Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 816: The Creator is not so good

Archimonde, the reckless master who explained a lot of epic knowledge to Muria, of course, although he said a lot to Muria, he still only gave a rough explanation, allowing Muria to have a rough idea about epics Understanding.

"Isn't there a safer way? A more secure way to get the power?" Muria sighed. He wasn't brave. The way the Titans achieved epic was too easy to be in danger, but the same, too. Yes, if the epic can be achieved in this way, and it is sustained, its combat effectiveness is definitely the top existence in its class.

After all, every source of epic titan is obtained on the corpse of the same level.

"Okay, don't think too much, little Muria, you see, you originally had only one choice, but now you have a second choice. When you are promoted to become the pinnacle of legend, maybe you will Have a third option. "

While Muria was thinking, Jin Long Niang came to Muria's side, patted him on the shoulder, and relieved.

"Uh, what? Mother, are there any mysteries for the Dragons to get their power?"

"Muriya, do you know how many dragon gods are in the Pantheon?" Jinlong Niang asked quietly.

"Uh!" Muria was asked.

"Nine, nine full! If the Dragons have secret skills similar to those of the Titans or the Blazing Gods, do you think there will be as many as nine Dragons in the Pantheon? "

"..." Muria was silent.

"However, I do n’t have to worry about falling into the same end as the dragon gods. Now the Titans and the Blazing Gods are united, and even the Dragons are involved. When I want to be the Dragon King, there are two options . "

"Since the Dragons are involved, should you tell my grandfather?"

"Old man?" Jin Longniu, who was going to ask Muria to pay off his wedding gift, patted her head, finally remembering her old father who had gone to the void.


"Okay, I've finished the notification. The old man had good luck. He just saved an invaded world, gained a drop of power, and is now preparing to return to the world of Elasia."

"How long will it take to come back?" Muria asked curiously. The Dragon King of the Dragon Race was quite difficult to travel on the epic road, and every drop of their source of power depended on luck.

"Who knows this?" Jin Longniang waved her hands indifferently, and then pulled out Muria to prepare to go out. "Then we should clear out the congratulations you received at this wedding. After you organize these things, , Calm down and digest for a while, it will definitely make your strength and your power soar. "

Hearing the words of Jin Longniang, Muria was also interested. Many kingdoms, as well as gifts from the empire, he just accepted them, and did not check them carefully. Later, the blazing **** and epic titan gave him. He didn't look carefully at the gifts. Because at that time, his mind was not on those gifts at all.

"Micah, come and see with me! But a gift for both of us."

"No need, just go and see!" Miguelella, who had just turned from a young girl to a young woman, shook her head and refused Muria's invitation. She had little interest in these foreign objects.

She already has the equipment, and for every Cloud City that is necessary for the blazing god, she has a super-specified, and there are 12 regular Cloud City as the Acropolis.

And Her Majesty's Legion of Angels, in addition to the group that Muria fought for her, were transformed from human heroes into undead night watchmen. At this wedding, the Blazing Gods gave a million angels' army to With her, she is basically lacking now.

In her current configuration, if she immediately has the strength of the legendary peak, she can choose a world and prepare to be promoted to become the **** of the sky.

"Okay!" Muria nodded helplessly.

... the legendary metal, the extraordinary metal mine, the position coordinates of the elemental veins, all kinds of powerful, all kinds of alien beast eggs or cubs, but in this type of gift, the largest number is dragon eggs, it seems The fun of Muria's love of collecting dragon eggs has been known to all major forces in the world, and gifts are given according to his preferences.

"Mother, these, how much did you take?" Muria looked at the gifts piled up in front of her, and asked Jinlong Niang next to her. After the guests of the Chitian Protoss came, he did not have the energy to greet the guests. Follow-up All the gifts were completed by Jinlong Niang alone.

"What nonsense, but my mother, how can you get rid of your things?" Jin Long Niang refused to acknowledge her, she said she was innocent, and absolutely did not take the stitches and lines from Muria's congratulations.

"Mother, these empires that gave me gifts, and the church missions didn't send me needles and threads," Muria said blankly. If he believed that Jin Longniang had no greed, then his brain would be flooded.

"Tell me, I won't ask you to come back, I just want to have a number in my heart, know how many things these people sent me?"

"Really?" Jin Longniang looked at her son with an unbelievable face. When did the boy become so generous? Is it because he is not a pure blood dragon?

"Of course!" Muria nodded surely, "Let those you take away show me."

"Okay, there aren't many." Said Jin Zhongniang pulled a huge crystal sculpture from her half plane, and then took out a legendary war gun ...

A few moments later, Muria looked at the rare treasures piled up in front of her, drew the corners of her mouth, and looked at his mother again: "How about the legendary metal?"

"I just took a few pieces, not much?"

... After a quarter of an hour, Muria looked at the legendary metal in front of enough of an adult Titan to cast a weapon again, and looked at his mother,

"Do you need a legendary metal foundry weapon now?"

"There is no such demand for the time being."

"Then what are you doing with so much?" Muria looked depressed.

"For collection, don't you think these metals are beautiful?"

"Since you don't have actual needs, then ..."

"No, or you want to use these legendary metals to make a special weapon?" Jinlong Niang suddenly changed her mouth.

"Don't you say you have no need?"

"This idea I just came up with."

"... Okay, you can take it!" Muria nodded somewhat weakly. The legendary metal can only be regarded as a small head for him now. The real big head is the resources and knowledge given to him by the **** of heaven, and the seeds of his corps sent by the epic titan.

"You're so good?" Jin Longniang's face showed surprise.

"You are my mother!"

"Good son." Jin Longniang praised Muria, and then waved all the gifts she admired on the ground.

"Twenty-four resource world coordinates of the Blazing Protoss, which requires the establishment of a star gate to obtain, nineteen rune weapon production lines, and the cultivation of relevant technical workers to manipulate ..."

Muria began to clean up the gifts that the Blazing Protoss gave him, "I need time to read these re-engraved knowledge and books."

After clearing the congratulations from the Chitian Protoss, Muria began to sort out the gifts the epic Titan had given him.

"The gift of the Emperor is really ..." Muria drew his mental power from the crystal ball that seemed to condense a party star at this moment, and his helplessness was revealed in his eyes. He was unable to remove any of this battleship from Take it out.

The weapon emperor has set up the front conditions on each battleship. If you want to take out the battleship, you must fully understand all the functions, structures, and materials of each battleship.

Simply put, only by reaching him a pile of ore can he create the same warships, and to this extent, Muria was able to obtain them.

In order to obtain the fleet, Muria must have the knowledge to match it, give him resources, and he can build an identical fleet.

"Good intentions!" Except for this sigh, Muria really didn't know what to say, and the Gift of the Emperor was too tempting. This was forcing him to study, and he chose to Don't hate this feeling.

Every Titan who has achieved epic is actually a walking library. Even if it seems that the master of the wildness who fights will only be reckless, the amount of knowledge he possesses is vast, and he has a large variety of war beasts Can be seen in the legion.

The source force can indeed evolve all things, but this evolution is random, but there are more than twenty kinds of creatures specially created for battle created by Archimonde, the Wilderness Lord. Obviously, this is purposeful manufacturing .

For the premise of making these war beasts, Archimonde needs to have enough understanding of tens of thousands of creatures, and then he can create them out of thin air, which cannot be evolved at all by nature. The Creator is not so good at it, in other words, Archimonde's biological knowledge is actually full.

"Ah, yes, Muria, there is one thing that needs to be told to you."

"What is it?" Muria, who was about to calm down to learn, looked at Jin Longniang.

"This time at your wedding, the elves on the Titan Islands at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com also sent you gifts, but the gifts they sent were the crystals of life condensed from the resin of twenty world trees. "

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Muria didn't feel anything wrong. The elves on the Eternal Peninsula were already very good. You know, the world tree is like a **** to the elves.

"I thought it would be the leaves or branches of the world tree."

"it is ready."

"The elf on the Eternal Island is a vassal of your Titans, but if you have no opinion on this gift, then I have nothing to say.

However, another thing has to be said, the elves of the world that belong to you have not been sent by now, aren't you going to talk to them? "

"Just postpone this matter a little bit, I think I'll deal with the Sinapus thing first."

Muria looked up in the underground treasure house of the Wind King Castle. He just felt the breath of the Dragon King. Some Dragon King stayed in Xanapus and did not leave.

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