Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 433: Want to make 1 round while it's hot?

"Wow!" The dark area of ​​the day was shaking, and the rubble and debris continued to fall from above, making both parties to the battle unconsciously slow down the rhythm of the battle, because the ground above them seemed to collapse.

But the two existences that caused such a change did not care, the titan of the great shore was still waving the thundering axe gun in his hand, fighting with the incarnation of the spider Queen Rose.

The oracles have almost unlimited time to consume, and they can make up for all their shortcomings. Therefore, the oracles have almost no weaknesses in combat. Whether they are long-range combat, melee, or spell attack, they are very proficient. The difference is which one they are better at.

"Titan! You're too much." The tall Queen of the Incarnation waved the snake's first whip in her hand and drew towards the Titan who was fighting her, and the spider's body in the lower body kept cooperating with the attack.

Every contact and collision in their battle will produce a large number of space cracks. At the same time, with a strong impact storm, sometimes the two attacks fail, they fall around, blasting out bottomless pits, or long Gully, accompanied by violent shaking.

The battle between the Storm Giants and the Metal Dragon against the Drow Elves has not stopped, but the two parties in the war have begun to consciously distance themselves from the most dangerous existence on the two battlefields.

"This is war, what's so much about it?" Eric sneered, splitting the long whip drawn from the spider's back, then stretched out his hand and punched it, hitting the spider's leg stabbed by the spider, sending out a metal slap. sound.

The current appearance of the queen spider is based on the body of Queen Dirilla of Drow as a carrier and is constructed with divine power, but it is harder than ordinary extraordinary metals, and at the same time immune to many injuries and negative effects.

According to attributes, the hurricane and thunder controlled by the Titan should also be within her immune range and cannot harm her, but unfortunately, she cannot waive Titan's attack damage, and every time Titan's damage, she must Fully bear.

"You looted a lot of my followers!" The Queen of Queens said with a grudge, the moment when this war began, she was physically located in the 66th floor of the abyss, and she focused her attention here.

Originally, she planned to lower her incarnation at the last moment and harvest a wave of faith in a gesture of turning the tide, but not long after the war began, she felt the disappearance of her drow believers in blockbusters and blockbusters, and there were tens of thousands of devouts every so often The priest lost contact with herself, so she naturally couldn't sit still. The believers are gone, then who is she to show her incarnation?

"Mother, it seems that you pushed the Queen of Spiders out ahead of time." Muria, watching from a distance, heard the unwilling roar of the Queen of Spiders, and rushed to the side of Jinlongniang who was holding Yingdi Labu.

"What did I push out, and what does this have to do with me?" Jin Longniang showed an inexplicable expression. "In the War of the Nation, the Queen of Spiders will definitely descend, and she cannot sit idly by the demise of a drow kingdom. "

"You are the inducement."

"Don't say this, look at that city." Golden Dragon Lady Atris pointed to the Kingdom of Medis to Muria.

"what happened?"

"Although this city was newly built, it is the richest city in the Kingdom of Medis. At least 30% of the essence of this dark area is concentrated there. You can see that their fighting fluctuations have not damaged that city, have they Interested in coming with me now? "

"When they're done, you can't move the city directly using relocation."

"This city cannot be moved. The treasures in it must be divided according to merit to those ancient dragons and the three Titans. We cannot swallow it alone."

"You actually know how to share." Muria didn't hide her surprise.

"What nonsense? Go?"

"Don't go." Muria refused without hesitation, and he wasn't crazy. He ran under the eyes of so many drow elves to dig out their nests.

"Oh, then forget it." After hearing Muria's refusal, Jin Longniang just shook her head with regret.


"Alas!" The sturdy axe gun slashed on the incarnation of the spider, mixed with pale golden blood and splattering, stained one side of the sky, and made the drow elves who watched hundreds of thousands look embarrassed, the gods of their faith. They were smashed in front of them.

"Titan, I remember you, this hate, I'm endless with you." At the moment when the drow elves' faith was shaken, Rose felt it after her spider, and a shocking crack appeared on her seat. Broken a corner.

"I'm waiting!" Eric nearly cut the back of the spider's rose with an axe, and then chopped at the connection between the human body and the spider body, and at the same time responded indifferently, who threatened by an evil god?

"Ah!" Queen Rose screamed, withdrew the consciousness and divine power of the advent, and chose to stop the loss in time. The defeat had been set, and she was not qualified to turn the tide in front of the Titans.

"Oh!" The blood is full of vitality and life, accompanied by a beautiful flying high-flying magpie, gushing tens of meters high, with a savage beauty, this is the first level of the elven queen Delilah .

The queen Rose retreated suddenly, terribly miserable the deity's supporter, and she gave a full blow to a Titan without any preparation, and was aggressively cut off to the first level.

An amazing scene appeared. Dillila, who was beheaded without a single head, was still not dead. With dazzling blood, she cut through the sky and wanted to escape.

"My mercy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jinlong Niang appeared instantly in front of Dillila's head, grabbed her white hair directly, held her in his hand, such a scene made Titan Eric, who was preparing to make up for the knife, put down his hand. Tomahawk.

"Well, the good research materials are in hand." Jinlong Niang held up Delilah's head and returned to Muria. At this moment, Dilila saw Jinlongniang grabbing her and temporarily gave up running away. Thoughts, she lost her body, she has ten strengths, even the fish on the cutting board.

"Little Muria, let someone retrieve her body, but a head is not enough. I want a complete drow."

"His Highness Muria, this is what you want." Soon a storm giant sent Dillila's headless body over.

"Little Muria! Would you like me to temporarily put her head up and let you solve your dragon body." Jin Longniang took over Dillila's body, carrying Muria, the color of cricket.

"No interest!" Muria looked at the fiery headless corpse suspended in front of Jinlong Niang and shook her head resolutely and refused. Although Dillila is still alive, she is now separated from her head. It is impossible for three creatures with normal views to raise a trace of interest.

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