Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 870: Death is a luxury for you

"Wow!" Under the thick blood, the limbs of the giant tiger seated by the villain Kurt couldn't help bending, and his hind legs clamped his tail, making a deep whine.

"Master ... Master!" His evil spirit was completely defeated, and the body was lingering in the dark red blood, and it felt like he was trapped in a large mass of amber. At this moment, Kurt knew that he could be offended. Existence, a drop of cold sweat dripping from his ugly and fierce face, extruding an ugly smile, "Let's live!"

"Huh?" The butcher, holding a pig-knife, slowly walked towards the villain, "What are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly."

"Master, spare your life!" Under the weight of blood, the villain fell off his mount, but he fell to the ground and knelt on his knees, slamming his head on the stone.

"Don't you just be arrogant toward the daughter of labor and capital? Why not arrogant now? Go on!"

"My lord, I was blind and scared your daughter. I am willing to compensate and apologize, please let me go!" The evil man's head was slammed heavily on the slate, following the arrogant gesture he faced before Ioros. If two people.

"If the apology is useful, what do you have to do with the sword?" The butcher sneered. "If you can be tough with me to the end, I can still give you a glance, but now you look like a bully and a bravery, you can't help but think about it!"

"Are you really not willing to let me go?" The approaching butcher gangster looked up, and his eyes were fierce.

"Yes, that's the look, come on, if you want to resist, I will give you a chance." The butcher holding a pig-knife, a more smirk smile appeared on his face, the blood around him condensed into With one head after another, with sorrows of despair, these heads faintly condensed into some powerful demons.

These are the demons he killed by himself. The blood on his body was more than 20 years ago. He participated in the sweeping war against the Xenaps subcontinent. He was killed one by one. He is a saint. Cavaliers, but was awarded the title of Devil Butcher by Siempus.

"I ... don't dare." Originally in despair, a fierce villain had been inspired in his heart, and he looked up at the butcher's eyes, and the rebellion that had just risen suddenly disappeared.

Look at this guy's flesh. Compared with the butcher, he is like a pure little white rabbit without any threat.

"Waste!" The butcher cursed at the look of this guy, then grabbed his hair and dragged it towards a dark alley along the street.

"Please show mercy! Please!" The villain who was dragged to the ground by his hair sent a mournful mourning. He still had power. He still had the sword on his back, but he did not pull it out. Knife to the butcher's courage. Even if the butcher Baru was facing away from him.

"Don't be stubborn, Lao Tzu will not kill you, Lao Tzu hammers you out and vents himself!" The butcher who walked into the alley threw him against the wall, and hit a not shallow pit.

"Thank you for your compassion!" When the butcher said that he would not kill him, the evil man's face suddenly smiled.

"Don't thank the laborer, the laborer is just going to give you breath!" The butcher pinned the pig-knife in his hand to his waist, and then punched him hard with a punch, broken. Teeth mixed with blood splatter ...

"Yo, this big cat looks good!" When the villain was just dragged away by the butcher, the beast that was trembling with blood fluttered looked around, slowly straightened up, and was ready to slip away.

But the beast soon found out that it was in front of him when a thin man appeared, and when he saw the man standing in front of him, there was not a hungry tiger with little wisdom, and he roared.

With this roar, a rolling stench poured into the man's nasal cavity,

"This smell ..." The man sucked his nose, and showed a kind smile. The look at this giant beast became dangerous. "You have eaten people, and they are ordinary human beings."

"Roar!" The hungry tiger who felt uncomfortable with a smile instinctively bit his mouth at the man in front of it, ready to swallow it. Its owner is like this ghost, but you can imagine what it looks like. Goods.

"Exactly, my son is growing and needs some tiger bones to boil soup to supplement his body. My wife also lacks a coat. I also want to drink tiger whip!" I saw no action from this man, this hungry tiger The body shook twice, then fell to the ground, its eyes became dim, the breath of life quickly passed, and filthy blood flowed out of its seven tricks ...

"Stop!" The villain hit the wall, his eyes crooked, his armor was hammered into metal fragments, and scattered on the ground. His limbs were twisted and twisted abnormally. He fell to the ground, his chest slightly undulating. , Just like the butcher said, he's got a sigh of relief now.

"The body is okay, that is, people are a bit wasteful, and they have clearly broken through the gold, but they dare not fight against me! How can such waste like yours break through to gold?"

The butcher looked at the wicked villain lying on the ground for the rest of his life with relief, for him, he had already cultivated to this level, but he was so cowardly that he couldn't even imagine it.

At the beginning, when he first came to this continent, he was only at the gold level, but he encountered soul-level demons, evil things, and cultists during the war. He also used his weapon and cut it with a sword. .


A crisp crackling sound came, and a faint black field spread, covering this dark, but neat alley, and an unknown atmosphere haunted here.

"Hmm ..." Under the influence of the breath escaping from the cracks in the space, the villain's teeth could not help but tremble, and his throat made some dry roars. He was afraid, and he felt like he was Like a little white rabbit being stared at.

"This disgusting breath!" The butcher slowly inserted the butcher knife inserted into his waist, and in a holy light, this pig-knife covered with some dirty blood was slowly and instantly The extension became longer and became a thick and gorgeous big sword.

"Please calm down, Lord Demon Buter Baru!" The crack slowly expanded, and then a young brunette in an elegant dress stepped out of it. "Please allow me to introduce myself, Mabuchi, Mai Ers! "

"Sure enough, it's Moyuan." At the introduction of the devil, the coldness on the butcher's face suddenly disappeared. In fact, he had already guessed the identity of the other party. Based on the current situation, the normal devil from **** would never dare to appear in a core city such as Shengyan City. This was a death.

And the only thing that can appear in this city is the devil from Xinapus. These have already signed the most complete contract, completely selling their lives to the Lord of Xapous, betraying the devil of hell.

To these devil, the attitude of the butcher Baru is neither hostile, but he will not feel good. The reason why he is not hostile is because these devils who had turned to West Rappus used the same blood in the previous raid war. With the corpses proving themselves, in this war, these demons are the most fierce.

The reason for not being friendly to them is because they are demons and they are paladins, and their natural positions are different. If he discovers any changes in these demons, as a Paladin, he will kill them on the spot regardless of the consequences.

"What are you doing here?" The butcher stared blankly at this demon disguised as a human, and he felt vaguely that Myers' name seemed familiar.

"I appear here, naturally for a reason I should appear, and for my identity, every action must have sufficient basis."

"Then what is your basis for this action?"

"It's the stall under your feet. He's why I'm here this time."


"He just offended someone who shouldn't offend!" Myers said with a smile.

The butcher gave a slight glance, glanced at the underground villain, and did not hesitate to turn the war sword in his hand into a butcher knife, inserted it in his waist, and restored the look of the dangling man, and came out of this alley.

He did not ask who the offender had just offended. This was not something he should know, nor was it something he must know.

He is not a fool. After living in this city for so many years, he has already noticed many wrongs. For example, his neighbours are as strong as the number of them.

The city is a bit exaggerated, and maybe a leaf from a tree may hit three gold levels. Also, with the primary school and junior high school that the city is building together, its teachers seem to be a little too strong.

He sometimes goes to a parent meeting ~ www.readwn.com ~ The principals and grade directors can actually deter him and make his body tremble involuntarily. What kind of strength is this? The butcher can guess.

However, although he felt something wrong, he didn't say much. It didn't do any harm to him. What was he talking about so much?

What happened today has fully confirmed his previous speculation that the city was formed under the deliberate arrangement of a big man. His child still drank the light of a big man and enjoyed a wave of benefits.

... After the butcher left the alley, the villain instinctively struggled to get up and away from the devil in front of him, but soon, an invisible force acted on him, breaking all his limbs.

"Sir, forgive me!"

"Forgive me, don't ask me for mercy! Rest assured, you can't die, dare to insult that Highness! Death is a luxury to you!" Myers reached out with a smile to the villain, despairing at him In his eyes, he dragged him into the space crack and disappeared into the city ...

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