Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 434: Flying skull

"Well, is it really too dark?" Jin Longniu touched her chin and looked at the miserable Dirila at this time. If she ignored her skin color, she was definitely the top one with the Dirla queen of Drow.

"Even if it's white, I'm not interested," Muria replied twitching.

"Are you having problems?" Golden Dragon Mother Atris frowned and looked at Muria seriously. "No, your bloodline is perfect. There can be no problem."

"No problem," Muria's face suddenly turned black, and Jinlong Niang questioned his ability to be a male.

"Since there is no problem, why are you not interested in this elven queen, as a normal dragon creature, it should not be so."

"Because she is a drow elf." Muria glanced at the drow Queen Dirilla with a hint of disgust. Compared with the pure and clean forest elves, the private life of the drow elves is chaotic to an incredible extent.

They are almost ridiculous. In addition to their kin, tauren, gray dwarfs, and barbarians, as long as they are all male creatures suitable for their body, this group of fallen elves dare to go.

As long as you know a little about these fallen elves, they will be disgusted by them, and Muria will naturally have no interest in this so-called elven queen.

Who knows that this elven queen has played with messy creatures, and their mating range is no smaller than that of the five-colored dragon tribe. However, the five-colored dragon has seen a fierce dragon that even monsters such as shifting beasts have not let go.

"Well, you actually have a mental cleanliness in this area." It is not surprising that Jinlong Niang has such a fascination with Muria. The marriage of Jinlong and Yinlong is rarely seen in monogamy among dragons.

"But she is a little different from the heavy drow you understand." Golden Dragon Mother Atris looked at Dirila with a strange look. "She is still a virgin now."

"Huh?" Muria sucked his nose, then looked at Dillila's body again, and was surprised to find that Dillila was really a virgin.

Smell the smell and recognize the opposite sex. Most dragons have a special ability to judge the status of the opposite **** based on the smell and morphology, and to identify whether the other party has participated in the generation of offspring and whether it is frequent.

"It's really strange." Muria sighed, but not too surprised. It is not a very strange thing for a race to have some abnormal existence when it has a large number of people. "But even if So I am not interested. "

"She's not the type I like." After thinking about it, Muria added a round. He did not really like the opposite **** with pure black complexion, even if her facial features were really good.

"That's it, then it's fine." In the eyes of Deirila's longing desire, Jin Long Niang cast a seal to put her still energetic headless seal away.

"Should suppress the regeneration ability, you just need to maintain the current state." In front of Muria, Atelier of the dragon dragon began to concoct Dirila's head, and all the seals were struck into Dirila. In the blood wound.

Dillila was still wriggling under her neck, and she seemed to want to grow another body of flesh to stop her growth. Such a ban made Dillila's eyes can not help but reveal a bit of insincere hatred, but soon disappeared and became An empty numbness in his eyes.

She was originally the queen of the kingdom of Medis, but in less than a day, her kingdom collapsed and she was cut off to the first level and became so embarrassed.

Losing her body, she has no strength at all, and her body cannot be recovered, and she will always be so embarrassed. But it ’s better to be alive than to live. Dilila still understands this. There is hope in life, and everything has a chance to come back.

"Let's take a look!" Jin Long Niang, who has completed the ban, flung Dillila's beauty into the sky gently. Unexpectedly, Dillila's head hovered in the air.

"Okay, Delilah, you can try to escape now." Golden Dragon Lady Atris looked at the white-haired beauties with encouraging eyes.

"Are you an idiot? Atelier." Dillila turned her head and looked indifferently at Jin Long Niang. "When I don't know the ban that you broke into my body? Now as long as I leave you a certain distance, The ban will be launched, let me taste the punishment you set, do you think I will find it hard? "

"Smart, but unfortunately useless." Jin Longniang smiled sweetly, like a 28-year-old girl innocent, stretched her fingers a little, and a little light fell on Dillila's eyebrow and hit her.

"Ah!" A scream of screaming screamed. When this special beauty first got away from Jinlong Niang about a hundred meters away, the dazzling thunder shone, crackling, and the fiery dragon was burning.

"Poor." Looking at the beauty head who flew back to Jin Longniang because she couldn't stand the pain, Muria couldn't help feeling a little sympathy. It was a bit sad to fall from the king of a country to this place.

"Knowing how far away from me will trigger the ban." Jin Longniang smiled gently and looked at Queen Dirila. The queen now looked embarrassed and pitiful. But who can become the founding king's soul, which of their thrones is not built from the corpse mountain bones.

What's more, the drow elf queen who unified the dark area, I'm afraid Rose doesn't know how much blood she has caused on this descendant.

"I know ~ www.readwn.com ~ After tasting the ban that Jin Longniang put in her skull, Dillila answered with a gloomy look. She suddenly lost confidence in her future at some moment. There was a kind of The urge to break myself.

"It's hard to start!" Muria was surprised in his heart, he realized the other side of his mother, or the real side. But he is not disgusted, so that he can live in this cruel world, "but it should be like this to the enemy."


The war is over. After the incarnation of Rose Queen's descendant is defeated by Titan Eric, the kingdom of Medis can basically be declared dead. With the beheading of the Queen Tirila by the Titan, it defeats the fighting spirit of the drow. .

A legendary drow tried to escape, but was quickly torn by Gulong and the sky, and then suppressed by a seal. A living legend has many functions and is more valuable than a dead legend. Muria is not the first to want a legend. As motivation.

The brain hole is so large that it can break through the sky and have the ability to put it into action. There is a lot of Erasian world, let alone legend. Even the true gods and epic seals are regarded as perpetual motive, such as the Titans. Emperor Osiris.

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