Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 808: Daylight

"Let me take away a thousand clouds in the city to set up the wedding venue?" Muria's mouth ripped. He seemed to be rejected. The female parents felt that his family was not enough, and the venue was not enough. He would lose the face of his granddaughter and lose the face of their blazing gods.

At this time, although Muria wanted to yell "No," but he really didn't have the confidence to say these two words. Compared with his unfinished Xinapus, Qianzhong Yunzhong City has a crushing nature. There is no comparability at all, this is a war fortress that can sail in the void, and Xymphus cannot even fly out of the native world.

"It's embarrassing, it feels so shameless." This is what Muria thought at this time. He thought and thought. There was no reason for refusal. He couldn't say: Lord Arudiba, you lend me. These thousands of clouds in the city make me lose face, so I can't ask for it.

Using thousands of clouds in the city to arrange his wedding venue, this kind of big trick, made Muria feel full of thoughts, if he returned to the Titans, he seems unable to show such a big scene.

Muria actually thought of a building that could completely crush these thousand clouds in the city, that is, the epic sky city that the epic Titan used the emperor Osiris to use all his energy and resources.

In scale, in momentum, and in use, the city of eternal sky is absolutely crushing thousands of clouds in the city. This is an epic Titan, plundering endless void knowledge and resources, and casting the ultimate weapon.

The main artillery of the city of eternal sky, the stellar orbital gun, but the ultimate weapon that even the gods with great divine power are jealous of, are all in one shot.

But this city of eternal sky, it is impossible for him to get it. Not to mention whether the Emperor will lend it to him, he is not good at asking this ancestor to ask for this kind of thing. This is the epic Titan's life-saving capital. It is a heavy weapon of the Titans. However, the city of the eternal sky has not moved.

"Observe," Muria turned many thoughts at once, and finally bowed her head to thank the blazing god.

"Muriya, you're going to marry my granddaughter, and call me an adult?"

"Um, it was me who shouted wrong, grandfather." Muria quickly corrected his mistake and shouted the correct title. From today, he has a third grandfather.

"Good boy! I will have the best congratulations for you at that time!" After hearing Muria's title, the fiery **** Arudiba laughed. From today, he has another epic -Owned grandson. This is really gratifying.

"Come with me!" Ilvester took Muria out when he was ordered, and he was going to take Muria to pick his favorite city in the cloud. It was then recorded and reported to his grandfather. Then, the Blazing God called the Blazing Gods who own the Cloud City to come to discuss the secondment, because each Cloud City has a host.

Even if Arudiba is the Blazing God of the Blazing Gods, he cannot cover the sky with one hand, and he can freely adjust thousands of clouds in the city. If he wanted to get rid of it, it would take a lot of work and even pay a price, but compared to the things he was going to do, these costs were nothing.

"Although I don't have any hope, I still want to ask, can I second the Blazing Sky City of Clouds?" As soon as he stepped out of the shrine of the Red Sky **** Arudiba, Muria looked at his elder sister, Asked.

On the epic battlefield, Muria has seen the Cloud City owned by the Blazing Gods of the Blazing Gods. What kind of city is that? It is basically land. The angels on which they are stationed are all tens of millions of units.

It is conceivable how large the city is. We must know that these angels are not pure war weapons, but flesh and blood, have their own thoughts, and have their own living needs. A city must meet so many The angelic spirit and physical needs know how large a city in the cloud owned by a blazing **** needs.

The City of Clouds owned by Michelangela is beyond specification among the legendary Blazing Gods, but her City of Clouds is not an order of magnitude compared to Blazing Gods.

If you can borrow a blazing sky **** in the cloud city, think about it is really crooked, but the cloud city in the blazing sky **** is equivalent to the kingdom of gods and the gods, which deity will give up his kingdom to others People come to dominate.

"Since you know it's impossible, what else do you ask?" Ilvist glanced at Muria's whimsical Muria.

"What if you can?"

"Would you like to lie down and sleep first? Dream a dream before you leave?"

"No, let's go, let's go pick first!"


"A thousand clouds in the city, is it necessary? Is it too exaggerated to hold a wedding for a young Titan junior? And he is not a pure blood Titan."

"I did it because he was not pure blood."

"Say hello to the Dragons?"

"You should also see the war potential of the Dragons. The last war with the evil gods who claimed to be the rulers of the old days was just the dragon king of the metal dragons. The dragon king of the five-colored dragons did not move at all."

"Do you want to unite those guys?"

"Of course, the appearance of the Old Dominator this time is a warning. The world community where the Old Dominator is located is not far away from the world community where our Erasian world is located. There are evil gods that can extend their power to The coming of our world community is the best proof.

To guard against the dangers of the future, we need to co-ordinate more forces in the world. "

"Is this too pessimistic? This time we have repelled those old dominators."

"The next time? We are all out of the existence of our world community. We have far-sighted visions than those of the gods that are crouched within the world. Because we see more.

Some short-sighted deities are also surprised that our Blazing Gods clearly have power comparable to the Titans, but do not conflict with the Titans, but join forces with them. These foolish, short-sighted gods are still confused about this, but we know What is it for?

Because we know what terrifying forces are outside the world community. Like the Titans, races like our Blazing Protoss are not rare. Stronger forces, although they have not seen them, can anyone be sure? We need to be alert to these forces. "

"Well, I agree with you. We need to unite not only the Titans, but also the Dragon King, but are you sure that the Dragon King will come to this wedding?"

"I wasn't sure before, but after I let the Titan boys bring thousands of clouds in the city of Elasia, it was the best invitation, and there will be a dragon king."

"Who will be playing when we arrive? You are definitely going to Arudiba!"

"Go to a few more people. At that time, there will be epic Titans. Our union with the Titans needs to enter a deeper level. It is time to exchange some of our unique resources and knowledge and technology."

"What do you want to exchange with the Titans?"

"Many, such as the Titan's weapon casting method, our Blazing God's cloud manufacturing technology, and our own two methods of obtaining world power."

"Are you crazy? This is the secret method that can make a race rise for it."

"Benefits are both."


Twenty days later, Muria stood over a city comparable to the city of clouds in Michalella, and looked at the handsome, burning god, Aluadia, standing in front of him.

"Come on! Guests of Wuxia Tianjie, I will help you. You are ready now."

"Well, I'm ready, grandfather." Muria called the title very skillfully. He can now control the thousands of cloud cities selected by him. Of course, he can only perform basic movement control and cannot perform meticulous manipulations, such as turning on these cloud cities to attack the system.


Elasia, night, the stars formed by the kingdoms of the gods shrouded the night sky, emitting a bright light, the more powerful the gods, the brighter the stars formed by the kingdom of God in the sky.

So when the creatures on the earth look up at the night sky, their eyes are always full of awe, sometimes they encounter something that is particularly happy and sad, and some believers will worship and pray in the sky, but the night sky tonight is different. In the past.

"What's that?" In a human city, a child raised his head, pointed his finger at the night sky, and looked excited.

"Have your hands down, didn't I tell you, don't you point your fingers at the sky?" Seeing his child behave like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ His mother quickly pressed his finger down, although there was no explicit stipulation, But the people on the earth who live on the ground cannot subconsciously use their fingers to the sky. This is the fear of God.

"But, mother, there are many stars in the sky!"

When she heard the words of her child, the woman froze slightly, and then found that originally because of the night, only the stars were illuminated, and the visual field that seemed abnormally blurred became brighter, as if the sun had risen.

At this time, the exclamation of other residents around the city passed into her ears, and the woman looked up, so she saw an unforgettable spectacle in her life.

A white star emerged from the sky, its blooming light was brighter than the most dazzling star, and when it fell a distance, the second white star appeared, and then immediately followed by the third, the Four ... more and more stars appeared in the night sky, getting bigger and bigger, blooming with the bright and holy light, dissipating the darkness brought by the sun, making the night sky like day.

"This is a miracle!" Seeing such an incredible scene, the woman knelt down on the ground and worshiped towards the bottom of the stars in the sky, all of which was beyond her cognition, and such an extraordinary phenomenon could only be her Classified as a miracle.

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