Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 859: pain!

"..." After receiving this idea, the blazing ancient **** bowed his head silently and continued to walk, and the light sword in his hand shattered silently into a rain of light, spreading here In a world community.

That venomous snake was just beyond the distant emptiness, and the tentative attack on him by the same level of existence did not help him much. The existence of this attack did not even try to hurt him.

The attack appeared to be merely a response to his previous warning.

No offense, no desire to be an enemy, but no fear of challenges!

This is the meaning conveyed in this attack. In fact, this is the concept of the few eternal beings in the void when they get along. People do not offend me, I do not offend!

In the void, there is almost nothing worthy of the eternals to fight against each other, so each eternity is quite peaceful with the rest.

Because once the war starts, it will only cause losses to the warring parties, without any gain.

Of course, if there is a conflict between an eternal race and an eternal race, the end result will never be peaceful.

If the Titans do not have eternity, and the Blazing Gods do not have this ancestor who still cares about their descendants, the current Erasian world should be destroyed by the number of three or more Heaven Demon Kings together. The weak are not eligible for peace!


And in the Elacian world, an idea spread over the land of the Titans,


Coming with this idea, there is also a very clear void coordinate.

However, on the seventh day of the battle against the eternal Titan, the demon king did not know that the sixth day, the demon king had completed his shot at this moment, and fell into a deep sleep again.

The only one who responded to the existence of the Demon King on the seventh day only issued a coping attack, and then ended the battle. Only he himself was so frank to find the eternal Titans. He had the shortest time to become eternal. This was him. For the first time with eternal negotiations outside the race.


"What happened?"

Muria looked up at the sky with frequent visions, her eyes could not help but a sense of weakness.

Sinapus is now in a wonderful position. Looking to the east, he can see the endless darkness spreading to his position. If he looks to the sky, he can see three suns juxtaposed in the air. There are two Sun Jincancans, which gives him a very familiar and intimate feeling.

The sun that originally ran across the sky also appeared a vision at this time. It seemed that the entire world was upset. It also seemed to be tossing a little bit of movement to respond. The huge sun inflammation surging from the corona seemed to have a huge one. The beast is stretching in its body.

Looking to the west, he can see the edge of a super hurricane, which seems to have a huge bird that is very similar to the wind king eagle spreading its wings.

In the south, he can see endless tornadoes heading straight into the sky, and the oceans seem to have been lifted into the sky by a mighty force. A giant beast similar to Haidi Dragon, but shuttles through it.

What these beasts are, Muria does n’t need to guess. This is the ancestor of the world ’s giant monsters that were born from the world in the ancient times. They have the power to stand up to the ancient gods. But many ancient gods were slaughtered, ancient gods from outside the world.

"Even these beings were alarmed. What happened?" Muria was completely lost, but it wasn't just him. In fact, in the Erasian world, only the world's beasts, including the town beast The ten beings know what happened.

The rest of the sentient beings, including most of the gods, are in a state of confusion. They don't know what these visions are because of what happened.

"Casio, you should be able to observe visions, too. I don't like you to describe what I see now. Can you tell me what caused these?"

"Sorry, sir, I don't know. There are no related cases for your reference!"

"You don't know!" Muria's face was sloppy, Casio didn't know it, indicating that similar things had not been recorded in the Titan database, which was such an exaggeration.

"Casio, nothing special happened in the void battlefield ahead?" Muria continued to ask Casio, since there is no information, he can only reason for himself.

The town behemoth is the guardian of the world. When the world is under great danger, they will stand up and eliminate all the threats to the world. Then, the ancestors of the three town beasts now wake up, indicating that Ella at this time The West Asian world is threatening enough to bring the world down.

When such a reasoning conclusion came out, Muria could not help but stand upright, and a heartfelt fear and powerlessness poured into Muria's heart. He wanted to refute the results of his reasoning, but he reasonably told him that the reasoning was not wrong.

When he destroyed the ecosystem of the Xenaps subcontinent, these town beasts appeared in order to prevent the phenomenon of biological extinction in the Xenaps subcontinent.

Now that the ancestors of the ancestors are awakening, there must be a disaster that requires them to wake up to solve it? What level of disaster is this? An extinction crisis that could make all living things in the world extinct?

So, where does the crisis that makes the Erasian world feel threatened come from? Muria didn't know that he hadn't even heard of such a presence.

"His Highness, the two suns in the sky are gone!" The voice of the young maid Mia sounded beside Muria.

"Huh!" Muria looked into the sky, and the vision of three days in the sky disappeared. After the two suns disappeared, all the changes in the world began to subside, the sun became quiet again, and no solar flames surged from it.

The darkness dissipated, the sea returned to calm, the storm above the sky collapsed, and the earthquake on the main continent stopped ... The world returned to normal order in a short time, and nothing seemed to happen.


In an unknown world community, the void vortex that has dissipated for a period of time appears again and takes shape, drawing the surrounding world to him.


A whispered whisper came out of the vortex of the void, and the sound contained extremely complex emotions, mainly unwillingness, anger, and a total incomprehension.

"Why so strong? It's eternal, why is it so much worse?"

The gravity of the Void Vortex has gradually increased, and its scope and scale have become larger and larger. However, compared to the previous Vortex Vortex, the Void Vortex is different now. Its center seems to have a bit of gold shining in it. Gorgeous.


"His Royal Highness, the Nether War is over!" Just as Muria was disturbed by the vision of the world, he finally got clear news. Outside of the Erasian community, those who pursued his grandmother came The Lords have all retreated, and this war is over.

"Is this over?" There was a feeling of loss in Muria's heart. This war, whether it happened or passed, or even the end, had nothing to do with him. He was even a bystander. No qualifications.

He can only get some scattered news, he can only piece together according to these pieces of broken news, fantasizing the whole process in his mind, and the results he imagined, he even has no place to verify.

"Yes, that's it!" Casio responded, and she responded to Muria's previous inquiry. "Master Muria, you said you want to watch the world digest the epic wreckage. Now there is a Better chance to know if you would like to go? "

"What?" Muria frowned, and frowned. "Casio, whatever you have to say, do it all at once, don't sell me."

"Observe, Your Highness! That ’s it, Hades, Hades, once forcibly captured a demon, and now that the war is over, he is going to use this demon, give it to the world, and create himself. God, this process is more intense than the world ’s digestion of the epic remains, may I ask if you would like to go and watch. "

"Of course I do," when he heard that Hades was preparing to offer an epic to the world, Muria quickly agreed, and how could he refuse such an opportunity in front of him.

"Then I will contact Hades, Pluto, and apply for a place for you!"


"There are other Titans who will also be notified. It should be more than one of you who will watch the sacrifice ~ www.readwn.com ~ When will I be able to go?" Muria asked.

"I don't know about this, you can only wait for the notice!"

"Hmm! I see."

… Already knowing the end of the Void War, Muria, with all her worries, continued to preside over the war against Xenapus with a look of anticipation.

For unknown reasons, the intensity of the war on the Xenaps subcontinent has been greatly reduced, and the number of times of the incarnation of the evil deities is close to none. It ’s just empty cities, and all the residents living in it have disappeared. It seems that all the evil gods have reached a consensus and are ready to abandon the evil **** paradise and no longer fight against Muria.

However, as his Majesty captured more and more territory, Muria's tasks became more and more burdensome. Even if he established a secretary who could handle a lot of things for him, he could free up more time for practice. Ministry, but there are still hundreds of important events that need to be handled by him personally every day.

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