Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 858: So far!

Suddenly, on the seventh day, the demon king heard the group of masters shouting in panic, and when he broke away from the golden color in front of him, he realized that his own body was actually a world made of gold thunder at this time. Wrapped in it.

"Bold!" Feeling the damage caused by these thunders, the Devil snorted on the seventh day, and a field spread rapidly around its huge body, passing by, covering his body. The Thunder World suddenly collapsed.

An eternal being hits him through thousands of world communities, and he can easily deal with such an attack. Too long a distance, the power of the attack plummeted.

"Arrogant!" After discovering that he had been attacked, the first reaction of the demon king on the seventh day was to fight back, but soon he discovered a very helpless fact.

He can make a similar attack, but he cannot attack the eternal being outside the distant world community, the eternal existence is sleeping in the big world. If you want to attack the opponent, you must first break through the defense of that big world.

Although he didn't want to admit it, what he had to say was that he couldn't do it. The large world was at the same level as the eternal epic, and the large world of Eracia had obviously advanced more than once.

This large world has surpassed him in size, so it is a bit embarrassing for him to break through the defense of this world. In addition, the defense mechanism of this large world has been triggered by him, and his power cannot be extended at all. Into it.

Therefore, if he wants to get back with revenge, the only way is to wake up the other demon kings, join forces with three or more demon kings, and tear the barriers of this world, so that he can return the complete shame he has received. .

But the problem now is that if he wants to target the eternal existence of the distant world community, he not only needs to deal with the defense mechanism of that world that he set off, but also the eternal existence.

Just as he hesitated, a fiery gaze fell on him. On the seventh day, the demon king followed the induction, and then he saw an existence walking in the endless void.

This is a humanoid existence. The endless light behind him stretches back, intertwined into twelve pure white wings, and more than a thousand hot stars dot the wings. The place where this existence passes, the darkness of the void all Being expelled, everything was bathed in the light he radiated.

"..." On the seventh day, the demon king was silent, and he felt his body was heating.

"Her Majesty!" Some familiar exclaimed sounds.

"I know!" The impertinent voice of the Demon King sounded, what was surprising, wasn't that he was attacked again by the existence of the same level, the Demon King could see his body was a faint incandescent color The flames enveloped him, and he was turned from a black hole that swallowed all things, and at this moment was turned into a star emitting endless light and heat.

"Second place!" On the seventh day, the demon king recovered his calmness. He annihilated the blazing fire in his own serious emotions. This time, he didn't rush to revenge.

From this attack, he understood that he was not beaten for no reason, but that he first offended the other party, and then the other party gave him an attack as a warning.

He sensed that this person exudes an endless light, which has a connection with the world he just spied on. He just spied on the other person's hometown, and he was malicious to him, so he was sensed. So, this Existence gave him a look and made him realize.

"What is the cause of this war?" After a long silence, seventh, the demon king slowly asked these demon masters who awakened himself.

"In the world community that is at war with us, one of the lords who has stepped out steals our source mystery. We want to recover this source mystery and all the things that we know and have seen Erase the associated soul. "

"It was the other side who refused, so there was a war with you, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!" Several demon masters heard each other's meaning in the words of the Devil.

"Stop this war!"


"For you, this war should be over. There is no need to bury so many people for a mystery. It's not worth it!" On the seventh day, the demon king said calmly.

He saw very clearly that if this secretary had been stolen, it would be completely unrealistic to recover it. If he wanted to kill all the people who crossed him, the other party would definitely not agree, unless he could The eternal existence of the other party also killed him thoroughly, but he knew the difficulty to achieve this.

"I'll take care of the rest! The war does not need to be fought, but it doesn't end there! You need a definitive ending!"

"Your Majesty the King!" You asked the module to exclaim, and through the last impression, they also vaguely guessed what happened to the world community where they thanked their secretary. They were not as weak as they estimated, but abnormal. Strong.

"Let's step back!" The demon king reprimanded on the seventh day, "anyway from now on, it has nothing to do with you!"

Honestly, on the seventh day, the demon king wanted to fight very much, because he just glanced at him, and was slaped with slaps on his face by the two classmates. This kind of humiliation, he really wanted to get back.

But if it is just revenge, he alone is not enough. He also needs to awaken more Demon Kings. If it is to fight against the other party to destroy the absolute side, it is impossible for other Demon Kings to help him.

It is very simple, because after this war, no equivalent benefits can be obtained at all, just for the theft of a mystery, and it is not worthwhile to fight against two or more eternities.

The demon king is the leader of the demon family. They are the fundamental guarantee for the preservation of fresh mushrooms and continued prosperity. They must not act with anger and must maintain the most calm wisdom and make the most correct decisions.

So if he just wants revenge, no Demon King will help him fight against the other two eternal deaths, but if he invites the Demon King to fight for the sake of defending the Demon Clan, the rest of the Demon King may shoot, but only Just fight with each other and stop there.

When the demon masters retreated and they gave the order to retreat, the seventh day the demon king began to call the remaining six demon kings. Under his call, the six demon kings awoke one by one.

"what's up?"

"A mystery of source power has been stolen!"

"For such a trivial matter, did you come to wake us up? Who stole the source magic? Is there a race behind him? If so, annihilate him along with his race!"

"That race has eternity!"

"..." There was a moment of silence.

"Slight punishment, no accountability!" Soon, a voice sounded slowly and made a decision. For most of the souls, the source secret technique is precious, but for him, he has stood in the void. At the top, source mysticism is useless for the existence of the world.

"When I spied on their world, they shocked each other, and then they attacked me!" On the seventh day, the demon uttered a voice, and those two attacks that did not know how many world communities separated him, of course, did not cause him any damage, but they Lost his face.

"They? More than one?"

"Well, there are two of them! The moment I spied on their motherland warned me."

"That said, there could be more eternity?"

"I don't know." On the seventh day, the demon king answered, quite neatly.

"No matter how many people there are, this can't be the case. Fight against them and end it!"

"I will not participate in meaningless battles! If you want to fight, you will go on, I will go to sleep!" A first voice came out from beginning to end, and then it was silent.

"It's too much trouble, and I don't want to participate!" One awakened Sky Demon one after another was silent, and it was meaningless for them to fight against each other for a war caused by the source mystery. war.

"Don't you let me fight with each other forever?" The seventh day the demon king asked indifferently. If no other demon king came to help him, he would not fight.

"Well, I'll take a trip with you!" The sixth day the demon king responded. After all, the demon's face still needs to be maintained, after all, they are the stolen party.

"This time, I took note!

"Um ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hurry up!"


A void snake that saw its head and no tail meandered from a black hole, penetrated time and space, and reached a world community that was shrouded in light.

This vicious serpent opened its mouth and swallowed down to the mighty shore where the endless light was spreading, and the endless darkness spread from his mouth, swallowed down, and swallowed away. Wherever he passed, the stars Swaying, the stars were dim.

The blazing ancient **** looked up, looking at the void snake that seemed to want to devour him, a feather fell off the brilliant light wings behind him, and then quickly evolved into a light sword that penetrated the void. .

The ancient **** held this sword and waved it gently towards the sky. The mighty current of light rushed towards the snake of the void, and drowned it in an instant. Darkness and light opposed each other and died. , The torrent of light is also consumed.

"That's it!" But as the Nether Snake annihilated, a peaceful thought was passed to the ancient **** of the sky.

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