Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 869: Who gives you courage?

"Aiolos, what a coincidence!"

As soon as Ielos stepped out of the gate of his home, he saw a little blond girl who greeted him with great enthusiasm. The pink-carved little girl had a pair of unusually prominent dragon horns on her forehead.

"Good afternoon, Eddie!" When seeing the little girl, Aiolosi showed eight white teeth and greeted him kindly. This little girl is a dragon man with the blood of the Golden Dragon. class.

"Let's go to school together!"

"Okay!" Although this coincidence has lasted from the first day the dragon girl knew him, Aiolos did not show the slightest strangeness.

"What a coincidence! You came here after dinner, and you all came here to guard a big noon!" Just when the dragon girl was happy, a clear voice came in and showed no mercy. Broke through what she called a coincidence.

"Aren't you the same?" The torn-down dragon girl, Eddie, wasn't embarrassed, but looked angrily at the girl who took down her stage. It was a girl with a pliable silver hair, but her ears followed Like ordinary humans, this is a half-elf half-elf.

"Every day at the door of Aerous's house, waiting, hum, pretending to be affectionate!"

"You!" The disassembled half-elf girl's face turned red instantly. She also wanted to hold back and create a more normal encounter on the road.

But the actual situation does not allow it at all. She dares to play this way. Even if she encounters Aerlos on the road, she will only see an Aerother surrounded by girls. She ca n’t even see her face.

"Good afternoon! Olena." At this time, Ayelos spoke to ease the embarrassment of the elf girl. "Everyone goes out on time. It is normal to run into each other on the road."

"Good afternoon, Aerlos!" This is, a girl bouncing up and down in a distant street ...

"Oh!" On the balcony on the second floor, Muria looked at her son who was guarded by a dozen girls and gradually went to school.

"Should this be restricted? It's not yet adolescent. That's it. If you go to junior high school, that's fine."

"What? You even want to seal your son's face?" Michelangela stood beside Muria, asking in the same mood, it was naturally a good thing that the son was welcomed by the opposite sex, but now this age It seems too early, but the problem is that she doesn't know how to deal with this matter, such things have never happened in the Blazing Protoss.

"Of course not, how could I deliberately ugly Aiolos!" Muria shook her head, and her eyes showed some distress. "Alas, all blame us, all have peerless looks, Aiolos just inherited us His face has such a huge charm. If I did n’t seal his bloodline power, he would now be more attractive to the opposite sex. "


"This boy is really ..." Muria opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but finally stopped again. He couldn't tell the envy of his son's treatment, and it wasn't like this.

"What is it?" Michelangela looked at Muria, and she was keenly aware of what her husband wanted to express.

"Ah, nothing!" Muria coughed, and then looked at Miguelella. "Now that Iolos is in fifth grade, he should leave the city when he finishes elementary school and junior high school. Going to a different high school. "


"He will leave us then."

"Can he go to high school in this city, isn't it your thing?"

"Oh, that's not okay. At that time, he will have to walk out of the city and go somewhere else," Muria said. Shengyan City is a safe development area for his son. After graduating from junior high school, Aiolos's first round of development is almost over. At that time, he should go shopping and set up mazes in other places.


"So, the two of us will be lonely by then ..."

"Just say what you want to say, what are you doing like this?"

"Mike, I want to have a daughter!"

"We can't give birth anymore."

"It's okay, look!" Muria stretched out her palms towards Michael, and three bright, radiant droplets were suspended in Muria's hands.

"They gave it to you?" Michelangela looked at these sources, and didn't even have to guess, to know where they came from.

"Yes, they all think that we only have one son. It's too few! I happen to think so too."

"So, you want to regenerate a daughter with source power?" Michelangela's eyes showed doubts. "But there are too many source powers, don't need so much!"

"Not one, but three. I want to have a triple daughter with you!" Muria said with a smile.


"What's going on? An earthquake?" Under the arch guards of a group of beautiful little girls, in the envious eyes of countless male students, Aeolus, who had just arrived at school, looked up at the ground that was shaking slightly, and his face showed doubt. .

However, the slightly turbulent city returned to calm soon, and then the notification about the cause of the earthquake was transmitted to all parts of the city. It is said that this is a ground dragon that came to the underground of Shengyan City, which caused this insignificant Earthquake. The earth dragon has been expelled here. You don't need to worry about a second earthquake.

Shengyan City, seven kilometers underground, has a clear and hard Muria on his face lying in the magma, only his head is exposed, and he can't help but breathe air, with a helpless expression on his face, "If you don't want to, just do it? You can't communicate well with your husband and wife?"

……one year later

"Since the maze of Saint-Yan has been discovered, more and more outsiders are in the city!" After school, Aiolos walking on the way home curiously looked at the pedestrians on the road, and said hello to every neighborhood neighbor he knew. He has lived here since elementary school. He knows every resident on the way to school.

Now the city of Shengyan, a year ago, after a huge underground maze next to the city was discovered, a large number of adventurers poured in from outside, and more and more strange faces in the city.

The arrival of these outside adventurers with blood and different temperaments refreshed Aerlos' perception of the outside world. He originally thought that other residents outside Shengyan City would follow his kind uncles on the way to school Like aunt, but in fact, it's not.

"What a powerful adventurer!" Ayelos saw a mighty knight on a giant tiger, wearing a heavy armor and carrying a sword, with a scar across his face. , Looks extremely fierce.

"Huh?" Kurt, who had just entered the city, noticed Aerous's gaze, and turned his head to look at him immediately. After noticing the young girl beside Aerous, his face suddenly showed a malicious smile. , "Hairs don't have Qi Qi, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing," when the strong man looked at him, Ai Luosi only felt a hungry tiger full of fishy snarling at him, but under this kind of spiritual repression, this little boy not only did not have Fearless, he took a step forward and stood in front of the scared little girls. "I think you're strong."

"Oh!" The little ghost wasn't scared by himself, and the smile on Kurt's face was even more distorted and exaggerated. "You little guts, you little, you know how to be a hero at such a young age, but you know when The price of a hero? "

Talking, this **** gangster with **** blood drove the mount under him towards Aeolus. He liked the look of these little **** kids being scared by him, but he was upset. The head-headed imp, he could not see the slightest fear on Aerous's face.

"Hey, I said, a little boy, what are you really doing with him? Give him a break, let's pass!" A slightly thick voice came and caught Kurt's attention!

"Uncle Bud!" Zhang Lai hands up, looking at the girl behind him behind Aerous looking from a butcher's shop, holding a pig-knife, wrapped in a dirty apron, pouting in his mouth The middle-aged uncle holding a cigarette suddenly called out.

"Xiao Ai, huh, you take these little girls behind you first, and the rest of the uncles to solve it!" Buter smiled, but at the feet of a group of frightened elementary school students, aura of courage was silent. The emergence of interestlessness dispelled the fear in the hearts of the little girls who were scared to run.


"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can handle this little thing!"

"Huh? Who are you? Who bothers me for your courage?" The villain Kurt looked at Butcher, and the hungry tiger that fell fell on the butcher who looked chubby and had a round body. .

"Me? Shengyan City, just an ordinary butcher!" The butcher, holding a pipe and wearing a bloodstained scarf, slowly walked towards this villain who was not easy to mess with at first sight.

"I want to ask you, who gave you the courage to dare to let the daughter of labor and capital go!"

"Talk to me like this, do you think you're impatient?" The villain Kurt took the handle of the sword behind him, and at the same time, the naked blood was flowing towards Butcher Bud, and he had already seen The extraordinaryness of this butcher came out.

"Huh? Do you just like to use people like that? Are you funny? This bit of flesh is under the suppression of the villain's flesh. Without a response, he turned his head slightly, and saw Aerlos carrying the group. After the little girl left the street and could not see the situation here, a stream of black and red blood flew from his body, instantly breaking the blood of the villain, and flooding him overwhelmingly ...

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