a gold armor with black soles, looked at the Baloyan Devil, who had stepped into the legendary realm. His face was disappointed, and the half of his hand was metallic. , And flames were thrown to the ground in the horns of the burning demon.

"My horns." Seeing the horns of demons thrown to the ground by the Titans as trash, the Barlow could not help raising his hands and touching the section of the horns above his head, and his face became more distorted.

What a shame that attack didn't completely hide away just now, or was seized by the Titan to break a half-horn.

"When did your Titans learn the sneak attacks like those cheap demons?" Barlow Yan said tauntingly. When fighting, using words to fight the enemy is a compulsory course. Demons are chaotic creatures, but it does not mean that they are brain damage It's not much worse though.

"Sneak attack? Do you deserve it?" Ansor Yaojin's pupil stared indifferently at this "unresponsive" Barlow Demon. "I just sensed your presence and grabbed it without any thought. You are so upset. "

"Anyway?" The indifference and careless tone on Ansor's face deeply stabbed Barlow's self-esteem ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because the Titan in front of him is absolutely true, so Meet Titan's Code of Conduct.

Let a Titan break the rules to sneak attack on it. This Barlow **** still has a bit of AC in his heart. He doesn't have a big face. The Titan battle has always been crushing.

"How did you get this waste to be promoted to become a Barlow Demon?" Ans Orr stepped towards the Barlow Demon who had broken a corner by him, "because one of your parents is a Barlow Demon. ? So you were born like this? "

"I'm killing step by step from the timid demon," looked down on by Titan, let this Barlowe can't help arguing, "I just woke up from my deep sleep, so I can break you so easily. Just horns. "

"Is that so?" Ans Alton kept his footsteps, confident in his words. "Then I will give you time, adjust your state, and let you fall in the best posture here."

"Roar!" Hearing the contemptuous words of the Titan in front of him, the Barlow flames were instantly violent, the fiery flames ignited from it, the iconic beheading sword and the flame whip appeared, and the evil aura spread ...

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