Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 807: 0 Stars

"You think I think!" Muria looked so depressed, he was uncomfortable! In his current status, he did not have any negative contact with the opposite sex. He also felt it was a very incredible thing.

It was almost like a very mysterious power that influenced his choices, which enabled him to reach an estimate that it was an unprecedented achievement in the Erasian world-when he was an adult, he was still a dragon.

"It's time to prepare. When do you want to keep your fiancee?"

"I have sworn to her brother that she must not do anything wrong with her until she is officially married."

"Then proposing to her, how easy it is to hold a huge wedding, I can help you!"

"Too hasty! I still have a lot of things to do?"

"When are you going to drag? You won't really intend to wait until I become an elderly dragon before you get married! Do you want to drive your poor mother crazy?"

"Of course not, I didn't plan to be that late." Muria looked at the Jin Long Niang who was forced by him and quickly shook his head. He didn't plan to get married like that.

"Then you say, when are you going to get married and give me a cute little granddaughter? Are you ready then as you said to those rigid-minded old guys, when you're promoted to become the pinnacle of legend, talk to Did the little girl of the Chitian Protoss use the power to conceive a child? "

"There is no way. My bloodline and strength are too strong for Michaelella and I. We have already tapped more than half of the bloodline's potential. At this level, it is difficult to breed descendants, so we must pass the source, Use this power to evolve everything to nurture your own offspring. "

"Who told you that it is just difficult for a legend to have a child. Is it a complete sterilization. If the probability is low, then use the number of times to make up. , More times will always succeed, not necessarily source, you should know how precious source is. "

"I see." Muria scratched his head, his face flushed slightly, and then he expressed his intentions. "I intend to formally propose to Michaeliera after becoming a legendary seventh-tier and completely conquering the desolate world. . "

"How long will it take?" Jin Longniang was very dissatisfied. The boy said easily. He knew how difficult it was to improve his strength after the legend.

"Up to two hundred years." Muria vowed an assurance.

"It's been too long, no way." Jinlong Niang immediately blew up. "You're getting married now."


"What are you hesitating about? Little girls are chasing you and ran to a different world. What are you doing so twitchy? If you are not ashamed to speak, I'll tell you."

"Don't, I'll do it myself." Muria stopped her when he heard that Jin Longniang was going to speak for him. This kind of thing made her mother speak for him.

"You're planning to get married now!" At this moment, I planned to talk to Muria about some words between father and son, and Ansor who asked him to talk to each other, heard Muria's exchange with Jinlong Niang, and prepared himself. Swallowed.

"I was going to talk to you and just leave. In that case, I will stay and wait for a while."

He can ignore other things, but the son intends to get married, he will naturally stay to attend his son's wedding, otherwise, it would be too incompetent to leave like this?

"Okay, don't delay for him." Jin Longniang looked at Muria sternly, "Go."

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

"Micah!" In the longing expectation of the Golden Dragon Mother, Muria came to the girl who was bored and blazing.

"Huh? Muria, congratulations, you're finally grown up, happy birthday!"

"Mike, are you willing to marry me?" Muria thought of thousands of words in her mind, and finally only came out with a dry chatter.

"Huh?" Even if it was Michelangela, who didn't care about most things, he heard this kind of words for a moment, then nodded slowly after seeing Muria's serious expression, Ok!"

"You promised!" Seeing that Michelangela nodded and promised, although it was already expected, there was still an ecstasy in Muria's heart, "what about the wedding?"

"You decide."


When Muria announced that she was going to marry Michaelella after March, the whole of Knappus boiled, all the giants and all kinds of monsters were cheering for Muria, and the dragon's performance was different. Not the same. Some are happy for Muria, some are lost, some are hurt ...

"Sure enough, a lot of things still have to be forced." When Muria was about to get married, the happiest was Jinlong Niang. She was even more excited than Muria, and her face was flushed.

So, Jinlong Niang started to make a wedding for Muria Zhang Luo. She began to send invitations to those Dragon friends she knew, and urged Ansor to return to the Titan Islands, and let him invite the Titans in the tribe. See the epic titans and invite them over. After all, so many epic titans wake up. For three months, it is estimated that these epic titans have not slept yet.

And holding this kind of invitation to Ans Orle to the epic Titan, you can invite the luck of one by one, and the dragon dragon lady also sends invitations to those dragon kings she knows. Send the invitation to the Dragon King. If you do n’t come, do n’t lose it. If you come, you will make a lot of money.

"Muria, over to the Celestial Protoss, I heard that you have contact information, please invite yourself!"

"..." Muria drew the corners of her mouth, and nodded in agreement, for such a thing, you can't let Michelangela run back to invite himself. However, it always feels awful to let him invite.


"What? You're going to marry my sister in three months?" After hearing Muria's arrival, Ilwest, who had just sat down, shot the case and glared at Muria.

"To be precise, after eighty days, there are no more three months."


"Ilwest, calm down. Muria is here to invite you to his wedding. Don't you want to do anything with him? He didn't do anything wrong."

Aside, Fei Ye, who is also the **** of the Eight-winged Blaze God, walked over and pressed Ilvester, who was a little angry in his heart, into his seat. In the same generation, she could calm him down.

"Also, isn't his wedding with Micah going to happen sooner or later, when this marriage is settled, you should be prepared!"

"Why so early?" The anger in his heart had gradually dissipated after Ilvester sat down. As Fei Ye said, Muria did nothing wrong.

But even so, he felt a little depressed, and there was a feeling of loss in his heart. From now on, although his sister is still his sister, he is also the wife of other people, and has a more intimate relationship than brothers and sisters. .

"It's very late, sister-in-law, I'm an adult, and I still haven't had an intimate relationship with any of the opposite sex. Don't you think it's a very cruel thing for me with half of the dragon's blood? Do you think When shall I wait? "

"..." Hearing Murray's words, Ilvist hooked his lips, but soon held back, he couldn't laugh.

"Eh!" And the Fei Yeh on the other side is not the same, she laughed directly. She looked at Muria's eyes softly, with a touch of pity.

Although she doesn't know much about dragon creatures, she still knows some common sense. Even if Muria is an adult, she still keeps the body of pure sun. It can be said that she saw it after living so long. This is the only example of this kind of will, she admires it very much, but such an experience, she is extremely sympathetic.

"So, it's time for me to marry Michelangela."

"Micah agreed?"

"of course."

"..." Ilvestre was silent, and until now, he didn't know what to say. He had no reason to stop his sister's wedding. His sister had agreed.

"Large sister-in-law, I am here to invite your Chitian Protoss to my wedding. Which of the Chitian Protoss do you think I need to invite? Please take me there to visit. By that time, the more the number of Chitian Protoss will come More is better. "

"That's for sure." Upon hearing Muria's words, Ilvester's eyebrows popped up, and he suddenly had a new idea. Since this wedding is bound to happen, he will make the wedding more organized. Big better.

"Come with me. I'll take you to visit my grandfather first."

"Let's visit the Blazing God!"


"Master Arrudiba!" Muria looked at the handsome young man sitting on the seat of the god, bowing his head respectfully, and although he looked unusually peaceful now, Muria did not dare to despise him, not long ago This blazing **** once appeared on the battlefield in the void, destroying many evil gods.

"Muriya, I know where you are," Blazing God Arudiba looked very mild. "But I want to ask you a question, have you invited the Titan ancestors of your tribe?"

"My father has gone to invite!"

"Will your two grandfathers come?"

"This is not clear ~ www.readwn.com ~ You know, my Titan grandfather consumed too much because of the battle of God slaughter, and has fallen into a deep sleep, so far there is no sign of recovery." Muria Shaking his head, this kind of thing, he really can not guarantee.

"And my grandfather of the Dragon King, he has already gone to the void, and the return date is undecided and may not come."

"Well, that's a pity," Arudibba nodded. "You don't have to worry about the borderless world, let's invite. In addition, I will go to this wedding in person!"

"Uh!" Muria raised her head sharply, her face stunned, this is by far the first epic to make it clear that he wants to attend his wedding.

"What are you surprised at? This is my granddaughter's wedding. By the way, it won't be me alone, so you need to prepare a big enough venue!"

"No problem at the venue."

"Do you mean your few islands? These are not enough, so you can take a look at the Blazing Gods Realm, pick a thousand Cloud Midtowns, and tell me after I have picked them, I will help you coordinate, When you return to the Erasian world, you will bring back the Cloud City you have chosen. During the wedding, you will be at your disposal. "

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