Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 817: Refuse to let them go to your grandfather

"This ..." Muria came to one of the cloud islands that he had chosen as the campus of the Dragon College, because in his induction, there were a lot of dragons in the island.

Then he saw a dragon standing on a high platform, expressing his emotions and exuberantly explaining spells. There are nearly a thousand dragons under the stage. They are listening attentively. Among them, Muria also saw several ancient dragons, and they are also listening to the lesson.

The lecture is a rather strange dragon. Its face is surrounded by beautiful slender white hair. The scales on the body reveal a gorgeous light under the light. The end of the tail shows a wide fin shape, like a giant fish. same.

"Volume Dragon!" Muria quickly recognized the true identity of the dragon that was giving the lecture. It is the guardian and collector of knowledge. The power of these dragons lies in their ability to cast spells and their expertise in spells and prophecy.

"When did he come?" Muria asked, looking at the ancient green dragon Fiona who had gathered around him, with interest.

"When you had your wedding, Your Highness. At the end of your wedding, he came to Xanapus, visited the Dragon Academy, and ended up staying here to give lectures."

"Do you take the initiative to be a teacher?" Muria's face is a bit strange. He can feel the power of this volume dragon. Although he is not the Dragon King, his power is also extremely powerful, at least in Muria's induction is Belongs to beings that cannot be easily provoked,

"Did he say that he was going to leave?" Muria looked at the ancient green dragon behind him. He deliberately inserted the alien species among the teachers of the Dragon Academy. In the case that most of the professors were metal dragons, her exclusion was inevitable .

"He didn't say anything similar."

"Then you will let him come to me after he has finished speaking. I want to talk to him." Muria took a look at the volume of the dragon, and instructed the young green dragon around her.

The lecture volume dragon that was teaching had already noticed him when he arrived, but instead of stopping the course he was teaching, the dragon chose to ignore him. Think of him as a student coming to class.

This behavior made Muria quite admired, because he saw the pride of anthropologists in this dragon.

"The King of Star Yaolong is actually here." Muria felt the breath on another cloud island, smiled slightly, and walked away from the dragon group, just like when he came, and did not startle the attention of many dragons. .

"His Majesty the Dragon King!" Muria found an elegant and elegant middle-aged dragon man in a purple robe in the Dragon Academy, the most magnificent building library, dotted with dots. The crystal gems are reflected in a galaxy.

"Muria, you can finally give it up." With a height of more than three meters and a slender figure, the handsome dragon looks at Muria who walked in, with a starry sky reflecting in her eyes.

"Well, you have been waiting for His Majesty King Xingyao Long for a long time." Muria smiled awkwardly.

"Fortunately, your library here is not bad. It is really good to collect so many books at your age."

"Most of the books were copied from my mother's library, and only a small part was collected during my travels." Muria smiled embarrassedly.

"Collecting books is something that many metal dragons will do. Of course, what really surprised me was not that you collected books, but that you were willing to put all these books you collected here, and let the giants in the college Dragons browse, I am amazed by this kind of mind, very few dragons can do this for you. "

"There aren't many dragons who can do this yet."

"How many?" Xing Yaolong's face showed a human smile. "I didn't do that at the beginning. Can you tell me, what do you think?"

"Knowledge is the discovery and summary of the predecessors. If everyone cherishes it, then the knowledge and experience discovered and summarized by the predecessors can easily be lost. This is undoubtedly a blasphemy against the predecessors. I think that only the It is the best inheritance to spread the knowledge summarized by the predecessors. "

"It is really a broad mind. Did you build this Dragon Academy because of this idea? There is no teaching and no such kind of mind, but not even many Dragon Kings."

"Haha, Your Majesty King Xingyao Dragon, you are too good, not as great as you said." Muria shook her head with a smile. "The original purpose of the establishment of the Dragon Academy was only for me to train Dragon family members. I set up the Dragon Academy, of which Part of the reason is to serve me. "

"But you still open it to the entire Dragon clan, don't you? Any dragon can enter this college to study, which is your rule. You can actually close it."

"The reason I made my college completely open is because most of the teachers in my college are metal dragons, and the students are mainly five-colored dragons. In order to ease the conflicts and conflicts between them, I Only then opened the entire academy to the Dragons. "

Muria tells the dragon king about his thoughts in detail. He is not so great. All this is just to follow the trend and follow the trend, but the results are surprisingly good.

"Do you think I care about these processes?" King Xingyao Long didn't mind after hearing Muria's original intention to establish the college, because the ideal of the establishment of the college itself is immense, and the result is the most important.

"I don't care about these. I only care about the results. In my opinion, if you continue to run this academy, there will be continuous Gulongs joining it as teachers, and you will teach stronger and better dragons than modern dragons. , Our entire dragon clan will grow stronger and become more united as a result. "

"If the Dragon can be strong because of my college, then it would be the best. This is the scene I want to see. I am also a member of the Dragon." Muria, who is a Titan and a Dragon King, is so Said.

"So, the scale of your college is too small, and the library has too few books, so I decided to donate a part of my collection to the college's library."

"This ... how is this embarrassing?" Muria's face showed a pleasant surprise. Although he was embarrassed, his actions did not mean to evade at all.

The volume of the Dragon King's books has been seen by Muria. Just his grandfather, who has just completed the Dragon King, has a vast collection of books. So how many dragon kings has Xingyao Dragon King survived for 50,000 years, and how many books will there be? I dare not imagine. Even if it is only a part, I believe it is very amazing.

"There is no need to shirk. These books with physical objects are not very useful to me. I have written down the knowledge recorded in them. I don't need to go to the physical objects to read them." Xing Yaolong King smiled.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, not only did I decide to donate books to your library, but also the other four Dragon Kings, and also decided to donate some of my own books. At the same time, they also decided to send His descendants came to this school as professors to teach the young dragons. "

"..." After hearing this, Muria froze slightly, then a bright smile appeared on her face. "This way, naturally, it can't be better. However, if a descendant of the Dragon King comes to the professor, I will It ’s a bit unqualified to bring the seniority as the dean. I'll let the post of dean of my Dragon College come out. "

"You don't need this. This college was established by you. You are the dean. This is an unquestionable fact." King Xingyao Long shook his head when he heard Muria's words, and directly rejected it.

"No dragon will deny your qualifications. You can rest assured that if any descendant of the Dragon King has an opinion on you, you will ask him to find your three grandfathers, the Dragon King, the epic Titan, the Blazing God, and he can choose at will.

No longer, you can ask him to come to me. Compared to other descendants of the Dragon King, I think you are most suitable to be the dean. This is not just my Dragon King, but other Dragon Kings think so too. "

"Understood, I will be the dean of this academy, and strive to get the best training for every young dragon who enters this academy." Muria nodded, saying that he understood.

"I'll go first ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will send you the books," the star of the Dragon King slowly dissipated in front of Muria's eyes, "firm your original intention to create this academy, have Teach nothing, don't favor any dragon species, and let them receive the best and fairest education. "

"It seems that these dragon kings have talked a lot before. Have you seen the future development potential of my college?" Looking at the star King who has left, Muria's face returned to peace, and his post as the dean of the dragon clan It is clearly the result of the game of several dragon kings.

The Dragon King sent his descendants into this college as a professor, it was obvious that he reached in his hands and wanted to spread his influence into this college.

The dean with the greatest power in name must be the positions that these dragon kings must compete for, but since it is something that the dragon kings compete with each other, naturally they will not let the other party get it, so Muria became the result of their balance. It is thus preserved. Of course, with Muria's current status, it is impossible for these dragon kings to brazenly pick his peaches.

"Sure enough, even if there is a battle between the Dragon Kings, they can't be in harmony." Muria, who got some news by talking to the Dragon King of Xingyao, shook her head and sighed. This is the real truth that the Dragons can never become the third largest race in the world The reason.

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